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''Try it.''

''I'm good, thank you.''

''No, you need to try it. This is the best omelette you'll ever taste.'' Yoongi insisted, his hand gripping onto Taehyung's trying to get him to take the fork onto which he manage to stab some of his omelette.

''But I hate mushrooms.'' Taehyung whined.

''So do I, except when I eat here.''

''I'll pass.''

''It's your loss.'' Yoongi pouted and let go of Taehyung's hand with a defeated sigh.

A frown tightened Taehyung's lips as he watched Yoongi pick at the omelette he refused to try. All Taehyung did was refuse to try the meal yet Yoongi looked like he had just insulted a drawing of his.

He couldn't stand the pout.

He took a deep breath and gave himself a mental reassurance that he will not die from biting into a mushroom. He reached out and grabbed the hand with which Yoongi was holding his fork and raised it to his lips; eating the big chunk he had been offered earlier.

''What are you doing?'' Yoongi questioned as Taehyung chewed his food, pretending he didn't feel the texture of that soggy mushroom on his tongue.

''Yeah, no. I'm sticking to French toast.'' He gave his final evaluation after forcing himself to swallow down the food and not spit it out.

It's not like Yoongi would notice, but he was raised better than to throw food away like that.

''You're just picky.'' Yoongi teased, the pout now replaced with a small smile.

''Excuse you? I grew up with a mother who used to tell me I'll get a blemish for every grain of rice I left on my plate. I'll literally eat anything.''

''Except mushrooms?''

''I was allowed to dislike one vegetable and one fruit.''

''Well that's... An interesting parenting tactic.''

''It worked though, no food ever went to waste.''

''What fruit did you pick?''



''The smell really sets me off. ''

''Understandable.'' Yoongi nodded his head. ''So that's the only two things you won't eat?''

''Yap.'' Taehyung nodded as well, despite Yoongi not being able to see him. ''What food do you hate?''

''Hmm...'' Yoongi thought for a bit. ''Coffee, I can't stand the taste, plus it makes me shaky. Also avocado... Mushrooms, if in any other dish besides this one... Tomatoes.''

''Wait, really? You hate tomatoes?''


''How? What's there to hate?''

''The taste, the texture, that slimey part.'' Yoongi's nose scrunched up as he spoke.

''So you don't like pizza?''

''I'm not a particular fan of it, yeah.''

''And you had the nerve to call me picky.'' Taehyung huffed dramatically.

''Okay, maybe I was hoping you're worse than me.'' Yoongi admitted with a sheepish smile.

''Aren't you happy that I'm not though?'' Taehyung grinned widely.


''Because I'll eat the food you don't like for you.''

''Why would you need to eat it for me though?''

''Well, I kind of like the idea of us going out to eat... Was kind of hoping we'll do it more often now... So if you accidentally order something and don't like it, I'll eat it without a worry.''

''We're going to go broke from eating out all the time.'' Yoongi chuckled to hide his nervousness, but Taehyung could still see his rosy cheeks and fidgety fingers.

''Or we do something else. Maybe go for walks, go to a concert, go shopping, maybe buy some new books for days when we feel too lazy to go out.''

''Is this all just a subtle hint that you want me to go outside more often?'' Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at Yoogni's comment.

He took the latter's hand into his own, their fingers intertwining almost instantly.

 It's just now occurred to Taehyung that it was the first time the pair held hands for the sole purpose of wanting to maintain physical contact. 

Of course, Yoongi has held his hand before when he needed Taehyung to guide him somewhere. But this time it felt different. Taehyung looked down at the male's hands. They were veiny and quite big for his size almost as big as his own. He had a small dent on his ring finger, Yoongi's mentioned before that his fingers got crooked due his habit of gripping his brushes in weird positions. 

''I'm actually hinting that I want to take you on more dates.'' Taehyung admitted, finding it much easier to say when Yoongi couldn't see how red his face was or how his leg wouldn't stop shaking.

''Oh...'' Yoongi seemed to be caught off guard by Taehyung's honesty, as for he didn't say anything in reply.

''I know it's fast... And trust me, you aren't the only one still getting over a past relationship. But... I wanna keep coming to see you and spend time with you, and we don't have to rush it or put any labels on it at all. I just... I think we can make something of this...''

''Thank you...'' Yoongi whispered, a relieved smile stretching over his lips.

''So what do you say?'' Taehyung didn't need a reply, Yoongi's expression already said enough. He continued to observe the sweet smile stretched over his lips. Even when Yoongi continued to eat he still watched and wondered.

Wondered what exactly attracted him to Yoongi so much.

''Aren't you gonna eat?'' Yoongi teased, not needing his sight to be able to tell Taehyung was staring. ''The toast will get cold.''

''Maybe I like my toast cold.'' Taehyung joked as he finally looked away.

''I wouldn't be surprised.'' Yoongi teased. ''Nothing really surprises me about you.''

''I wouldn't speak so soon if I were you...'' Taehyung held back a sigh and bit into his toast.

''Why?'' Yoongi cocked an eyebrow.

''You're... Not the only one with an unfaithful ex...''

''Oh...'' Yoongi's expression dropped. His eyes went wide, his jaw loosened up but his grip on Taehyung's hand tightened. 

''Except... I was the one he cheated with...''

''... Oh...'' Yoongi's grip tightened even more.

''I broke it off with him... And he broke up with his boyfriend... I don't know why I just told you this, it felt right that you know, I guess...''

''How about we have this talk some other time? I can tell it's a long story...'' On the contrary to Taehyung's expectations, Yoongi maintained his soft and caring tone of voice.

''I'm sorry, I just felt like you should know...''

''Thank you for telling me.'' 

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