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''I'm seriously fucking screwed.'' Taehyung groaned as he paced up and down his living room. The two males lying together on the couch snuggled in an embrace observed him as they tried to decide how to speak up.

''Was it that bad?'' Jungkook questioned with a raised brow.

''We spoke maybe five sentences each.'' Taehyung replied; his jaw once again tightened due to stress.

''Why?'' Jimin questioned. ''Since when are you a shy person, you always know how to keep the conversation going.''

''Well yes, but for that to happen a person must first actually want to have a conversation with me.'' Taehyung replied as he took his glasses off so he could freely rub his eyes.

''Wait, was he rude to you?'' Jungkook questioned.

''I don't even know what to call that behavior, but it most definitely wasn't friendly and welcoming.'' Taehyung replied as he made his way over to the couch and threw himself on it, landing on the couple's feet.

''Well what did he say?'' Jungkook questioned as he sat up on the couch so he could look Taehyung in the eye as he spoke.

''It's not about what he said, it's more about how he cut me off every time I tried to say anything or start a conversation.''

''How did he cut you off?'' Jimin sat up as well only to rest his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

''Well I tried to explain to him what I'm even doing in his apartment and he just asked if I could get him some water. Then when he was drinking, I tried to introduce myself and he just handed me the glass back and told me to go put it back in the kitchen so he doesn't knock it over. Then when he finally had nothing to cut me off with and I started talking again he just straight up, stood up and walked into the bathroom and didn't come out for like half an hour.'' Taehyung finished explaining.

''Maybe he was having indigestion...'' Jungkook tried to find a reason that would make Taehyung less upset.

''Or he could've been nervous.'' Jimin suggested. ''I mean, the poor guy can't see, doesn't know what goes on in his own apartment and suddenly you show up. He's never met you before, has no idea what your intentions are or what you could do to him. I'd be scared too you know.''

''Jimin has a point.'' Jungkook agreed.

''Okay, but how the hell am I going to finish a report about him when he's literally not giving me anything to work with.'' Taehyung sighed again. He made a mental reminder to unclench his jaw to let go of his stress.

''Give him some time to warm up to you.'' Jimin assured him with a supportive smile.

''Jimin, we don't have time.''

''Then make sure to be on your best behavior around him. Always be nice, make your voice sound friendly; ask if he needs help with anything and anywhere. It must be hard for him to trust people when he can't see them...''

''I think I'm in over my head with this one...'' Taehyung sighed.

''It's just day one, you have fourteen left, you can do this.'' Jungkook assured him as he gave him a pat on the shoulder. Taehyung tired his best not to react to the small act of affection, he wasn't used to Jungkook touching him when Jimin was around.

''Are you going to go see him again tomorrow?'' Jimin questioned, completely unfazed by his boyfriend's comforting pat.

''Yeah, after class.'' Taehyung ignored the look Jungkook tried to send him and focused his attention on Jimin instead.

''Good, don't lose hope. Maybe he'll be in a better mood tomorrow.'' Jimin smiled brightly.

''I really hope so.'' Taehyung agreed. ''I really don't know what I'll do otherwise.''

''Don't worry about it~'' Jimin sang as he patted his lap then shot off the couch. ''Well, I'm going to bed now. Kookie you coming?'' He questioned as he looked down at his boyfriend.

''I told you I can't stay over tonight, I have to be up at six tomorrow.'' Jungkook replied causing his boyfriend to pout. ''I'll come see you before I head to the nursing home, alright.'' And so the pout turned into a satisfied grin.

''Okay.'' Jimin agreed as he lowered himself down and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, leaving Taehyung with a bitter taste in his mouth, as he looked away from the scene occurring in front of him. ''I'm still gonna go to sleep though, I'm really tired.''

''Okay, sleep well baby, I love you.''

''I love you too.'' Jimin murmured as he pressed another kiss to his boyfriend's lips. ''Good night Tae. Don't stress yourself too much over this.'' He then murmured as he hugged his best friend as well.

''Night Chim.'' Taehyung returned the hug and watched as the tired male wobbled to his bedroom. 

As soon as the doors close shut, Jungkook leaned in closer to him.

''Weren't we supposed to meet after your classes?'' He whispered into Taehyung's ear.

''Kook, I really can't right now. I gotta finish this assignment first.'' Taehyung sighed, not in the mood to argue.

''Fine... Could've told me before...'' Jungkook sighed as he stood up from the couch. ''I should get going now. I took a morning shift for you...'' He murmured before crouching down and pulling Taehyung into a kiss.

''Then spend that time with your boyfriend instead.'' Taehyung murmured as Jungkook pulled away from the kiss and walked away, leaving him alone on the couch with an even more bitter aftertaste. 

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