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It was late at night when Taehyung left Yoongi's apartment.

The other male and him ended up talking for several more hours, never seeming to be at a loss for an interesting topic to discuss. 

They were so indulged in their conversation, they forgot the time which resulted in Yoongi beginning to grow tired. Taehyung of course noticed and decided it was time to leave. He wished Yoongi a good night and left the apartment.

But unlike Yoongi, he for some reason didn't feel even the slightest bit tired. In fact, he was feeling quite energetic and refreshed. Which left him with the amazing idea to make a quick detour before heading home. 

All it took was a few dozen texts to make that possible, but in the end he still got what he wished for.

He rushed up the stairs and down the long hallway; his steps feeling light and bouncy as he made his way over to the apartment door. The male was already waiting for him in the hallway. He stood in front of his door, his hands crossed over his chest, hiding his bare upper half.

Taehyung inspected his appearance as he made his way over. Messy hair, puffy eyes, the sweatpants he tends to wear to bed. He really had been asleep when Taehyung texted him. 

''What the hell are you doing here?'' He whispered so they wouldn't wake the neighbors.

''I missed you.'' Taehyung smiled brightly as he approached the grumpy male. He wanted to pull him into a kiss as a way of greeting him, but chose not to when he noticed the furrowed eyebrows and pouty lips.

Taehyung seemed to be the only person still high in spirits and energy.

''Sure, now I'm good to spend time with.'' Jungkook rolled his eyes in reply and leaned his shoulder against the wall, refusing to give in to Taehyung's cheerful mood. ''You don't even check on me all week long, but suddenly that you're bored and want attention from someone, you think you can just come here and I won't be mad.''

''But you still buzzed me in, didn't you...'' Taehyung smiled sweetly as he nudged the other's shoulder, earning a glare in return. ''Oh c'mon, don't give me that look. You know I didn't do it on purpose. I know you're not really mad at me, you wouldn't have answered my texts if you were mad.'' Still nothing. ''Kookie...'' Taehyung pouted as he stepped closer to the male. ''Would it make you feel better if I told you the old lady from two stories down didn't let me take the elevator with her so I had to take the stairs?'' Jungkook tried to bite down his smile but failed miserably, giving Taehyung a hint that it was now okay to kiss him.

And Taehyung instantly took the chance. He cupped the other's cheek with one of his hands, while he used the other to lean on the wall and pulled Jungkook into a sweet kiss, causing the latter to smile into the kiss.

''I'm sorry...'' He whispered as they pulled away. ''I'm just spending all my time at Yoongi hyung's. I promise I'll spend more time with you when I finish this assignment, okay?''

Jungkook just rolled his eyes in a playful manner then grabbed Taehyung's wrist and pulled him inside the apartment. Their lips reconnected for another kiss, Jungkook's arms wrapped around his neck and Taehyung pulled him closer by gripping onto his waist.

''We have to be quiet.'' Jungkook whispered into the kiss. ''Or Ryujin will hear us and wake up.''

''She's here?'' Taehyung whispered back as he allowed the latter to lead him into his room.

''Yeah, and I prefer not to wake her, she has a morning shift and will kill me if she doesn't get enough sleep.'' Jungkook whispered as he took Taehyung's hand and pulled him into his room before closing the door and locking it.

He pushed Taehyung down on the bed, making him sit down on the edge.

''How's the assignment going?'' He questioned as he crouched down in front on him and pressed a kiss to his lips while multitasking unbuttoning his shirt.

''Okay...'' Taehyung whispered as he tilted his head to the side, giving Jungkook access to his sweet spot. He closed his eyes in pleasure as he felt the male press kisses down his neck while unbuttoning his shirt. ''He's gotten much more talkative, and he's actually a really cool person to talk to.''

''Really?'' Jungkook questioned as he pressed a kiss to Taehyung's chest.

''I just have to find a way to explain to him that I'll be using his information in an assignment though...'' Taehyung sighed, but before he could even begin to worry, Jungkook's managed to distract him once again when Taehyung's shirt fell to the ground and Jungkook's lips moved further down his stomach.

He felt the latter's hand unbutton his jeans and undo his zipper. A small moan escaped his lips as he felt the latter lick along his happy trail before palming his member.

''I'm sure you'll figure something out. You're good at getting what you want.'' Jungkook smirked as he looked back up at him.

''You think?'' Taehyung smirked as he caressed the latter's cheek.

''Well you managed to get me, despite the circumstances we're under. Didn't you?''

''Did I though?'' Taehyung questioned, starting to feel that bitter aftertaste inside his mouth again.

Jungkook didn't answer his question. Instead, he smiled that sweet smile of his and pushed him back so he could lie down on the bed, then proceeded to slide down his boxers and continue what he had been doing.

Taehyung's hands found their way to Jungkook's hair and tangled them between the long messy locks as he once again closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax due to Jungkook's sweet touch. 

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