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The apartment was quiet as usual.

Yoongi's room had been close shut, leaving Seokjin alone in the living room. He had been reading one of his friend's favorite books, when a buzzing noise disturbed his peace.

He stood up from the couch in attempt to spot out where the noise had been coming from. When he noticed the male's cellphone on the floor by the edge of the couch.

He quickly picked it up and answered the unknown caller ID.

''Hello?'' He spoke into the phone.

''Hi, is this Min Yoongi?''

''No, but he's in the next room.'' Seokjin replied. He didn't plan on offering to go get Yoongi so the unknown male could speak to him. Yoongi hasn't spoken to anybody but him and Namjoon since the accident, there was no way he was going to speak to a random stranger over the phone. ''Who is this?''

''Oh, my name's Kim Taehyung, I'm calling because of the... job offer. My friend told me you need somebody to help care for him, I think I might be suitable for that job.''

''Aha...'' Seokjin glanced back over to his friend's bedroom, making sure it was really closed then rushed into the kitchen so he could continue his phone call on the balcony, where Yoongi couldn't hear him. ''That's great, could we meet somewhere in person. Are you free tomorrow?''


''Great, then I'll text you when and where we can meet and I'll tell you everything you should know then.''

''Okay, thank you so much.''

''I should be the one thanking you, but alright.'' And so the conversation ended.

Seokjin quickly typed the male's number into his own phone and texted him the café and the time they should meet.

He made his way back inside the apartment and into the living room, where he flinched in fear when he noticed his friend was in the room as well.

''You fucking scared me.'' Seokjin gasped as he grabbed onto his chest.

''Sorry...'' Yoongi murmured, his hand lingering over a keyboard of his piano, but he didn't press down on it. Just sighed sadly.

''What did he say?'' Jungkook questioned as Taehyung hung up the phone call.

The other male spun around and smiled brightly as he threw his hands in the air, causing Jungkook to smile as well.

''I'm meeting him tomorrow so he can tell me everything in person.'' Taehyung replied as he made his way back over to his bed, where Jungkook had been sitting.

''With Yoongi?'' Jungkook questioned as the male walked over to him. He grabbed onto his hips and pulled him closer so he was standing between his legs.

''No, his friend, he's gonna tell me everything I need to know about going there.'' Taehyung explained, his hands automatically cupping Jungkook's cheeks.

''You're welcome for that.'' Jungkook grinned brightly. ''Now, where's my thank you?''

''You should get going, before Jimin comes back...'' Taehyung frowned as he said the last part.

''He won't be home for at least two hours, and you know it.'' Jungkook tried to persuade him, his hands moving from Taehyung's waist to his belt. ''Don't give me that look.'' He unbuckled it then undid the male's pants. ''I know you love this.'' He raised his shirt up enough to press a kiss to his stomach causing the other male to sigh.

Taehyung's hands tangled between his hair as he started kissing down his stomach, his hands slid beneath his shirt and gripped on his sides. 

''You can pretend not to care all you want, but I know you want me.'' Jungkook whispered, his lips brushing over Taehyung's skin.

With an eye roll, Taehyung gave in and pushed him back so he could get on top of the male and kiss him. Jungkook smirked proudly, as the pair broke the kiss so Taehyung could take Jungkook's shirt off. Jungkook raised himself up to help Taehyung and cradled Taehyung's face with one of his palms while the other took off the male's glasses. 

He reached over to Taehyung's nightstand to place them down, then pulled Taehyung back in for a hungry kiss as he pulled the male on top of himself. 

''You need to stop doing this...'' Taehyung murmured between kisses. His mind said one thing, but his body was doing the exact opposite. 

''I'll stop as soon as you do.'' Jungkook whispered back, that proud smirk of his not going away anytime soon. He watched Taehyung raise himself up and take his shirt off. ''Who am I kidding...'' He chuckled as his hand trailed down the male's stomach until he reached the waistband of Taehyung's boxers and hooked his index finger inside. ''We're not gonna stop.''

Taehyung didn't reply.

Instead, he ignored Jungkook's comment and lowered himself back down to kiss him again. The latter's legs wrapped around his torso and pressed them together. 

He was well aware that what Jungkook said was the truth, which is why it made him feel all that more guilty when he kissed him while wishing he didn't have to share him with his best friend.

''We should though...'' Taehyung whispered back, but got ignored when Jungkook kissed him again. ''Or at least choose which one you want.'' 

''Give me more time.'' Jungkook panted as Taehyung moved his lips to Jungkook's neck. ''Just a bit more...''

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