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Thud, thud.

A loud knock echoed through the empty apartment.

''Yoongi? Are you up?'' A voice called out from the entrance room, unaware that nobody had heard them.

The said male sat by the table on his balcony. A pair of sunglasses rested on the bridge of his nose and his morning robe draped over him, keeping him warm as the cool breeze blew his hair around. He took another sip of his tea, which he had succeeded in making all by himself.

''Yoongi!'' The voice much louder this time, reached the said male.

''Outside!'' He shouted in reply as he placed his cup back on the table.

He listened closely to hear if anybody had heard him.

''Yoongi?!'' Finally, Yoongi could identify the voice as Namjoon's.

''I'm outside!'' Yoongi shouted in reply.

He didn't feel like getting up, the weather felt far too nice to get back into that stuffy apartment of his.

''Yoongi.'' Namjoon's voice shouted, close enough for Yoongi to know he had stepped out on the balcony as well. ''What are you doing?''

''Enjoying my breakfast.'' Yoongi replied with a small smile stretched over his lips.

''Are you feeling okay?''

''Yeah? Why?''

''I don't know... Just didn't expect you to be up already... Or actually sitting out here... Or eating to be honest... Is Tae here?''

''No.'' Yoongi chuckled at his confused friend. ''But he did say he's coming over for dinner.''

''So you're free right now?'' Namjoon questioned.

''Are you feeling okay, Joon? Yeah I'm free, when am I ever not free.''

''Just making sure I don't spoil any plans for you and Tae.''

''Okay... Why is it you want me free right now?''

''Well...'' Namjoon trailed off as he shut the balcony door, making sure none of their conversation could be heard inside the apartment. ''I don't really know how to tell you this... And I'm begging you not to flip.''


''I don't think you know... Or really care anymore. But... A certain someone's been released from the hospital today...''

Namjoon observed Yoongi's stone cold expression, he wasn't sure how he'd react but he was prepared for anything.

''Where is he?'' Yoongi questioned; his tone of voice still surprisingly calm.

''Please don't be mad... Jinnie and I tried to tell him, but he kept on insisting and he wouldn't leave with us until we agreed we'd take him here.''

''You brought him here?'' Yoongi gritted trough his teeth.

''He's in the living room with Jinnie, he just wants to see you.'' A dry chuckle escaped Yoongi's lips.

''Thank God I don't have the ability to do the same.''

''You don't have to be long... Just come with me listen to what he has to say and then for all I care, you can kick him out.''

''I already know what he's gonna say, and I am really not in the mood to have my morning ruined by one of his shit excuses and empty promises about how he's changed.''

''Yoongi, you two could've died...'' Namjoon sighed. ''At least end it properly... For your own good.''

It took Yoongi a few moments to think over his decision. But in the end, he let out a heavy sigh and raised his hand up for Namjoon to take.

''You seriously made yourself breakfast and got out here completely by yourself, yet I still gotta guide you?''

''You serve more as mental support and a restraint in case I suddenly want to slap him but can't find his face.'' Yoongi murmured in reply as Namjoon opened the door for him.

He stepped back into the apartment and waited for Namjoon to retake his hand.

He could already hear chatter coming from the living room. His legs went numb when he heard the sound of his voice and he wanted to stop or run away but Namjoon continued to pull him forward.

''Look who I found.'' Namjoon announced their arrival.

Yoongi felt as if he was about to faint, the room went completely silent, the only thing he could hear was the sound of his own heart pounding out of his chest.

''Where were you?'' Seokjin broke the silence.

''He was having breakfast outside on the balcony.'' Namjoon replied, knowing Yoongi wouldn't.

''Wait, is Taehyung here too?'' Seokjin questioned.

''No.'' Yoongi murmured a reply. ''I just felt like eating outside.''

''But you hate the sun.'' Hoseok's voice finally filled his ears sending shivers down his spine.

''Actually, now that I can't see it anymore, I've grown to like it.'' He snapped back as if it was a reflex.

''Why don't we sit down.'' Namjoon suggested, already guiding Yoongi over to the sofa.

Yoongi sat down, but still didn't let go of Namjoon's hand, making the latter pry it away.

''Alright... Jinnie, why don't we go make some tea for all of us while you two chat for a bit.''

''That's a great idea... We'll be right back.''

The two male's disappeared in a split second, leaving the ex-lovers to sit in silence, one staring at his lover like a sad puppy, and the other trying to figure out where the male even was.

''So you really can't see?'' Hoseok spoke up causing Yoongi to nod in reply.

''You really can't walk?''

''Not for at least two more months.'' Hoseok confirmed. ''How come the glasses?''

''Just... Felt like wearing them...'' Yoongi shrugged.

There was a brief silence, Yoongi heard some kind of squeak but he couldn't identify what had caused it. Until he felt Hoseok's hand take his own.

''Can I?'' Hoseok questioned as he gripped the frame of the glasses. Yoongi only nodded in reply, too distressed to do anything else.

Hoseok took off the sunglasses and placed them down on the sofa. He looked at his former lover with a tight frown tugging at the corners of his lips.

''I-I hope you know... Th-that I-I-That I never wanted to hurt you, Yoongi.''

Yoongi felt Hoseok's grip on his hand tighten, but he didn't respond, he just smiled sadly trying his best to hold back his tears.

''It really didn't look that way, you know.'' And so the first tear fell from his eye.

''Baby I am so sorry.'' Hoseok cried out.

He let go of Yoongi's hand, only to wrap his arms around him and pull him into a hug.

''I am so, so sorry... I know that won't fix anything, but I-I regret everything I did. I don't even know why I did it... We were so good, and I just couldn't cherish what we had. I ruined everything for us...''

Yoongi didn't return the embrace, but he couldn't help but bury his head in the crook of Hoseok's neck. A bittersweet sensation settled on his tongue as he cried, wrapped inside the embrace he once considered home. 

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