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It was a bit past five in the morning.

The sun hasn't even risen yet, all the blinds were still closed shut, the apartment still dead silent, but no longer asleep. There was a strong scent of coffee coming from the kitchen, making it slightly easier for Taehyung to leave the bed.

He pushed his aching body into a sitting position and rubbed his tired eyes, wishing the dry sensation would stop. He placed his glasses on his nightstand and closed his laptop, then finally decided to get up.

As soon as he stood up, he felt the room spin and the pain in his stomach worsen. He'd been experiencing this ache all night long, but chose to ignore it for a bit longer, knowing he'll soon be able to get some food.

He stretched out his arms, feeling his back and arms crack then made sure to also pop his neck before leaving his bedroom and making his way into the kitchen.

''Good morni-holy shit!'' Jimin's sweet greeting quickly turned into a shocked shout once he finally laid eyes on his roommate. ''Sleep deprivation is not a good look on you.''

His messy hair, bloodshot eyes, pale complexion and overall tired expression made him resemble some kind of zombie, causing his friend to worry for his health.

''Are you feeling okay?''

''Physically or mentally, because both are a no from me.'' Taehyung replied as he made his way over to the counter and poured himself some of the coffee his friend had just brewed for the two of them.

''Did you not finish your assignment?'' Jimin's eyes were wide and filled with worry as he watched Taehyung take a big gulp of the steaming hot coffee. The male didn't wince even slightly, just exhaled then looked him in the eye again.

''I did... With two minutes to spare actually, but then I had to put together my presentation and memorize it.'' Taehyung explained as he grabbed two pieces of bread and placed them inside the toaster while taking another sip of his only source of energy for the day.

''Shit, right, you have it today...'' Jimin remembered. ''Did you even sleep?''

''No.'' Taehyung shook his head then raised himself up to sit down on the counter. ''What about you, did you manage to finish it on time?''

''Yeah, I sent it to her at like seven then started working on my presentation.''

''You have it next week, right?''

''Yeah.'' Jimin nodded as he finally looked away from his friend and continued the task of spreading jam on his toast.

''Lucky.'' Taehyung sighed and rubbed at his eyes, wishing the dry sensation would stop.

''Well, at least you'll be done with it today and won't have to worry about it anymore.'' Jimin tried to think of the bright side.

''If she passes me.''

''Of course she will, you're amazing at presentations, she'll love it.''

''Jimin, I know I always say my work is half-assed, but trust me it's never been this bad before. I can't even remember making the last three slides 'cause I was so out of it.''

''You'll pass.''

''I really do hope so.'' Taehyung nodded his head then took another sip before realizing he had already ran out of coffee. ''Do we have any more of that?''

''Here.'' Jimin offered as he grabbed the kettle. Taehyung extended his hand allowing Jimin to pour him more coffee and took another sip. ''Anyway, as I was saying, you are going to ace the presentation today, because you are a diamond, and how are diamonds created?''

''Under severe pressure.'' Taehyung sighed the reply then chugged half the cup down.

''Exactly. And then you'll come home, we'll cook something to eat and then you'll go to bed and you'll sleep for as long as you like without another worry in the world, because you'll be done with this semester.''

''I can't, I'm going to Yoongi hyung's after class.'' Taehyung shook his head in reply as he took another sip of coffee, finally starting to feel the caffeine kicking in.

''But... You've finished the assignment?'' Jimin's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

''So? That doesn't mean I'll stop visiting him.''

''Wait, are you for real right now?''

''Why wouldn't I be?''

''Nothing... it's just... you don't have to go there anymore, you know...''

''I know. But I want to.''

''Does he even know you used him for the assignment?''

''I didn't use him. Of course he knows, I asked him the other day and he said I should feel free to ask him anything I needed to know.'' Taehyung gritted through his teeth and he gripped onto his coffee mug.

''Then why are you going back there?''

''I already told you, because I want to go back there, because I like spending time with him.''

''Tae, you literally didn't sleep all night so you could finish this assignment, because you were busy taking care of him during the day.''

''Just seconds ago you were giving me all that diamond pep-talk, why are you suddenly like this?''

''Because I thought you were gonna go back to normal now? You know, actually spend some time with your friends... Do something other than make sure he doesn't trip and fall or knock something over.''

''That was mean.''

''I'm over-exaggerating a bit, okay.''

''You're over-exaggerating a lot. He's my friend too, I'm not there to be his nanny, I actually happen to like spending time with him.''

''Don't... Don't tell me you... like him?''

''He's a cool person to hang out with, yes I like him.''

''You know what I meant.'' Jimin sighed. ''Do you have feelings for him?''

And with that, Taehyung decided it was time to get ready for school. He jumped off the counter and made his way into the bathroom, slamming the doors shut just to prove a point.

''Tae, come back, you need to eat something! This isn't good for you stomach!''

He no longer cared about the coffee or his breakfast, causing Jimin to jump in fear once the toast popped out of the toaster.

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