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''What about Gnossienne number one?''

''Never learnt that one.''

''Really? That's like my favorite, you've never heard it?''

''I've heard it before, just never learned how to play it.'' Taehyung replied as he made his way back into the living room with two glasses of water.

''It's fun to play, I like it, it's playful but still hard enough for my liking.'' Yoongi spoke; unaware that Taehyung had offered him a glass of water.

''Hyung, reach your hand out please.'' Taehyung held back an embarrassed groan once he realized he had once again forgotten Yoongi can't see when he offers him something.

The male slowly extended his hand, a nervous expression now plastered over his face. 

Taehyung wrapped his hand around the male's wrist and placed the glass into his hand. He didn't let go of it yet, making sure Yoongi grabbed onto it first, completely unaware how much he had just scared the older male.

''Th-thanks...'' Yoongi murmured, trying to hide his shakiness by gripping onto the glass with both of his hands and taking a small sip. ''What about Nocturne?''

''Actually, can we stop for today, my hands aren't used to playing this much anymore.'' Taehyung chuckled lightly as he sat down on the couch.

''Right, sorry, I just get so into it.'' Yoongi admitted with a small smile. ''You're really good you know. I wouldn't believe you stopped playing if you hadn't told me that before.''

''You're just saying that...'' Taehyung couldn't help but blush upon hearing the older compliment him.

''No, I really do mean it.'' Yoongi argued. ''You play with such ease, I'm blind but I can tell how much you enjoy yourself when you do it. And your singing... You have an amazing voice. It's really a shame you chose to forget your dreams.''

''Well, I had no choice...'' Taehyung sighed, trying to not to frown at the thought.

''There's always a choice.'' Yoongi argued. He finished his glass of water and extended his hand out so Taehyung could take the glass away and place it on the coffee table. ''I remember when my parents wanted me to follow their dreams and not my own.''

''What did they want you to do?'' Taehyung questioned. He rested his chin on his palm, staring at Yoongi as he spoke immersed in the story he was about to tell him.

''They wanted me to become a businessman.'' Yoongi chuckled. ''I don't blame them, I was a good student, great at math, always top of my class, great exam scores, I could've gone to any college I wished. And it paid well, they wouldn't have to worry about me going broke.''

''Were they mad when you told them you were going to be an artist?''

''Surprisingly... They weren't as angry as I thought they would be. It was more a matter of 'how are you going to make money' and 'shouldn't you proceed this as a hobby while working a real job', but I proved them wrong.'' Yoongi nodded slightly.

A proud smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he spoke and Taehyung couldn't help but smile brighter when he noticed.

''Are they proud of you now?''

''Now that I cleaned up my act? Yes, you could say so. My mother cried when they came to see my first exhibition.'' Yoongi chuckled lightly.

''If you don't mind me asking... What did you mean with 'now that I cleaned up my act'?''

''Well, you see, Taehyung. I think every artist has this vision that they'll change the word with their art. They want to test how far they can go, how much they can provoke the people with what they do... I was no exception to that.'' Yoongi chuckled. ''It even got me arrested once or twice.''

''Really?'' Taehyung's eyes went wide with surprise. ''What did you do, hyung?''

''You're...'' Yoongi chuckled at the memory. ''You might not find it to be all that much, considering it was years ago and there's been much greater things done already, but... I painted a few murals around town supporting the LGBTQ movement. I painted everything from two guys having intercourse to a man dressing up as a woman... And a few times they caught me.'' Yoongi admitted with a shy smile.

''That's amazing, not that you got arrested of course, but that you painted these things.'' Taehyung spoke, his eyes bright with excitement and a wide grin painted over his lips.

''Yeah... But that's years ago, I was still a teenager at the time. My parents had to come bail me out of jail.''

''Were they supportive of your... movements?'' Taehyung wanted to know. But he made sure to choose his words well, not wishing to sound insensitive.

''They don't really care all that much about my orientation, just wonder why exactly I have to start a revolution at least twice a day to be happy.'' Yoongi smiled fondly at what he said, Taehyung figured he must've quoted one of his parents.

''If you don't... Mind me asking. What exactly is... your orientation?''

''What is yours?'' Yoongi suddenly smirked, catching Taehyung off guard. ''Your voice got so cheerful the second I mentioned the murals, so you're either not straight yourself, or someone really close to you isn't.''

''Both, actually...'' Taehyung admitted. ''My... best friends are a couple and I... well I'm still figuring out if I'm bisexual or gay.''

''How old are you again?''

''Twenty-two.'' And with that Yoongi just smiled warmly again.

''Don't stress about it, you have your whole life to figure that out.''

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