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''I'm not doing this.'' The infamous line, Min Yoongi couldn't even last a day without using.

''Yoongi, you may not be able to see your reflection anymore, but that doesn't mean you should be fine with the way you look...'' Namjoon replied as he observed the male's hobo-like appearance as Yoongi sat in the barber's chair.

His hands were gripping on the armrests and he didn't allow the barber to even touch his shoulders to get him to rest his back against the chair.

''What's that supposed to mean?'' The male snapped back, his bird's nest of a haircut hiding his displeased expression.

''I can tell you haven't brushed your hair in over a month with just one glance at you.''

''That sounds like your problem, not mine.'' Yoongi refused to back down; not letting a stranger touch his hair, or him in general.

''Jinnie, help me.'' Namjoon pleaded as he looked across the room at his friend, whom was in the middle of a few final tweaks at his hair to make sure it was nice and even.

''Yoongi, this nice gentleman is just trying to do his job and fix your hair. Could you please cooperate.'' Seokjin spoke up as his hairdresser spun his chair around and took his cape off, allowing him to walk over to his friends. ''I just got my hair cut, you're in good hands. I promise.''

Yoongi didn't reply straight away, he bit into his lips to over-think the cons and pros then gave the pair a small nod and replied.

''You owe me lunch.'' And so the pair knew he gave in.

''He's all yours.'' Namjoon smiled at the barber whom responded with a quick nod.

''Alright, do we give you a clean shave as well?'' He questioned, observing the male's overgrown facial hair.

''Absolutely not!'' Yoongi instantly shook his head. ''Touch my hair all you want but you're not coming near my face with a razor.''

''It's still progress.'' Namjoon whispered when he saw Seokjin roll his eyes.

And so the males sat back down in the waiting room and watched as the barber led their blind friend to the sinks to try and untangle his hair by washing it first. 

They both knew this was going to take a while.

''I hate this.'' Yoongi murmured for the third time since they've sat down in the restaurant.

''You look great.'' Namjoon assured him as he took another look at the male's appearance.

Due to Yoongi's lack of hair maintenance, the hairdresser suggested to simply shave the knots.  Which resulted in him now sporting an undercut in the back and a short bowl-cut reaching just above his eyebrows. 

''I look stupid. I probably look like that one asshole that doesn't take his sunglasses off even when he's inside.'' The male murmured as he tapped his index finger against the table so he wouldn't chew on his nails.

Feeling far too vulnerable and exposed with his hair no longer covering his face, Yoongi felt the need to put on his sunglasses. He refused to take them off no matter where they went, ignoring the fact that they were beginning to feel uncomfortable. 

''I'm pretty sure nobody cares that you have sunglasses on.'' Seokjin spoke up, staring down at his plate as he continued cutting the food up into bite-size pieces for his friend.

''I do.''

''Then take them off.'' Namjoon encouraged.

''No... Then people think I'm staring at them...''

''We're alone, you can take the sunglasses off if you don't want to wear them.'' But they stayed on the bridge of Yoongi's nose.

''No, I probably have a lazy eye or something...'' Yoongi sighed.

''Here's your food.'' Seokjin spoke up, completely ignoring his friend's comments. He placed the plate with the already cut up food in front of Yoongi and handed him a fork so he could begin eating. ''Eat up, it's already cut up.''

''You don't have to baby me like this you know.'' Yoongi frowned.

''You don't mind it when Taehyung cuts up your food.'' Yoongi didn't reply, instead he stabbed his fork at his plate in attempt to get some food.

''Taehyung gets paid to cut up my food... That's different.'' 

''No he doesn't?'' Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. 

''You don't pay him?!'' Yoongi snapped at Seokjin.

''I've tried, he refuses to take. Says he shouldn't be paid for freely hanging out with you.'' 

''Is... Is he coming over tomorrow?'' He questioned, trying his best to not sound affected by the newly learned information. 

''I don't know, call him and ask.'' Yoongi just shook his head in reply.

''Why not?'' Namjoon questioned. ''You can use your phone by talking to it. I showed you how to call people, you can do it.''

''It's not that.'' Yoongi waved his hand at the pair, as in a way to dismiss the conversation.

''Then what is?'' Seokjin questioned anyway.

''I don't wanna bother him.'' Yoongi shrugged it off like it was nothing, but his friends saw right through him. ''He has a life of his own you know... I doubt he wants to see me every day.''

''You're worried he's getting tired of you?'' Seokjin questioned, Yoongi just shrugged in reply as he fished at his plate for a piece of meat to stab.

''I know he's not tried, or at least he'll never show it when he's with me... But, I don't know, I've been thinking... He spends so much time at my place, do I take up too much of his free time?''

''That's his own choice, though.'' Namjoon spoke up. ''If he didn't want to spend time with you he wouldn't be coming over every day. Didn't you hear us earlier, he doesn't think of coming to see you as a job.''

''He probably just pities me.''

''Now you're just over-thinking.'' Seokjin spoke up. ''You know damn well that's not the case, it's so obvious every time I come over. I can see how fond you two are of each other.''

''I can't.'' Yoongi sighed, but instead of continuing to frown and feel sorry for himself he did something unexpected. He smiled softly and finished. ''I can feel it though.''

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