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''Is there anything else I need to know before I meet him?'' A nervous looking Taehyung questioned as he trailed behind Seokjin like a lost puppy.

Seokjin paused for a moment to think if there is any other warning he should be giving the male, but decided he should figure it out for himself.

''Not that I can think of.'' He replied then proceeded to walk down the hall to get to his friend's apartment. ''Oh, and before you enter always knock twice so he knows someone's coming in and doesn't get scared.'' Taehyung made a mental note to remember that and quickly nodded his head.

He watched as Seokjin knocked on the door then unlocked it.

''Yoongi?!'' He called out for the male as he walked inside making Taehyung follow. ''Are you awake?''

''Yeah.'' There was a faint reply coming from the other side of the apartment.

It was just now that Taehyung began to wonder what Yoongi looks like. He walked into the living room and scanned it.

Several paintings of all sizes decorated the walls. They were bright, full of color and surrealistic designs. In the middle of the room stood a dark green couch, but surprisingly there was no TV, several bookshelves took up an entire wall and a piano was placed in the corner of the room.

''I'll go drag him out of his room.'' Seokjin smiled at him before disappearing down the hall to where Taehyung figured was Yoongi's room.

Taehyung walked over to the piano, he brushed his fingertips over the keyboard and sighed. It's been ages since he's last played.

''Okay, now before you get mad at me, I'm just going to tell you to behave because you have a guest.'' He heard Seokjin's voice coming from down the hall.

He turned back around and saw the male making his way back into the living. This time with another male holding onto his forearm.

That must've been Yoongi. 

Compared to Seokjin's height, he was much shorter and smaller in general. Dark messy bangs covered his forehead and eyes, but then again it's not like that was any issue for him. His hand gripped onto Seokjin tightly while his free hand brushed over the walls, most likely to give him a sense as to where exactly he was.

''You what?'' His voice was not what Taehyung had expected. It was much deeper and quite husky, not exactly matching his appearance.

''Yoongi meet your new friend, he's going to be keeping you company while I'm at work.'' Seokjin continued to speak as he led his friend into the center of the living room.

''Hi...'' Taehyung finally spoke up causing the male to flinch slightly.

''Shit, you weren't joking...'' Yoongi murmured to himself.

''I'm Kim Taehyung.'' Taehyung smiled brightly as he went to extend his hand for a handshake, only to realize what he had done a second later when Seokjin sent him a look.

''Your voice is really deep.'' Yoongi murmured quietly.

''Thank you?'' Taehyung replied, uncertain if it was a compliment or not.

''Well... I have a few errands to run. I'll be back in an hour. In the meantime... Why don't you two get to know each other.'' Seokjin spoke up as he took Yoongi's hand off his forearm and guided it over to Taehyung causing both of the males to stiffen upon coming into contact. ''This is Taehyung's hand, you'll get used to it.''

Taehyung looked over to Seokjin with a panicked expression, but the other male just sent him a thumbs up and smiled.

''I'm sure you two will have plenty of things to talk about while I'm gone.'' Seokjin spoke as he made his way back over to the entrance area.

''Hyung, I-'' Taehyung wasn't sure why he suddenly felt so panicky inside, but for some reason, leaving him alone with Yoongi made him feel as if he was being left alone to take care of a child all by himself.

''Bye Yoongi!'' Seokjin shouted before he left the apartment, leaving the two males to stand in the living room still stiff and quiet.

Yoongi's face remained blank, Taehyung had no idea what went through his head in that moment.

His hand still gripped onto Taehyung's bicep. Taehyung pondered over offering to help him sit down, but decided it be smarter to introduce himself first.

''So...'' He decided to speak up. ''You're probably very confused as to why a complete stranger is in your apartment right now.''

''Can you get me to the couch.'' Yoongi murmured, seemingly unbothered by this entire situation.

''Right. Of course.'' Taehyung nodded as he reached for the male's free hand and turned him into the direction of the couch.

Unsure how fast to walk, he took slow and careful steps to the couch, then tried to help the male sit down but Yoongi had already done that by feeling out the cushions and sat down.

Taehyung decided to sit down as well and finally took a good look at the male. 

His hair covered most of his face, only really leaving his nose and parted lips to be exposed. He didn't have the best posture. Slouched shoulders, one leg thrown over the other and both of them shaking while he fiddled with his fingers. 

He didn't mutter a single word. As if he tried to pretend Taehyung didn't exist.

''Seokjin hyung found me, or more I found him, I'm going to be visiting you around noon to keep-''

''Can you go get me some water.'' Yoongi cut him off, giving Taehyung another reason to believe he was unwanted in this apartment.

''Of course.'' Taehyung tried his best not to sigh. The male may not be able to see him, but he still chose to plaster a fake smile over his lips and stood up to fetch the male a glass of water.

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