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That same night, Taehyung awoke with a sense of panic and confusion washing over him.

His eyes shot open and he found himself still lying in Yoongi's bed. The said male laid asleep in his arms. That was until Taehyung's sudden movements woke him up as well.

''Mmm, what's going on?'' He murmured as he snuggled his head closer to Taehyung's chest and tightened his embrace.

''We fell asleep.'' Taehyung replied as he reached over to his cellphone to check the time. ''It's two am.''

''It's too late to be going anywhere now, just sleep here.'' Yoongi murmured, his eyes still closed as if he was already drifting back to sleep.

''Wait, really?''

''Mhm.'' Yoongi nodded and snuggled his head closer, causing an odd sensation inside Taehyung's chest.

''Okay then...'' But he didn't pay much mind to it, instead he lowered himself down so that they were both lying on the bed and shifted onto his side, coming face to face with Yoongi. ''You really don't mind me sleeping over?'' Yoongi just shook his head in reply.

He extended his hand, most likely reaching out to find Taehyung, so the latter took his hand and guided it so it could rest on his waist.

''I can't decide if I like or hate how touchy you made me...'' Yoongi murmured as he moved closer to Taehyung so he could wrap his arm around him.

''What's wrong with being touchy?'' Taehyung smiled lightly as he cupped the latter's cheek and caressed it, earning an inaudible sound from Yoongi. ''You can't tell me this doesn't feel good.''

''It does...'' Yoongi admitted with a small nod. ''But it's a bitch to crave when you're not here.''

''But doesn't it feel even better when I'm back.'' Taehyung spoke as he moved his hand up to massage Yoongi's temple.

''I wish there could be more...'' Yoongi sighed. ''Why didn't we meet before, when I still had my sight. It would've been so different. I would've fell for you at first glance, I just know it... Everything would've been different then.''

''Different how?'' As he asked the question, he felt Yoongi grip him tighter then sigh.

''I have way too much time on my hands... And that makes me think, a lot.'' Yoongi trailed off, his eyes were still shut close, but Taehyung could still see the tear that escaped his eye. ''I keep thinking, if you would've caught my eye I would've liked you... Everyone keeps telling me I would've loved to paint you or that you're exactly what I like... And then I think that if I would've seen you sooner, I would've focused on you and I would've realized that I'm better off without Hoseok, a-and I would've dumped him-'' Yoongi cut himself off with a whimper. ''I-I would've...'' He couldn't finish the sentence causing Taehyung to cup both his cheeks and press their foreheads together.

''Who's Hoseok?'' He questioned as he wiped the latter's tears away.

''My ex-boyfriend...''

''How long were you two together?''

''Five years.''

''Why did you break up?'' The question only caused Yoongi to cry harder.

''H-he was bored...'' He whimpered as he gripped onto Taehyung even tighter. ''H-he wasn't always like that... He used to be so nice a-and loving... he was there for me through everything. I-I really thought he was the one... But the last year of our relationship was just shit... he kept going out a-and he didn't come home for days and when I'd ask him what's going on he'd just tell me to focus on my work... I-I had an exhibition coming up... a-and it was taking up all of my time s-so he kept himself busy w-when I was up painting all night...''

''Did he cheat on you?''

''Too many times to count.'' Yoongi cried out. ''I stopped caring after the seventh time... A-and I even moved out... I-I moved here for the last few months we were together... I lied it was so I could paint, but we both knew the truth. And then my day came... At least it was supposed to be my day. He showed up an hour late and drunk a-and by then I-I didn't even care anymore, I-I broke up with him... But he got mad so we left early... I-I don't-fucking-know why I got in the car with him, he was drunk a-and we were shouting and that car came out of nowhere... I was fine a-at first, it hit his side of the car. So I tried to move over to him and check if he's okay, but then the second car crashed into us and it sent me flying through the windshield... I woke up in the ho-hospital with no vision and I started panicking, they wouldn't tell me where Hoseok was. Seokjin later on told me he's in a coma...''

''Is he still in a coma?'' Yoongi just shook his head in reply as he sniffled softly.

''H-he woke up after three days. Seokjin told me his knee shattered a-and his arm and ribs were broken... But I haven't went to visit him yet.'' Yoongi admitted as another whimper escaped his lips. ''I-I'm such a horrible person, but I just can't... I-I don't have to see him b-but just being in the same room-I can't, I just can't do it...''

''It's okay...'' Taehyung spoke softly as he continued to caress Yoongi's cheeks. ''You're allowed to feel that way.''

''But I hate him!'' Yoongi cried out. ''God, he's so stupid! Why did he have to get so drunk? Why didn't he put his fucking seatbelt on? Why didn't I drive?''

''You can't change what happened now...''

''I-I know...'' Yoongi whimpered. His hand trailed up Taehyung's side and up his arm in attempt to touch his face. Taehyung didn't help him, instead he closed his eyes. He felt Yoongi carefully touch his cheek, probably worried he might accidentally hurt him. Yoongi's palm cupped his cheek, his thumb gently tracing over his skin. ''I keep forgetting you wear glasses.'' He suddenly chuckled.

''How did you even know I wear glasses?''

''I asked my friends what you look like.'' Yoongi admitted. ''Are you far or nearsighted?''

''Farsighted.'' Taehyung replied as he felt the latter grip on the frame of his glasses.

''So if I take them off, you won't see me well?''

''I'll pretty much go from a 1080 resolution to 144.'' Taehyung joked causing the pair to chuckle. ''I'm practically blind without them.''

''Now we're the same.'' Yoongi joked as he pulled the glasses off then placed them on the bed. He cupped the latter's cheeks again and pressed their foreheads together.

Taehyung kept his eyes closed, enjoying the sweet sensation of Yoongi's touch. He could feel the latter's breath on him, feel the warmth radiating off his skin, but he didn't move forward.

Yoongi beat him to it.

He pressed their lips together, gently and carefully, almost as if he was afraid to do so. So Taehyung kissed him back. Slowly and lovingly, making sure to cherish every moment of it, and assure Yoongi he felt the same way. 

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