Loose Tooth

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(In this Peter is 5 and Ironman is is biological dad)

Peter was always a big believer, he was a big fan of Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and the Boogey man under his bed, (well he wasn't to much of a fan of him actually). But as much as his dad tells him that there is nothing there, he is persistent with his beliefs. So it was to his delightful surprise when he was eating his apple slices (that were carefully cut by the workers of his dad in the kitchen) when he realized his left front tooth felt different. He paused and took his finger to press on it when he realized, it was loose. He jumped from the kitchen counter to go to his dads lab.

"Dad! Dad! Daaadd!" He chanted on his way over. Skipping out of happiness, he skipped his way excitedly into his fathers laboratory. His father put down his tools immediately by the sight of his hyper son.

"Hey Pete, what's up?" He asked turning his chair towards Peter. He lifted up Peter on his lap before Peter could continue.

"Look! Look!" He exclaimed showing his dad his loose tooth by putting pressure on it with his finger.

"Cool Pete! Now stick those gross fingers out of your mouth so we can pull it out." His dad said taking Peter off his lap. Peter's face turned into a confused expression, with his eyebrow raised.

"Pull it out? I thought the tooth fairy just takes it from your mouth?" Peter asked confused. His father let out a laugh and shook his head. Then lead him out of the lab into his bathroom.

"Dad why are you grabbing floss I don't need to floss around this tooth anymore it's gonna be taken by the Tooth fairy anyway." Peter insisted with his arms crossed and a bewildered look across his face.

"Well we're gonna tie your tooth to a doorknob then slam it shut to pull it out." He said with ease as he pulled out a long string of floss. Peter was struck with fear and his face exemplified it. When his dad turned to him he shook his head and his father rolled his eyes "It will barely hurt Pete you will be fine." He said with a reassuring smile and took a step toward Peter. Peter shook his head again before he sprinted out of the bathroom.

His father, who had no time to be surprised, chased after him. Peter was whining the whole run about how he couldn't make him. His father, being iron man, caught up to him and wrapped his arms around him, picking him up.

"Noo! You c-can't make me!" Peter said through tears. While kicking his feet trying to break free from his dad. Tony's heart broke at the sound of Peter crying.

"Hey, hey, hey." Tony calmly said in a soothing tone putting down Peter while holding firmly onto his arms to make sure he doesn't run away. Peter sniffled and wiped his red sleeve across face. He looked at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with his dad. However Tony lifted his chin up to force eye contact with him because in his house eye contact was a big deal.

"Petey I swear it will barely hurt be so quick and you won't even notice it." Tony stated with a soft look on his face. Peter still had his frown though and grumbled something incoherent.

"Hey you better watch your mouth or the tooth fairy won't take your tooth" Tony remarked. Peters eyes lit back up and he nodded his head repeatedly. Tony reluctantly took Peter's hand and lead him back upstairs.

A few minutes later, Peter had his tooth tied to the doorknob with floss. Tony headed over to the doorknob, ready to close it. He looked back at Peter one more time and he outstretched his hand for Peter to hold. Peter held his fathers hand and gave him a slight nod. Tony slammed the door and Peter squeezed his eyes shut but to his relief he barely felt a thing. When he opened his eyes, he looked down to see his tooth on the bathroom tiles. He squatted down to the ground in excitement and picked it up.

"Look Dad my touth!" Peter exclaimed with his new lisp. He shoved the tooth into his fathers face and Tony threatened him that the tooth fairy doesn't give money for teeth who have touched him. Peter being the proud believer he believed him.

That next morning Peter woke up to a whole stack of cash under his pillow.

AN : I'm moving to ao3 soon but I gotta wait til the 11th cause it's weird idk if I'm gonna still update here or if I'll even keep this story up but I thought it was too cute to not post anyway hope y'all enjoyed it

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