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Peter was nervous. Today Peter got his science test back, he usually is pretty good at science but this test wasn't something he felt confident about. Although he studied for hours on end when test day came he was puzzled but every question. His teacher walked around the classroom silently handing back tests to all of his fellow classmates.

His teacher made his way over to Peter. Peter became stiff as Mr. Mill gave him a glance he before setting down the paper upside down. Peter already knew it couldn't be good, he looked down at the backside of the paper and saw red ink that bleed through the back. His stomach began to churn in fear as his hands made their way over to the paper. He's eyes widened as he looked at the big fat 21% on his paper. He scanned the paper and sighed as he realized all of mistakes within the test. Peter was unbelievably shocked and dissatisfied with his terrible grade.

Peter then felt a finger tap him. Peter zipper his head around and meet Flash's big smirk as he whispered "So the brainiac doesn't have brains anymore huh?" Flash asked with evil dripping down his throat. Peter frowned and shoved his test into his backpack quickly, ashamed. Peter continued to think about his grade for the rest of the day. It bothered him deeply.

When Peter got home to his fathers house he felt even more nervous and sad than he had felt before. Disappointing himself was one thing but disappointing his dad was shameful in Peters eyes. Peter plopped his backpack down as he made his way into his room. Luckily when Peter has gotten home today Tony was at a meeting. Peter sighed as he flipped his skinny body down onto his clean sheets. He laid there for a second spread out like a starfish when he began to dig in his bag. He brung out the terrible paper again and examined over it. 'How could I let myself fail?' Peter questioned himself taking a deep breath as he brought the paper onto his stomach. He stared up at his ceiling for a moment before Peter sat up and in a moment of rage crumbled it up. He tossed the paper at the wall. The paper splat into the wall then fell to the ground silently and Peter groaned.

Peter ran his fingers coarsely through his hair as he took a big breath. "Why is this so hard for me to understand?" He asked to himself out loud. Flash's words echoed through his head as he started to tear up. Peter let out a shaky breath as his head hung low.

Grades meant a lot to Peter that's why he always strived for the best with them. He loved being praised by his father for it. He knew his father had depression and Peter always strives for ways to make him happy. He didn't want to disappoint his father, he didn't want to make his father unhappy.

A few hours later Peter heard a knock on his door. Peter groaned into his pillow "Come in." in response. His father Tony Stark entered the room to see his 15 year old son on his bed. He tilted his head in confusion, usually his son would be downstairs. Tony sat down next to him in his bed and ruffled his hair. He looked down at Peter to see a frown placed on his face. He tilted his head in puzzlement again.

"What's up Pete?" Tony asked brushing his fingers through his sons hair. Peter didn't meet his eye and kept silent as he stared at the floor. Tony sighed rubbing his sons back as his eyes scanned across the room. His eyes flickered to a crumbled up piece of paper on the ground. Tony leaned forward and picked it up as as he was uncrumbling it Peter snatcher it from his hands. Tony snapped his eyes at Peter. Tony snatched back the paper and tried to read it while Peter tried desperately to get it back.

"21%?" Tony asked looking back at Peter. Peter froze for a second before letting his head fall down in shame. Tony looked over the paper again just to be sure. While he was he heard sniffing and Tony immediately snapped his head to Peter.

"I'm sorry, I-I'll do better next time." Peter spoke through tears and hiccups. Tony's eyes widened.

"Petey-" Tony said as he brought his son in for a hug as he sobbed. "You're grades don't define you." Tony whispered into Peters curls. Peter pulled back from the hug wiping his face.

"So you're not disappointed?" Peter softly questioned still wiping away his tears.

"Pete I know how hard you studied for this test. One test doesn't define you." Tony sympathized.

"Really?" Peter asked.

"Really." Tony replied.

Tony and Peter both smiled at each other. Then Tony got up and ruffled his sons curls again. He began walking to the bedroom door and right before he closed it Tony said,"I love you 3000 Peter."

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