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Peter and Tony are biologically related in this and Peter is 15.

Being the son of a world wide superhero is never easy. Neither at the store, at the mall or even at zoo's. The interactions came in variety of ways, admiration, disbelief, surprise, and Peters least favorite, comparison. Peter over the years he had heard it all. When Peter was younger he quickly got annoyed of how quickly his dad would get noticed and then distracted. It always made "fun" days out last for hours and suddenly just become dreaded days.

Having a famous dad made school never easy either for Peter. Especially when not everyone was a fan of Ironman, usually people were kind though whether out of fear, admiration or just wanted him to put in a good word. Peter had met his fair share of two faced people who had just wanted to hang with him because he was the son of Ironman. That's why he was so lucky to have his most faithful and loyal friends MJ and Ned. Two people he wouldn't trade for the world. He truly admired and loved his friends for their genuineness.

Peter didn't look the part of rich kid because he didn't like being one. Peter thought that if he dressed like an obnoxious rich teen that people might perceive him as much. Therefore he asks Tony to only buy him cheap shirts and jeans, he didn't like to stick out. This always makes for the most unpleasant interactions, people look Peter up and down and their eyes scream, "How can this boy be related to the great Ironman?" Peter hates it but it's been happening even more these days, the comparison. And Peter can barely stand it. Though he had dealt with comparison all his life it was different now. He was growing up and it's easier to pick fun and compare to a highschool kid rather than a four year old.

When Peter went to school on Tuesday his math sub busted out laughing in disbelief when he had learned that Peter was Tony's son. He tries not to mention it but then he was reading off attendance is when a whole bunch of questions from the sun arrived. Wednesday he had overheard a few of the teachers in the staff room talking about how unbelievable it was they were related. Just gossiping like they were high schoolers themselves, it really hurt Peter that even the adults he was supposed to be relying on compared and make fun of him. And today was no different through all days of the week. Flash usually picked on Peter and spoke as almost the leader of everyone else in what they thought of Peter and his unkept looks and his shy demeanor despite his father being one of the strongest superhero's. Peter wore headphones so he could block out the whispers and jokes of all things in comparison from his looks to merely the way he walked.

Peter walked to his math class and focused hard on the thought that math was his last period and that he only had to get through the painful hour and a half of his boring teacher talking and then go home, and finally finish off his horror of a week. While walking through the hallway a big arm slung around him, he immediately knew it was flash. Peter tried to shrug him off but his arm stayed in place.

"Hey Parker, how ya doing? Heard you didn't do so well on that quiz in Science huh?" Flash asked in a mischievous voice. Peter turned up his music trying to drown him out. Flash smirked. "Guess you leave me no choice but to find out myself." Flash took his arm off Peter and ripped open his backpack. Peter snapped his neck forwards Flash to see him holding his Meiosis quiz with a fat "D+" written on it. Peter took out his headphones and  grabbed for his quiz but Flash was to quick and snatched it away. Peter continued grabbing for it all while Flash laughed.

"Wow Parker you really are entertaining. Are you even related to your dad? Cause from my point of view, your dad is strong, smart, and -." Flash looked Peter up and down, "Well let's just say has more attractive qualities. While with you-." Flash said ripping up his quiz. "You can't do well on simple science subjects, and you aren't exactly anyone's type. Face it your never gonna be like your dad?" Flash finished walking away from him. Peter looked down at his quiz on the floor and booked it to the bathrooms. Peter locked himself in the stall and held his face in his hands as sobs racked out of him.

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