Runaway p.2

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Tony was at his desk working hard and was severely focused on his work. That is until he got a call. He would have ignored it but once he glanced over and saw Happy's contact was on the screen he answered it.

"Hey what's up, I'm in the middle of something right now." Tony stated as he continued to do his work.

"Well Tony, you're not gonna like this." Happy gulped. Tony sighed and continued working thinking not much of it.

"What is it?" Tony asked giving only half attention to the call."

"Well I took Peter out to the park just like you sa-" Tony cut him off," I never told you to take Peter to the park." Tony finally stopped working as he paid for attention to the call.

"Really well? That's what he had told me.. before he uh got lost." Happy mumbled out. Tony stood up out of his chair, his blood boiled and his heart ached.

"Stay where you are I'm gonna send out a search team I'll be down there soon." Tony said quickly ending the call. Tony quickly made his way over to Peters favorite park in his Ironman suit. He knew that flying that would have been the fastest way to get there on contrary to traffic.

There was a whole search team around. Tony had a bad feeling in his gut as he realized that the sky was getting darker and that nighttime was soon approaching. Tony asked around if anybody had a clue of where his son was but no avail. Tony frustrated and stubborn started to look around for his kid.

He passed around the darkening city keeping a look out. He was sure after this he would put a tracker in that kid. Tony frantically looked around the city but nothing was coming of it.

Peter on the other hand wasn't in the best situation. He didn't anticipate to stay out this long. It was getting dark and he was getting scared. He didn't want to be out on the street cause he was afraid someone could kidnap him so he hid behind a dumpster in an alleyway. He opened up his backpack and pulled out a bag of Dorito's. He had run off a few hours ago and hadn't had anything since his school lunch. He ate them peacefully until he heard someone at the beginning of the alleyway and so immediately he put a hand on his mouth to stop the loud sound of his breathing.

"I thought I heard something down here." He heard a rough voice say faintly to another. He heard a few more mumblings before he heard footsteps coming closer to him. Peter tried to hold his breath but it was too late because then he saw two men in front of them, and they did not look to friendly.

One man was tall and thin with a sickly looking face while the other man was round and chubbier. They chuckled at the sight of young Peter.

"Hey, little boy you got something there?" The taller one inquired. Peter shook his head. The two glanced at each other then back at Peter and giggled lowly.

"Hey kid why don't you give us that backpack there?" They asked smugly. Peter shook his head no. The two laughed again and came closer towards Peter. Peters eyes prickled with tears as they came closer clutching his backpack. He squeezed his eyes shut preparing for harm. But as his eyes were shut he heard a grunt and a scream.

Peter opened his eyes to see the one and only Tony Stark fighting with the two (almost) thieves. Once they ran down the alleyway Peter and Tony looked at each other both with remorse in their eyes.

"Dad." Peter breathed out running over to his dad. Tony got down on his knee to his sons height and Peter ran straight into his arms. Tony hugged him tightly and kissed his soft curls. Tony ripped Peter from him to look at his son and wiped his tears with his metal thumb.

"If you do that ever again I'm going to kill you." Tony stated and breathed out. He brought Peter in for another hug. Peter smiled against his shoulder as he realized that his dads love for him could top his work any day.

Ya know I was supposed to go to sleep early tonight cause I want to get my sleep schedule back in order but my stomach hurt and I can't go to sleep so that's fun.

Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this lil 2 part series sorry it was a lil angsty :/ anyway more will be coming soon, thank you so much for reading!:)

Also should I do more stories with older or younger Peter?? Idk??

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