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Peter in this is 7 and Tony is still his biological dad :)

"And the intelligence award goes to... rumble class"
The small kindergarten class gives out their best and loudest rumble at the request of their teacher Ms. Polly. Peter Parker, a small young kindergartener was to busy to rumble due to his focus on his crossed fingers. It was especially important to him that he got this award so he could show off to his dad that he, was also smart(if not more) as his dad.

"Peter Parker!" Ms. Polly exclaimed. Peter looked up from his seat and gasped in excitement. He jumped out of his seat and kids clapped for him as he went to claim his reward. Peter had a huge goofy smile on his face as he took the paper from Ms. Pollys somewhat wrinkly hand.

The award had said,"Intelligence Award" in a bright red color in a comic sans font. At the bottom it had his name typed out in comic sans as well. Around his name was a bunch of stickers of stars and smiley faces, to Peter it was perfect. Throughout of the rest of the school day he showed everybody his award but let no one touch it. He claimed it was "too special" and he wasn't going to let Gerald (the boy who would pick his nose to often)touch it.

When Peter got out of school and kept a lookout for his dads car, as he was always picked up at the end of the day. Peter held his award in his hands excited he was careful not to bend it or mess with it in anyway as he looked around for the car. Once he spotted the car his eyes lit up as he sprinted over to it. He ripped open the door about to scream "Dad!". When he looked around his car and realized his Dad wasn't present in the car. This happened sometimes when Tony got to busy with his work. Peter pouted and looked at the driver who had black sunglasses on.

"Is dad busy today?" Peter asked the driver and he gave a simple nod back to Peter.

"Oh.." Peter sighed as he plopped down on the clean black leather seat. He put his red backpack next to him, where his dad should have been. Peter looked at the window at all the pretty buildings to distract himself on the car ride home. In his mind he kept on saying 'Soon, soon.' Peter was a little upset, but as the fancy car pulled into his house all happiness was regained back to him again. His hope came back to him of his dad being so proud of him. Peter imagined that he would buy him a whole cake for it!

Peter ran into his house with glee scraping from his shoes. He shouted from his dad throughout the house checking every room he would think he would be in. After a few minutes he was tired and confused where his dad was.

"FRIDAY, where is Daddy?" Peter asked curiosity getting to him.
"Mr. Stark is in his laboratory he will be done at 6:30." FRIDAY replied.

Peter groaned and checked the time, 2:43. He counted on his fingers how much longer it would take. Peter plopped down on the couch to sulk. '6:30?' Peter thought to himself," that's my bedtime." Peter rolled around on the couch mumbling how unfair it was. Peter was an inpatient child, so the thought of having to  wait for tomorrow was unbearable. Peter frowned and looked back at his award.

Then an idea popped into Peters mind, although it wasn't a smart one. Peter wasn't supposed to go into the laboratory since he was 5 because he knocked something over and destroyed his fathers creation completely. Plus it was hard for Tony to focus when Peter is in there so therefore he had been banned from it. However, due to his great accomplishment Peter believed that this time it would be okay.

Peter got of his seat and walked to his Dads laboratory. He takes a big breath before he touches the handle door. Ignoring the big "Do not Enter" sign on the door, he walks in.

Tony's eyes are fixed upon his important mechanic his movements are slow as he slowly moves his small wrench. He is focused, until he hears an outburst "Dad!". He jumps and his wrench is now on the ground and his mechanic fizzes. Tony snaps his head to the door.

"Pete get out." Tony demanded turning his head back to his work.

"But dad guess what today I-" Peter started but then was cut off by his strict dad. "I don't want to hear it Pete you aren't even allowed in here, what are you doing." Tony ranted.

"But-" Peter started again, but again was cut off. "Out!" Tony snapped pointing his left hand at the door.

Peter teared up and as he was leaving he left the room mumbling "You like your work better than you like me." and closed the door behind him.

Peter headed into the kitchen and to the trashcan, he opens it carefully and with tears down his face he places his award into the trash can. He huffs and heads up to his room and pulls out his black backpack out of his closet. He cries and fills it with clothes and stuff animals out of anger and sadness. Once Peters bag was full he put it on. Peter then got out the phone Tony had bought him, he was only supposed to use it for emergency's, but to him this was an emergency.

Peter hit Happy's contact in his phone. It only took a few rings before he picked up.
"Hey Peter, what do you need?"

"My dad says you have to take me to the park." Peter lied into the phone. He heard a sigh on the other end of the line.

"Alright kid I'll pick you up in a few." Happy sighed then ended the call. Peter went outside and waited, a few minutes later Happy pulled up in his car. Peter ran towards the car and jumped in.

"Hey bud, what's that bag you got there?" Happy asked as he started driving away.

"Oh just some toys and snacks dad wanted me to bring with." Peter replied with another lie.

Five minutes later they were at the park and Peter was ready to run off, all he needed was something to distract Happy. He had thought long and hard about it. However when he looked at the man his ear was glued to his phone. Happy was turned from him and lecturing somebody he was talking to on the phone.

Peter smiled and slowly got off the monkey bars and made his way carefully out of the playground area making sure not to be to loud. He slowly snuck out of the playground area, once he was out he had booked it.

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