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Peter is 7 in this

Tootsie Rolls, Starbursts, Smarties you name it Peter loves it all. However his father Tony Stark wasn't as big as a fan as Peter. Tony, his father was more intrigued by foods like his mhamburgers. Which Peter had also loved but simply could not compare to a nice bar of Herseys. Which had happened to be one of his ultimate favorites. So when he overheard a conversation between Happy and his father about where his father keeps a very small candy stash he knew he had to put together a plan.

In the overheard conversation Peters father said his secret candy stash was in one of the high cabinets in the kitchen. A place where he thought Peter could never reach due to his very, very short height. But poor Mr. Stark had forgotten how his boys determination can break through any obstacle.

And as most all of Peters plans go, this one seemed flawless to him. Peter had planned yet again to sneak down to the kitchen when his father is fast asleep and or distracted. Peter would then get a chair to reach the precious stash. Peters plans weren't always perfect many flawed but planning out them with his best friend Ned during school was always a fun way to pass the time.

So when Peter got home to be notified by Happy that his father was at a meeting he knew exactly what he had to do. Peter walked slyly into his huge house whistling as his swift feet made their way into the kitchen. Peter looked up upon the high cabinets as he pondered which one might have candy, and if so which kind. 'Maybe starbursts, or KitKats if I'm lucky!' Peter sweetly thought to himself.

Peter then walked up to one of few chairs that were in his dining area and picked up one and bringing it over into the kitchen. It wasn't an easy task, due to how the chairs were made out of metal, and Peters strength could only go so far. However as usual Peter had succeeded with delight. Peter hopped onto the chair and stepped on the counter and stood on his very tip toes in his dirty shoes. He struck his hand out as far as he could reach but he still wasn't quite close enough.

Peter got off of the counter dissatisfaction slowly crawling to him, until his young eyed made his way upon a big stack of books. Peter beamed as he made his way over to them scooping them up into his little arms and placing them onto the counter. Peter stepped upon the chair and then with a huge step onto the mountain of books. Peter then stood once again on his very tippy toes and he outstretched his arm put as far as it could go. This time he made it. He swung open the cabinet to find a whole bag full of Dum Dums. Peter scoured through the bag looking for his favorite flavor, bubblegum.

He then was soon interrupted by a strong voice behind him asking,"Peter what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Peter gasped and lost balance of his mountain pile and started to plummet face first onto the medal chair before a set of arms caught him.
"I gotcha" Tony said sternly.

"Want some?" Peter asked pointing upwards to the open Dum Dums bag.

"I think I'm good, thanks."

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