Wisdom Teeth

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Peter is 16 in this one:)

Tony hated waiting, since he was a millionaire he always got things fast, Diet Coke? He could instantly obtain and he had the power at the tip of his tongue. But sometimes things took time, more specifically in this instance Peters wisdom teeth removal took time. Tony had already gone out to get some slurpee's for Peter and himself and was waiting until the dentist called him back.

Tony impatiently sucked on his blueberry slurpee and observed the door where the dentists walked in and out of.

Five minutes later the door opened and a tall man called out, "Tony Stark?" Tony raised his hand to the man and stood up. The tall man lead Tony to the room all while blabbing about how we was such a big fan of Ironman and how amazing he thought he was.

The tall dentist led him into the room and then leaving Tony in the room where Peter lay on the dentist chair, giggling uncontrollably. When Peter caught sight of his father he gasped and pointed to him dramatically, "Ironman! Can I get a signature?" Tony giggled.

"Ironman I- I cant feel my tongue!" Peter panicked while pinching on his bloody tongue. Tony cringed at the sight of it all. The tall man returned back to the room with a wheelchair and had rolled it back in front of Peter. Peter stumbling on his way over plopped himself in the chair.

"Am I a cripple now?" Peter asked with worry peaking in his voice as he whipped his head to the tall man. The tall man ignored him as he started pushing him out of the room and to Tony's car.

"Wee!" Peter cheered drowsily as he threw up both of his arms in the air as if he was in a roller coaster. Peter was settled carefully into Tony's car. Immediately when Tony got into the car he saw Peters eyes fill up to the brim with tears.

"You okay Pete? Doesn't hurt to bad does it?" Tony asked worried. Peter shook his head and looked out the window and he whispered "they took the fun chair away." Before bursting into full tears. Tony rolled his eyes not sure whether to laugh or groan.

Tony handed over a blue slurpee to Peter. "Here you go, don't drink it to fast and get a brain freeze." Peter took the cup and looked down on it and then back at Tony in confusion.

"My brain is going to freeze?" Peter questioned taking the slurpee carefully. Peters lips twitched and his eyes filled up with tears again. Tony groaned getting slightly annoyed.

"B- But I love my brain, why would I do that to her." Peter said and then taking a sip of the blue slurpee, "so that's why."

The drive home was a long and almost unbearable for the impatient and annoyed Tony Stark.

When they got home it was a long long trip to get Peter to his bed, even with the help of Happy. When Peter was all settled in his bed Tony went to the kitchen to get some salt water and an ice pack for Peter

When he walked back into Peters room to see him sat up groaning and cupping his check. Tony handed him the ice pack and Peter gladly took it.

"If your gonna sleep you're gonna have to sleep sitting up like that for a few days,  just until the bleeding is under control." Tony said placing down the salt water on his dresser. Peter gave a sleepy nod.

"You can take this salt water to just rinse out your gums, make sure you spit it out though, it doesn't taste to good." Tony further explained .

Tony began to walk to the door when a hand caught the back of his suit. Tony turned around to see Peter will a pleading ask, "Could you get me painkillers?" Tony smiled and ruffled Peters hair before giving a simple nod.

The day had been long and at some points seemed like never ending. But years later they would look back and laugh.

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