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Peter is 8 in this story

If there was one thing Peter and Tony had in common was they were both big food lovers. They could always go for a good snack at any time of day. And because they were such big lovers of it, was tradition for Tony and Peter to always go to a supermarket to pick up some chips and candy whenever Peter got an A on a test. It was their little thing they had shared with each other.

So when Peter was given back his vocabulary test and a big A with a smiley face sticker was plastered on it he overflowing with joy. He skipped his way out of the school and into the warm sun outside where his fathers car and best friend, Happy had been waiting for him.

"Happy! Happy! Look! Look!" Peter pushed the paper towards Happy. Peter waited impatiently as Happy took his time to take a good look at the paper. Happy contently smiled to the beaming boy below him.

"Good job kid!" Happy soothed and held up his hand for a high five. Peter enthusiastically slapped his hand then made his way into the car. The ride home seemed to last centuries to the little boy. The whole ride he had kicked his legs back and forth in both excitement and impatience. Peter sprinted into his huge house and Happy had tried his best to keep up but couldn't with the enthusiastic boy.

"Dadd!" Peter yelled leaving an echo in his mansion sized house.

"Hey Pete!" Tony replied while sitting on the couch in their TV room, ",Whatcha got there?" Peter smiled widely and shoved the paper into his fathers hands. Tony observed it for a second before breaking out in a grin.

"Shall we head out then?"

After the long drive to the store Peter leaped out of the car into the fresh air. He jogged over to his father and held his hand as they walked into the supermarket. Tony squeezed Peters hand before whispering, "Lets get my chips  first, then we can head over to the candy aisle." Peter nodded his head.

They walked over into the aisle Tony's hand had reached out for classic barbecue chips before a chipper voice came out from in front  of them.

"Excuse me! Can my children take a photo with you?" A thin lady had asked. Her haircut was in a bob style and she had bright red lipstick on. Behind her stood three kids, triplets it had looked like, and they were all about the same age as Peter, but maybe a bit older.

Tony who always was open to increase his ego obliged happily. Peter stood unhappily with his arms crossed as he waited impatiently. However it seemed as though Tony was trying to draw out the conversation for as long as eternity. Offering a signature and other among other things.

Peter eyed the sign that neatly had displayed the words "Candy" and then an arrow to the left. Peter looked back at his father who was engrossed in the conversation and snuck away into the aisle. Peter there was delighted to see tons of his favorite candies. Peter giggled in delight as he grabbed anything he could grab from the shelves. Though his hands were full, his eyes took a peak at the ice cream section and couldn't resist.

Peter ran over to the section hands still filled to the brim with all of his favorite goodies. Peter gawked at the variety of flavors. There was to many for him to choose from. He went through the aisle trying to decide which one he should get.

Meanwhile Tony had just finished up his wonderful conversation which had boosted his ego tons. However all of his ego dropped once he turned around and found that his son wasn't there. Tony looked up and down the aisle and realized he was  gone. Tony immediately panicked and started asking strangers if anyone had seen his son. Tony looked in the candy aisle however he wasn't there. He couldn't figure out where else he could be in the huge store. Or perhaps he wasn't even in the store anymore Tony pondered maybe he was in a van going somewhere only the Lord knows.

Tony went up to an employee desperate, "Excuse me, can you please, please help me my son- I don't know where he went." The young  female employee nodded and told him to follow him.

She led him into the announcement speaker phone. "What's your sons name?" She had asked sounding slightly bored.

"Peter, Peter Parker Stark. He has brown hair that's curly, he wears a blue jacket  and has the cutest face you have ever seen you really can't miss him."  Tony stated. The woman nodded as she pressed the button to the speaker.

"If you see a little boy with brown curly hair in a blue jacket please urge him to come to the front, his father is waiting for him" she spoke into the microphone with a somewhat stern tone.

The announcement made its way to Peters ears and he immediately knew he was screwed. Peter, in a quick pace made his way over to his very stressed father.

Tony was pacing back in forth and was filled to the brim with fear of where is son was. Tony was, imaginative to say the least of where he could be. But it was all interrupted when a small voice below him said, "So may I please still get a candy?" Tony's eyes shot down to see his sons he immediately scooped him up into a hug out of joy. Tony noticed a sound of crinkling and when he pulled away from his son he saw the mountain of candy he had in his arms. Tony shook his head saving that lecture for another time. He looked at Peter sternly, "Never, EVER again run off by yourself again, you nearly scared me half to death."  Tony firmly stated.

Peter nodded  his head rapidly. Tony looked back down at all the sweets and picked up a king size Herseys.

"We can just split this, all this sugar and I think  all your teeth would rot out."

Peter complied and in the parking lot they had shared their chocolate candy bar, together.

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