The Date

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Peter is 15 in this one, but Tony still is his biological dad

Tonys gaze was focused upon his new machine he had been working on when he got an alert from FRIDAY.

"On contrary to Peters studying at 3:00 Peter just entered the local Walmart." Ever since the incident of running away when he was young his dad had a tracker on him. He got an alert every-time he entered somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. Not that Ironman banned Peter from Walmart however in this case Peter had told Tony that he was just studying with Ned. Tony doesn't get those a lot because Peter barely lies, and he usually gets caught immediately when he does.

"Peter Parker has just spent 14 US dollars on flowers." Tony looked up from his work and confusion covered his face. For every purchase Peter makes Tony gets an alert, not because he was over possessive over how much money his son spent with the credit card he had gave him, he was just being a overprotective dad.

"FRIDAY call Peter" Tony demanded putting down his tools. Within a few rings his son had picked up.

"Yeah dad?" Peter asked into the phone.

"Hey buddy, I thought you were at Neds house studying." Tony said his voice amused. He heard whispers and mumbles from the other line.

"Uh, I thought I'd pick up flowers for Neds parents, uh as a thank you gift cause I'm just so a- appreciative that they let me study at their house." Peter lied into the phone. Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes, he could always picked up when his kid was lying.  Peters 'uh' s where what threw him off to an almost successful lie.

"Haha nice jokes, now who are the flowers for kid do you have-" Tony started but was cut off by his son.

"PSHH, PSHH, Do you you hear that PSSHH, Dad I think we're breakin PSHH, up." Peter intimidated static into the phone horribly.

"Kid I'm not that stu-" Tony started but then was cut off again.

"What? PSHH , I can't hear you." Peter intimidated again.

"You better not hang up on me kid." Tony threatened.

"What I can't PSHH oh I think PSSHH." Peter said and then hung up the phone. Tony groaned and rolled his eyes again. Then laughed, did Peter really think he could get a away with that.

"FRIDAY, what's Peters current location." Tony asked leaving his work.

"xxx address." FRIDAY replied.

"Thank you." Tony sang leaving his house to go to the address. He decided to take his car instead of using his suit. Just so he can take Peter home in his car after lecturing him.

In a few short minutes Tony was at the address. It was in a neighborhood he had never seen before. When he found Peter he saw him pacing on somebodies porch with the flowers in his hand. He also was wearing the suit Tony had given him, from the look of it Peter was panicking.

Tony got out of the car and made his way over to Peter who was too distracted to even notice Tony until he spoke up. "So are you asking someone out." Peter jumped as he looked over his shoulder. His eyes widened and then put a finger to his lips demanding silence.

"What are you doing here?" Peter whisper screamed at his dad. Peter desperately tried to hide the flowers he bought behind his back.

"Figuring out who your lil girlfriend is duh." Tony remarked voice not in a whisper due to his stubborn personality.

"Listen just go away, I'll explain everything later please," Peter begged his dad his voice still in a whisper.

"Well I'm not leaving til you actually look presentable." Tony stated.

"Presentable? I thought I looked nice?" Peter questioned looking down at his outfit. His father sighed and started moving his hair around. Tony also wiped off the little fuzz balls off of Peters shoulders of his suit.

"Okay now make sure you don't screw this up." Tony said and before Peter could say anything Tony ran the doorbell and ran back to his car. Once in his car he smiled as he saw a clear view of Peter nervously giving a girl with curly hair flowers. Peter scratched the back of his head and then he spoke Tony couldn't hear what he was saying and he sighed. Peter then nodded and the door shut.

Peter kept his head down as he walked back to the car. Tony frowned as he watch his son slowly walk to the car. Peter got in and sighed, Tony put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey it's okay Pete you can't win them all." Tony said reassuringly.

"It's just that I- I.." Peter started.

"I know kid." Tony calmingly said.

"I have a date!" Peter exclaimed breaking his face of sadness and throwing his arms in the air.

"Did you just-" Tony started before getting cut off by Peter.

"Hey you were stalking me I think it's fair!" Peter argued a smile still big on his face. Tony smiled back not being able to pretend to be mad anymore. Cause not even Tony Stark could not deny the happiness that he got whenever Peter smiled.

Sorry hopefully that wasn't too cringey lol. I kinda wanna do a gender swap for Peter cause I have an idea for a story but idk if doing a female Peter Parker would be too weird or not lol.

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