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Peter whipped out his cheap camera he used for his vlogs of the avengers that he could never post or show to anybody and pressed the on button. Today Peter had decided not to vlog, and to try to shake things up a little more. So he had decided to do a prank video.

Peter had been thinking of pulling a prank on his dad for months and it wasn't until he got an ad for a long lasting temporary tattoo that he really put his plan into action. He had to have Ned get the tattoo for him, since his father always kept a close eye on what he spent his money on with his debit card. Luckily online there was a tattoo perfect for him, a small dinosaur cartoon one. He thought it was adorable, and he knew it would make his dad pissed.

Peter had placed the camera on top of a stack of books and started filming.

"Hey guys! So today I'm going to be doing a little prank on my dad, with.." Peter grabbed the small wrapped package and showed it to the camera, "This little dude! Isn't he adorable? Look at him! Anyway this little fella is going to be a big star soon. You see he's a long lasting temporary tattoo! Cool right? Now I'll be back real quick, to put this guy on." Peter turned off the camera and made his way to the sink with a small towel. Peter made sure to apply his fake tattoo very carefully. He wanted his prank to be perfect after all.

5 minutes later Peter had a small Dinosaur cartoon on his arm, and he was adorable. Peter had turned the camera back on.

"Okay! So I just applied it on and look! It's so cool!" Peter checked the time, "Oh, I have to get ready soon, my dad is coming home in five." Peter looked around and then back at the camera and pondered of where he could hide it, Peter then spotted the perfect place, he ran over to the toaster and put it behind it, But having the camera lens stick out. The silver blended in well with the toaster and Peter was pleased.

"Okay so here's the plan," Peter begins explaining to the camera, "My dads about to come home and while doing the dishes I'm going to get him to see the tattoo, and then." Peter cut himself once getting he notification his Dad has just parked. Peter immediately ran to the dishes and started to apply soap onto a random plate. Peter looked at the camera and gave it a thumbs up.

When Tony had entered his kitchen Peter immediately started getting a little nervous. Peter wasn't the best actor but today, he was going to try his best.

"Hi Dad!" Peter greeted scrubbing a bowl. Tony nodded in greeting and sat down at the island table on one of the high top seats.

"How was your day Pete?" Tony asked setting all of his stuff down.

"Good! Yours?" Peter asked putting down his scrubbing tool to face his dad.

"A little exhausting." Tony admitted. Peter smiled in excitement as he waltzed his way over to the fridge.

"It sounds like you need a Coca- Cola." Peter soothed as he gave the can to his dad slowly trying to flex his little Dino friend.

Tony went to grab the soda when he finally noticed the little dinosaur on his sons arm. Instead of grabbing the coke he grabbed his sons arm and inspected the Dinosaur. He rubbed it with his fingers to see if it would come off.

"That won't do anything Dad." Peter said with courage. Tony looked up at his son and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't tell me you.." Peter smiled and Tony became more angry.

"Please tell you did not just get an ugly Dinosaur permanently indented on you or I swear I'm going to smack you upside the head."

"Don't call Carl ugly!" Peter pouted. Tony inhaled as he grabbed a pillow and threw it at Peter. Peter called out a protest, "Hey!" And laughed it off.

"You named it?" Tony asked fuming. Peter nodded smiling. Tony looked down at Peters arm and then back up at him. Tony grabbed his sons arm and tried dragging him to his lab.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked resisting trying to make sure that everything was going to get caught on camera.

"We, are going to find away to get that off you ASAP using whatever I can." Tony said. Peter got out of Tony's grasp and pouted again.

"But I love him Dad just look at him." Peter pouted and begged with puppy eyes while showing his father his tattoo once more.

"The more I look at him, the more I am tempted to chop off your whole arm." Tony snapped. Peter bust out laughing unable to keep it all in anymore.

"So you think this is a joke? Well I don't think you will find it as funny once we get the doctor to surgically remove it." Tony said picking up his phone. Peter grabbed it still laughing.

"It's a prank!" Peter giggled. Tony dropped his stern look and set his phone down.

"Are you being serious this time?" Tony asked inspecting Peters arm again. Peter grabbed the package it came incased in and presented it to his Dad. Tony throughly looked at it and sighed in relief.

"If you ever prank me again I'm going to through your suit away in the dumpster, got it?" Tony threatened.

"Aye Aye Captain!" Peter smiled.

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