First Day

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Peter is 4 and Ironman is is biological dad.

There's a first for everything first kiss, first award, first trip and today is Peters first day at school. Peter was highly nervous and he cried and begged his dad the previous night not to let him go. Peter didn't like how he would go into a place where everyone was a stranger to him. He wouldn't know anyone and no one would no him, and that didn't settle with him right.

"Come on Pete into the car." Tony begged shoving his kid in by his small red backpack. When Peter was finally in the car Tony sighed and made his way over to sit next to him. Tony knew that Peter was nervous and no matter how many times he had reassured him everything was going to be okay he didn't listen. Throughout the rest of the car ride Peter continued to beg for Happy to turn the car around. Tony for the most part ignored him having tried every way to reassure him he had given up.

Peters stomach dropped when Happy turned into the school. Peter gave his best puppy dog look at Tony but he shook his head.

"I love you!!" Tony yelled out of the window as Peter walked off with a sad walk. Peter covered his face feeling shy and embarrassed. Tony sighed as they pulled off from the school.

"He'll be alright." Happy assured Tony.

Tony got home and continued working. But he had Peter in the back of his mind through everything he did. He had missed him at home and he was worried about him but it wasn't like he could just keep the kid to himself forever. Tony continued working until he heard a ring, his stomach twisted as he recognized the number, it was of the school, he picked up.

"Hello? Is this Peters dad?" A woman spoke on the line.

"Yes it is, is everything okay?" Tony asked heart full of worry.

"Not really, your son refuses to come into the school he's been waiting at the entrance all day. We hate to bother you but could you please come and convince him. We would deal with this ourselves but we can't physically force him inside the classroom." The lady said into the phone.

"I'll be there in 5." Tony stated hanging up. Tony called up Happy and they headed over. When they got there they saw Peter at the entrance sitting criss cross applesauce while picking at the grass. Tony got out of the car and made his way over to him.

"Hey Pete, how come you aren't in the classroom I pay for you to be in?" Tony asked. Peter shrugged and continued picking at the grass.

"You know it's funny dad I kinda decided that I didn't want to go today." Peter said finally looking at Tony in the eyes.

"It's okay though there's always next year!" Peter optimistically stated with a smile. Tony giggled.

"Sorry kiddo that's just not how it works." Tony  remarked. Tony sat down on the grass with him.

"But I don't want to go in there! What if they make fun of me?" Peter argued. Tony sighed and turned to him.

"Well then you tell me and then we can get them to stop okay?" Tony asked.

"Okay." Peter said nodding his head.

"Now why don't you head inside the classroom?" Tony suggested. Peter nodded and got up he started walking until he turned around. He started running towards Tony and gave him a big hug. Tony smiled into the kids shoulder.

Peter then turned back to the school and walked to it. Tony stared at his back and let out a shaky breath. He smiled to himself.

Later in the day when Tony came to pick him up Peter he talked his little head off. Tony was filled with a sense of pride. Oh how he loved his kid.

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