Curse Word

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Work had bombarded Tony for the last week. Stressing out was Tony's normal, however now with young Peter around it was harder not to scream out a string of curse words. Tony doesn't like being angry around Peter, it was difficult for him anyway with his toothy grin, he was a sucker for his kid.

Tony roughly ran his hands through his hair and grunted then covered his face in his hands. He looked back at his invention and groaned in frustration. The silver invention had been giving him trouble all morning trying to put it together. Tony was usually good with mechanics but today he was stumped. Like when an artist goes into an art block, for it seemed like to Tony just like that. For making his robots was like an art, designing their suit, taking time and effort to think of what operations it could do and enforcing those into the machine. But at the end of the day for an artist or a mechanic it is a still object, but what was so amazing about the objects is although they couldn't feel love. They would stay around humans,animals, all die, but not objects they keep close like a good friend.

Tony pounded his feet on the hard floor and walked out of his lab. He walked into his massive kitchen. Soft white lights fell on Tony's face when he opened up the fridge. Tony looked around in it and pondered what to get before grabbing a Cola. Tony slammed the metallic door of the fridge closed. Tony's nimble fingers opened up the can only to have the bubbles overflow and pour out onto Tony's shoes and on his clean tiled floor.

Tony groaned holding in a scream as he walked over to grab paper towels he heard a small voice behind him ," Cmon Daddy don't be a fuckup." Tony snapped his head at Peter who had just walked into the kitchen. About to yell, Tony examined how gleeful Peter had looked and confusion hit Tony.

"What'd you just say?" Tony drawled out carefully, anger somewhat drawing into his voice.

"I said don't be a fuckup?" Peter stated his voice coated in innocence. Peter smiled as he had said it too. Tony walked over to his son as Peter grabbed Gushers he tried to walk away before Tony softly grabbed the collar of his shirt. Tony turned Peter around and squatted to Peters height. Tony searched his face for any evil that would have been in him that would have made him say those words. But he found nothing.

"Where'd you hear that word?" Tony asked softly to Peter.

"From my friend Freddy, he says it almost every single day, I don't know what it means but I assume it's something nice." Peter said smiling. Tony's blood had run cold. He felt such emotion and pain for Peter. Especially at the fact that he hadn't even known what those words had truly meant.

"Peter, I-" Tony cut himself off at a loss for words. Tony pondered of how he could tell his innocent child what the word had really meant.

"Freddy isn't your friend." Tony said bluntly. He stared at the emotion that worked his way to Peters face.

"What do you mean of course he-" Peter started bur then Tony has cut him off.

"No. He. Isn't." Tony firmly stated putting his hands on Peters shoulders. Sadness and confusion struck into Peters face. He looked, dumfounded.

"What he said to you wasn't kind, and I don't want you to ever repeat that word again." Tony stated.

"So what did it mean Dad?" Peter asked with fear peaking into his voice.

"It doesn't matter, because it isn't true." Tony said pressing a kiss to Peters brow before walking off.

But Peter being the curious soul he was wasn't done with this situation. While Tony walked off Peter walked to his room in search of his phone Tony had got for him. He with his limited spelling skills had tried to type in the word almost fifteen times. Once he searched it he clicked on the definition from the Urban Dictionary he opened it up in a separate tab. Peters read it carefully and his heart broke.

"A failure, someone who really messes up" The screen had displayed in a blue text. Peters eyes filled up with tears. Peters face adorned with shock that Freddy could call him such a thing and he felt even more bad that he called his Dad it. Peters tears had finally spilled from his eyes and he made his way downstairs a few minutes later with remorse in his eyes.

"Pop?" Peter called out making his way into the lab room. He poked his little head in through the door. Tony has turned and immediately cringed at the sight of Peters puffy face knowing that he most definitely had looked it up.

"I-I'm sorry" Peter cried his voice wobbling. Tony sighed opening his arms and immediately Peter ran over to Tony. Peter had continued whispering "I'm sorry" repeatedly into his dark shirt getting snot and tears all over it. Tony hugged Peter tight and kissed his curls.

"You're okay kiddo, you're okay." Tony said.

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