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In this story Peter is 15 and Tony is his biological dad and hasn't figured out Peter is spiderman yet.

"Next up, another Spiderman spotting from Wednesday October 7th, he was spotte-" Peter quickly stole the remote from his fathers hands and changing the news channel to a random one.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Tony complained. Peter murmured a quick sorry as his attention drew to the TV. Peter nervously gulped as he questioned himself whether his actions had seemed to suspicious of not. His thoughts were interrupted when his father spoke,"You know, the team and I are planning on recruiting this new, Spiderman."

"You shouldn't do that!" Peter interjected loudly. Tony turned to him his face confused. Peters stomach dropped and he quickly came up with a decent lie saying,"Well, I mean he has only stopped things like robberies so far, I don't he would be prepared for the kinds of things you guys do." Tony nodded.

"Eh that's true, perhaps you're right." Tony agreed.Just then Peter felt it that explainable feeling that made his stomach drop and all the hair on his arms raise that gave him goosebumps. Whatever it was it seemed to always know when something was,wrong. 

"I-I have to finish a English paper." Peter explained as quickly as he could before running upstairs not giving Tony a second to respond. Peter quietly shut his door before blocking the door with his dresser since his room door didn't lock before he got out his ragged costume. Peter slipped on his costume as fast as he could before opening his window. He took a big breath before swinging out of his room. Peter still wasn't perfect at his swinging ability for he had only been this Spiderman for a couple of weeks. But the media had already took note and idled him.

Peter swung around eyes peeled for danger. But once he heard a scream he immediately knew where he had to go. Peter swung his way over to where he had heard the scream and he dropped down to the scene to see a man and a woman fighting over a purse. Peter whistled behind the man trying to grab the woman's purse. The man shot his head towards Peter and he waved, the man looked back at the woman to find her gone. He angrily turned back to Peter and before he could take another step Peter used his spider web to have him be stuck to an apartment building wall.

Peter smiled to himself about accomplishing his mission, satisfied. He then swung around for a bit admiring the city and really taking it all in for himself. His mind and body was filled with peace as he made his way towards his house. But Peter had felt something was wrong once he started toward his open window. However he had ignored it as he snuck back into his room before a voice had called to him, "What the hell?" his fathers voice asked. Peter looked up to see his door wide open and the dresser to the side.

"I can explain." Peter stated.

"I don't think there is anything to explain you're Spiderman? And what you have been hiding this the whole time?" Tony asked his voice rising in both anger and confusion.

"Well if I had told you then-" Peter started.

"Then it would have been worse if you had just told me instead of me finding out myself? Cmon Peter you're smarter than that. You could have gotten killed! Do you even know what you're risking here just being Spiderman?"

"But I'm alive!" Peter argued against his father, "Do you really think I can't do it? I'm  strong, plus now I've got these super cool-"

"I don't want to hear it! You know strong people can get killed too!"

"But I-"

"Hand over the suit." Tony demanded. Peters eyes widened as his fingers clutched at the cheap fabric, his eyebrows furrowed. Peter had thought of everyone he had saved, and how much fun he had saving others and just, being Spider man. Being Spider man had meant so much for him, too much for him.

"No, I won't." Peter boldly told his father. Peter had never been the type to object or fight with his father. Even as a teenager he had on the rare occasion spoken back to his father. Besides he knew it was risky too. Tony's eyes widened in surprise at Peters refusal. Tony held his hand out waiting for Peter to comply.
Peter stared at his hand and then back out the window. He looked back at Tony before webbing his way out of his room.

Tony ran to the window to see his kid already far away. He sighed "FRIDAY get my suit ready, and find out where the kid is."

Within only a minute Ironman was flying out and tracking down his kid. While making his way over he heard shouts near where Peter was supposed to be.

When Tony finally arrived to where Peter was he saw Peter and two men with guns walking closer to him. Before Tony could even do anything Peter spiderwebbed both guns into his own hands before dropping them on the floor and spiderwebbing the dudes to the front of a bank they had tried to rob. Tony was in shock an awe, he had realized that he did underestimate Peter.

Tony made his way down from the building he has been standing on to where Peter was standing. He flew right in-front of Peter and he could see the panic in his kids eyes even through the mask. Before Peter could even speak Tony spoke to him, "I'm, ugh I'm not gonna take away your suit."

"Wha-" Peter started and then was cut off again.

"I saw what you did back there, with those guys and I, I think you are capable of being apart of the team with training. But Peter please understand it's just hard for me to just let you be a superhero knowing the risks... but I believe in you and that hopefully you will be safe."

Peter and Tony stayed silent for a moment before Peter spoke, "Thank you."

Tony nodded and was about to fly off with his son before he felt to arms that tightly wrapped around his torso for a hug. Tony smiled as he hugged his son back.

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