Fathers Day

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Peter is 9 and Ironman is his biological dad

Sunday June 21st, Father's Day, a day to appreciate fathers all around the world. The opportunity to show your father some extra love and this was an opportunity Peter was not going to miss out on. He had been planning for months of how he would celebrate his father and this morning it was all going to come together to succession. At least, that's what Peter has hoped.

Peter had the "perfect plan" that he created with the help of this best friend Ned. He decided that for Father's Day he was going cook breakfast in bed for his father, he was going to make waffles. Although he wasn't super sure how to make them, he had confidence due to watching an episode of Kitchen Nightmares with his dad. For Peters top secret plan he had Ned sneak him a box of pancake mix at school. He even asked FRIDAY to wake him up super early.

On Sunday morning when FRIDAY had awoken Peter up he was ecstatic. Peter before leaving his room grabbed the small box of pancake mix out of his backpack before tip toeing down to the kitchen. When Peter made it to the kitchen he immediately ripped open the pancake mix box. When he rested his eyes on a pale powder in a small plastic bag, he was confused.

"Where are the pancakes?" Peter whispered in confusion. He flipped the box around and groaned at the sight of instructions. Peter then threw the box away deciding he didn't need them. Peter in his confidence grabbed a big bowl from a lower cabinet and dumped  the powder into it. Peter looked around and spotted a left out can of Coca Cola. He smiled and grabbed the warm can and dumped it into the bowl. Peter then looked around for something to stir it with but he couldn't find anything within his reach. So Peter used the next best thing, his hands. Peter scourged the kitchen and grabbed things to throw it there, Peter added cheeseburger buns, ketchup, pickle juice and lastly red sprinkles. Peter tilted his head at his bowl and sniffed it, he gagged.

Peter was puzzled at why it didn't smell like the pretty vanilla smell it's supposed to smell like. 'Maybe it will smell better once I bake it.' Peter thought to himself. So little Peter stood on his tippy toes and turned on the stove to a high temperature. Before it had even gotten to that temperature Peter got out a frying pan and poured his recipe onto the pan. Then he walked into his TV room to watch Transformers to pass the time.

Ten minutes flew by and Peter fell back asleep, until he heard a loud alarm ring throughout the house. Peter ran into the kitchen to see black smoke everywhere. He then heard his father Tony upstairs screaming his name. Peter panicked, he wasn't supposed to figure out the surprise like this. So in a moment of panic he grabbed the pan off the stove tried to hide it behind the kitchen island.

Peters father came rushing down screaming. He ran down the long staircase to see his son behind the kitchen island completely at piece.

"Good morning Dad." Peter said smiling. Tony coughed through the thick black smoke and shook his hand in front of him.

"Pete! Are you okay? Where is the fire?" Tony asked in a panicky voice. Tony came closer to Peter and Peter he took a step back.

"What fire? There's no fire here dad." Peter calmly replied. Tony shook his head and took a good look around the room. He tried finding the source of the smoke. Tony headed over to Peter to take him outside but again he took a step back. Tony then had noticed how both of his sons hands were behind his back,Tony then noticed the stove was on an after he turned it off he sighed.

"Peter what is behind your back?" Tony demanded in a stern voice. Peter looked slightly freighted. But then he shook his head.

"I don't have anything behind my back Dad." Peter confidentially stated. Tony gave an unimpressed face at Peter. While Peter just gave him back an innocent grin.

"Show me your hands." Tony demanded. Peters eyes slightly widened.

"Uh... I- I don't have hands." Peter stuttered out sin lying at his lips. Tony grew a stern look on his face as he grabbed what Peter was holding out of his hands.

"No! You aren't supposed to look at the surprise!" Peter exclaimed standing on his tippy toes trying to get the hot pan back. Tony looked at the pan in confusion. He saw a black mush at the bottom of the pan with a wretched smell. Tony looked back to Peter.

"What is this?" Tony asked in total confusion. Peter got down from his tippy toes and picked at his messy fingers slobbered with his concoction. He looked at the floor in shame and embarrassment and whispered,"They were supposed to be pancakes for you,"

Tony's eyes widened and he took a good look around what was behind the kitchen island to see a huge bowl of a nasty mixture. His eyes softened as he looked back down at his embarrassed son. Tony started to laugh and Peter looked up in surprise.

"You're not mad?" Peter asked innocently.

"Oh I am mad alright," Tony paused looking at Peters puppy eyes," But.. I appreciate what you did for me bud."

Peters eyes lit up and a big grin spread across his face. He ran to his Dad and hugged him.

"Happy Father's Day Dad." Peter spoke softly into his dads shirt. Tony smiled in appreciation, man was he a lucky dad.

Sorry this took awhile to come out I had written this all out but then it all deleted and for awhile I was to frustrated to re write it all

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