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Peter is 15 in this one and Tony is still is biological dad :)

Tony most always picked up Peter after school. Unless he was too busy, but he would always try his best to pick him up. He liked picking up Peter because after school the two would always talk, didn't matter what it was about , because Tony always enjoyed talking to him on his way home.

However today something was off. The minute Peter got in the car he slammed the door and kept quiet. Tony lectured him about slamming the door but Peter just rolled his eyes as a response. Something Peter almost never does.

"Listen Pete if you got a bad grade that's fine, I'll get over it, you'll get over it I can pay for whatever college you would like but you do not roll your eyes at me." Tony demanded.

"I didn't get a bad grade." Peter mumbled angrily and rolled his eyes again. Tony Stark scoffed and held out his hand.

"Alright hand over the phone and you are grounded for the rest of the week." Tony stated. Peter finally flipped his head around from the window. His eyebrows furrowed in anger as he rustled through his bag violently and took out his phone and slaps it into his dads hands.

"I don't know where all this attitude came from young man but you better get rid of it. When we get home head straight to your room." Tony warned. Peter stared back out the window.

The rest of the ride home was in silence. Tony was infuriated at the unbelievable amount of disrespect his kid gave him. The minute they got home Peter left the car slamming it behind him and immediately headed up to his bed room in a jog. Peter slammed his door and Tony yelled up to him "I'll take off the hinges off of that!"

Peter ran to his bed and shoved his face into his blue blanket . His emotions poured out as he started to sob quietly into his now wet blanket. The events from today at school rushed through him. Flash was more unkind than any other day he had been bullied by him. Why? He wish we knew.

Tony sat down on the couch and withdrew a long sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. He glanced at upstairs as a million questions ran through his head. After 15 minutes Tony had a slowly made his way up to his sons door to hear a faint cry. Tony's heart dropped as he knocked on the door. He heard a faint "Come in." Before we waltzed into the room.
Peter was on his bed facing away from Tony.

"Come here to take my door?" Peter asked with a sniffle. Tony sat down next to Peter on his bed, "No, I just wanted to come up here to... to see what was going on." Tony stated trying to talk in the sweetest tone he could.

"Going on?" Peter questioned still facing away from his father.

"Well yeah Pete, you're never like this. Not since you were little at least, but this is just not you, what's going on Pete?" Tony asked his rubbing his sons back calmingly.

There was a great silence.

".. It's just," Peter paused, "It's nothing it's just this stupid kid Flash but I can really h-"

Tony interrupted his son, "Has he been bullying you?"

Another silence came before Peter gave a reluctant nod. Tony Stark for the first time in a long one was quite, appalled. He was quite stumped for words. So instead he brought his son in for a warm hug. Peter quietly sobbed into his dads shoulder.

"It's okay. Everything will be okay." Tony assured.

When Peter walked into school the next day and had seen Flash glare at him before walking forwards the administration office he smiled to himself knowing, everything will be okay.

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