Part Two - Chapter Twenty: My Best Friend

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“Mia it’s so great to see you again,” Catherine Bishop said walking towards her best friend, she hadn’t seen Mia in years and had been thrilled when Mia had called to invite her to Madrid.

Catherine had been shocked and appalled when she had been told by Mia what Rosie had done, she had never gotten along with the older Trevanion sister and couldn’t believe that Rosie had done that to her own sister.

Mia hugged Catherine, she truly didn’t know what she would have done if Catherine had said no to being Abigail’s God-mother and her maid-of-honour for the wedding.

“So where is the future Mr Mia Trevanion?” Catherine asked making sure that she had all of her things before they started to leave the airport; she was so happy for her best friend and she couldn’t wait to meet the man that had stolen Mia’s hand.

Mia laughed and smiled at her friend, she had missed having Catherine around and she was sure that she would make things better for her.

“He’s at home with Abby,” Mia said leading Catherine to the Audi A6 that Iker had given her to use, she had been a little surprised when he had put her on his car insurance so that she could drive any of his cars.

Catherine beamed at the mention of her new god-daughter, she had seen so many picture of Abigail and she couldn’t wait to see her in person.

“How is my adorable god-daughter?” Catherine asked remembering the few times she had seen the six month old via skype and from pictures that had turned up in the news.

Mia grinned, she was glad to have a friend like Catherine especially after what Rosie had done; she doubted that any of her family would turn up for the christening which would take place that weekend.


Iker looked up at the soft squeal of excitement from Abigail, he chuckled moving to pick his daughter and cuddle her close; her christening was that week and he was looking forward to it.

Mia’s birthday was a few days after and Iker was determined to make this special and he didn’t care about what would happen with Mia’s family; he was tired of playing nice with them when they did nothing but treat him like dirty.

“It’ll be okay,” Iker murmured quietly, he cuddled Abigail as he peeked at the answering machine; it had been his mother’s idea to send invites to Abigail’s christening.

Iker hadn’t been surprised that they had all declined and Rosie had even left a horrible message on the couple’s answering machine while Danny had pleaded yet again for Mia to leave Ike and return to South Africa.

“I love you so much,” Iker whispered pressing a kiss to the top of Abigail’s head, he couldn’t help but fear that Mia’s family might do something to break them up before the wedding; he didn’t want to lose his fiancée or his daughter.

Iker looked towards the door and smiled as he heard Mia coming home with Catherine, he hadn’t wanted to attract too much attention and had opted to stay at home with Abigail while she had picked her friend up from the airport.

Iker watched Mia enter the living room with a blonde woman, he smiled at the pair while Abigail pouted; he wasn’t sure how Catherine would react to him.

“Aren’t you so cute?” Catherine cooed and moved to take Abigail from Iker, the footballer stared at her a little surprised as she fussed over his daughter.

Mia laughed softly, she walked over to her fiancé and gave him a kiss knowing that he was a little stubborn that Catherine had ignored him for Abigail.


“So Catherine… what do you do?” Iker asked as the three sat down to dinner, Abigail had been long since set down for bed and the footballer was curious to get to know the woman that was Mia’s best friend.

Catherine sipped on her glass of wine, she was still surprised that Mia had somehow ended up with a superhunk; she hadn’t expected to be such a perfect gentleman.

“I’m a lawyer,” Catherine said making Mia snort, she shared a smile with her best friend while Iker looked between the two women; he felt a little lost about why that would be amusing.

Iker was surprised how good friends the two women were and they reminded him of Sergio and Fernando; the two didn’t have to speak all the time to know that they could rely on one another.

“Sorry… inside joke, Mia doesn’t think I’m sensible enough to be a divorce lawyer,” Catherine explained with a smile, she had no idea how Mia had managed to find such a perfect man.

Catherine had been so worried when Mia had called her about what Rosie had done, she feared that things would fall apart and it was nice to see them still going strong.

Iker chuckled and nodded his head, he crossed his arms as the two of them started talking about things that had happened while they were in school.

“How is wedding planning going?” Catherine asked, she was so looking forward to watching her best friend getting married; she couldn’t wait to see the dress that she would be wearing as maid-of-honour.

Iker closed his eyes, it had been a nightmare to pull together and he was glad that his mother had been so helpful; they were nearly done and he couldn’t wait for the big day.

“Great… we have a dress fitting on Wednesday,” Mia said smiling, she couldn’t wait to try on her wedding dress and she hoped that Catherine would like her dress.


Catherine looked around the room that she would be staying in while she was in Madrid, she had wanted to stay in a hotel but Iker had insisted that they had room for her in the house.

“Iker’s nice,” Catherine said looking at Mia who was helping her settle in, Iker had gone to bed since he had training early the next morning; she couldn’t believe that he had been so nice to her.

Catherine had been a little worried that Rosie had been right about Iker and now having met him, she wondered why the older Trevanion had so much of a problem with him.

“He is… he’s amazing,” Mia gushed unable to stop herself, she loved the feelings she got from Iker and she was so happy to be marrying him.

Catherine laughed as she sat down on the bed, she smiled at Mia for a moment while she just watched her; she had never seen this Mia and she liked her, she was so happy and so in love.

“I’m happy for you Mia… you deserve this,” Catherine said moving to hug her best friend, it was a shame that her family couldn’t see how happy Iker made Mia and they had believed Rosie’s disgusting lies.

Iker couldn’t hurt a fly and Catherine was happy to say that she thought this marriage would last; Mia and Iker were nothing like the couples that she worked with.

“Now does he have a brother?” Catherine asked smiling at Mia, she had to have her own Iker and she couldn’t believe that there wasn’t another version of him.

Mia laughed and nodded her head, Unai was very much single right now and she was sure that he would be perfect for Catherine; he was such a sweetheart like his brother.

“Tell me all about my future husband,” Catherine demanded looking at her friend, she had missed having Mia around and wanted to make the most of it.

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