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Hades growls at the man before him.

"I'm not asking, I'm demanding. Just this once." He growls out and the man chuckles.

"Pretty nice coming from you, why do you need to go anyways?" The man asks and Hades can feel his patience running low.

"Zeus for the death of all that's holy, you better shut your mouth." He glares as he watches the man.

"Well brother, there's only so much I can do, but if your appearing in each other's dreams, then you are soulmates. Sorry brother but we all had to go through it." Zeus says as both brothers shudder at the thought of Aphrodite rejecting hers. She was the Goddess of Love after all. Poor guy.

"I know I can't actually go to earth as a mortal, I'm imprisoned here forever, but she's mine and I want her here with me. It's driving me crazy, I killed Misery twelve times yesterday." Hades tells his brother who full on belly laughs at his statement.

"I never did like that one. I can help you get to her, but she won't be willing." Zeus trails off as his brother's eyes widen.

"I can't kidnap her!" Hades whisper yells in a scolding tone to his brother.

"Well you want her or not?" Zeus asks and Hades resolve shatters.

"Yes I do. Fine, how am I supposed to pull this off?" He asks and Zeus's eyes twinkle in mischief.

"Well I'm sure you can figure that out, besides all you need is for her to reach her field of flowers, and she's all yours. Her mother will be pissed that's for sure, but there's not much she can do to you. The mother's not mortal, but the father was, Sephony is a mix between mortal and goddess. You've got yourself a mixed blood brother." Zeus says as he hits his brother's back.

"When will we do it?" Hades asks and Zeus shrugs.

"Why not now?" He asks as he transports them to the mortal realm, near Sephony's flower field, at the edge of the forest. Hades eyes widen as he takes in his Queen's flowers.

"Did she do this?" He asks and Zeus nods.

"Her mother controls the seasons and her father was a mere musician. So she can control plants and animals by singing." He says and Hades nods eager to know more about his soulmate.

"How long do we have to wait?" He asks impatiently and Zeus quietly chuckles as he catches sight of the little queen.

"Not long, there she is." He whispers and Hades head snaps in her direction taking in all of her.

"She's beautiful. My little Queen." Hades whispers to himself as he watches her giggle at the butterflies whilst sitting in flowers. Hades has to take a step back when she starts singing to the flowers for them to grow. Her voice is so beautiful he can't help but be drawn to it. He closes his eyes in bliss as she finishes her song. He opens his eyes to a gust of wind, looking to see that his brother has left him.

"You don't have to kidnap her." Zeus says to Hades as he leaves the two. Hades will tell him when to transport him back.

Hades watches the girl, in a total trace. He doesn't notice, until he's a couple of steps from her that he's moved. The little girl's head snaps to his as she notices his presence with wide fearful eyes, but her eyes, just as quickly as they were filled with fear, filled with recognition. She shoots up from her spot on the ground and into his chest, her arms wrapping around his waist.

"You're here." She sighs out as she snuggles closer to him. He wraps his arms around her in bliss as he looks down at the top of her head.

"Yeah, I am." He mutters as he pulls her closer.

"You kept the bad things away." She mumbles into his shirt and he laughs internally at that. He's the ruler of death, he is the King of bad.

"I only have a little time here. I wanted to take you home with me." He says and she looks up at him.

"What about my mother?" She asks and Hades winces. He forgot about her mother.

"How about I go talk to her, okay my love?" He asks and she nods with a blush at the nickname. He pulls away and takes her hand and drags her along to the doorway. Hopefully her mother understands as his Queen's father was her mother's soulmate. Sephony goes past him as he pauses at the doorway, into the house looking for her mother. The man gave her strange feelings that she liked. Hades followed her and once he gets sight of her mother he cringes.

"Mother?" Sephony asks as she spots her mother.

"Yes darling?" She asks as she turns to look at her daughter but freezes once she catches sight of the dark man next to her daughter.

"Hades?" She asks and he nods.

"Hello Deme, I'm here for your daughter." He says as he looks at her with a look in his eyes. She immediately knows why he's here and sighs sadly.

"I knew this day would come, come here my love." She says as she holds out a hand for her daughter. Her daughter as oblivious as ever, doesn't notice the tension between the two, and goes to her mother's arms. Deme looks down at her daughter in happiness.

"Sephony dear, you have to go with this man, he is your soulmate." She starts to explain and her daughter's eyes widen.

"My soulmate?" She questions and Hades looks at her with a small, unnoticeable smile.

"Yes my love, you're my Queen." He says to her and she giggles happily as she looks at her mother with sparkling green eyes.

"Go pack your things my sweet." Deme says with a small smile that makes her daughter bound up the stairs in excitement. Deme looks to Hades with a glare as she thinks about her daughter leaving her.

"I'll agree to her going with you, if you accept she's to see me once a month." She comprises and Hades nods in agreement.

"Of course, is that all?" He asks and she looks at him with a certain gleam to her eyes he can't place.

"Don't do anything without her permission." She says and he nods.

"Of course. I could never." He replies as he thinks about his Queen finally coming home with him.

{Not the edited version or the finished product. }

Hades {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now