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Sephony silently laughs at the two siblings as they argue with each other. Hades chuckles to himself as he watches them fight over who gets in the carriage first.

"I should get in because I don't have a fat head, you potato!" Pain screams to her brother Misery who just rolls his eyes.

"Yeah well at least I don't have weird eyebrows." He retorts to which she gasps with wide eyes.

"You take that back! You know I'm self-conscious about my eyebrows." She yells to him as she points her finger at him. He shrugs with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry sis no can do." He says as he gets into the carriage with a grin. Pain holds her chest with a scowl on her face. She mumbles under her breath as she gets into the carriage after him. Sephony rolls her eyes and crawls in after them, Hades right behind her. Pain and Misery are on one side and Hades and Sephony were on the other. She looks around the inside at the designs and details of the carriage. Gold intricate swirls covered the whole inside as the outside was completely black. The seats were surprisingly comfortable as Sephony leans back on them and gets comfortable. She looks to Hades with a questioning look as she thinks about something.

"Won't people know we're leaving?" She asks as she looks to the siblings as the laugh at her obliviousness.

"Were currently invisible to anyone who wants to see us. The carriage is invisible until we come in contact with the fates land." Misery explains before Hades can get a chance to. Hades pouts which makes Pain laugh at him.

"Hold your souls pretty boy, you'll get your chance." She says as she winks at Sephony. Sephony giggles as she watches the whole ordeal with gleaming eyes. Hades looks to her for help but she just shrugs.

"Sorry, I'm with her." She says as she looks to Pain who laughs like a maniac.

"Ha! She left you for me, you hear that Mis?" Pain asks as she tries to catch her breath at Sephony's statement. Misery looks to Hades with a smirk.

"I sure did, I get to have Hades all to myself." He chuckles evilly as he watches Hades eyes widen considerably.

"Uh, no." He says as he looks to his queen, who is trying her best not to laugh at Hades. He rolls his eyes as he mutters under his breath.

"You guys are mean to me." He mutters quietly as he glares at the two, who are the size of children. It was quite funny, they were rude as heck, but smaller than ever. Sephony leans her head on Hades arm as she looks up at him.

"It's all in good fun dear." She giggles quietly to him so the others won't hear. He looks to her with a small smile.

"I know." He says as he leans his head on hers and looks out the window at the passing trees.

The carriage stops as soon as Hades looks back to Sephony will loving eyes. His eyes quickly turn from loving to confusion as he tries to rack his head as to why they stopped. The fates land wasn't this short of a drive in the carriage. The twins quickly stand up and open the door with determined eyes as they wearily look out the door. They relax once they see the familiar land they're on and turn back to the confused couple.

"Looks like the fates wanted us earlier than usual. We're here." They say as they hop out the carriage and onto the now snowy land. Sephony looks to Hades with a shrug as if to say 'don't look to me'. She rolls her eyes as she gets up and steps out the carriage with Hades right behind her. The twins were playing in the snow when Sephony caught sight of them and giggled as she tapped Hades to direct his attention from the carriage to the two siblings who were throwing snow balls at each other. He chuckled as a snow ball hit Misery square in the face as it knocked him down. Pain clutches her stomach as she laughs hard at the sight of her brother when out of nowhere a snow ball hit her in the face muffling her laughter with a huff. Sephony giggles loudly which makes Hades look to her with a small smile. He needed to ask her to be his queen soon. He watched her lips part in a laugh and he held in a groan as her scent hit him more intensely. He closes his eyes to calm himself down when he hears footsteps coming in their direction. He opens his eyes to see a boy with a uniform on as he stops right in front of the group with a straight face.

"The fates are waiting for you, right this way." He says as he starts in the direction of a nearby pathway with his back turned to them. Pain and Misery are quick to catch up as they trail behind the couple and the guard. Sephony grabs Hades hand to comfort herself at the sudden sight of the random guard. Hades grip on her hand tightens when the guard turns his head to him without the others knowing. He tenses at his cold look with a glare in his direction. The guards gaze turns from Hades glaring one to Sephony's oblivious one. He watches her with a mischief smirk as if he knows something Hades doesn't. He looks back up to Hades with the same smirk as his eyes scream mischief. Hades growls lowly to himself as the guard turns back around and Sephony's gaze turns back to him.

"Is everything alright?" She questions curiously as she takes in Hades tense and glaring form.

"Yeah, everything is fine don't worry love." He says as his gaze turns to her with a small forced smile, forcing his form to relax as to not worry his little queen. But the guard's last words were bouncing in his head.

"They are watching."


Sorry if the chapter is short, completely lost inspiration halfway through!

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