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Sephony giggles in excitement about being able to leave the lines with her mate. Hades. I wonder where he lives, she thought to herself. She zips her wolf bag closed and goes to leave the room, but stops when she catches sight of Vinni. Her eyes widen as she realizes she almost left her stuffed wolf. She goes to grab it when a voice stops her.

"Vinni? I forgot you had him." Her mother says as she walks into the room.

"Father gave it to me, I don't want to leave him behind." Sephony mumbles as she thinks of her father.

"I remember when he gave this to you. You wanted a wolf and he got you this. You loved it either way." Deme says as she remembers her mate. She shakes off the memory.

"You ready to go?" Deme asks her daughter who nods her head.

"All ready." Sephony says as her mother picks up her bag and walks out the door. Sephony follows suit with a grin upon her face. She hears her mother talking to someone about something. She shakes off the feeling it's about her and walks down the stairs. Once she gets to the bottom, her mother is by the front door and Hades is waiting by the stairs.

"Alright, everything is ready to go." Her mother says as she goes to step out the door, but stops at her daughter's voice.

"What about my flowers? Who will take care of them when I'm gone?" She asks as she remembers her flowers.

"Why, you will my love." Deme says as she remembers the visits Hades promised.

"How, I will be gone?" She says confused as her mother laughs.

"Oh dear, you will be here every month to see me, but only for a day. So when you get back, you can take care of your flowers. Is that aright with you darling?" She asks her daughter who immediately nods with an ear splitting grin.

"Now, off you go." Deme says as she gives Hades Sephony's bag and hold open the door for them.

"See you soon mother!" Sephony shouts as Hades walks her towards the black horse carriage and stops to let her in.

"See you soon Sephony." Deme mutters as she watches the new couple ride off towards who knows where. Hades looks at his Queen, who is looking out at the shops there passing by with awe. She's never been out of the comfort of her own home. Sephony looks at the little jewel shop ahead.

"Oh, can we stop here? Please!" She asks and Hades can't help but not to say no to her. He wanted to give her all the things in the world, why not start now.

"Of course my love, anything you want." Hades tells her to which she blushes, not used to the nickname.

The carriage stops and Hades climbs out first to help Sephony out. As Sephony lands on the ground she looks up at the shop in awe. Hades looks at the shop to see that it's the smallest, unpopular shop in the market.

"Are you sure you want to stop here? There plenty of other shops in the villa to look from." Hades suggests to which his queen denies instantly.

"No, this shop is perfect." She says as she walks towards it. The people around stopping to see the little beauty that has blessed their town today, but run away at the sight of the dark man towering over her. The new couple pays no mind to them and walks right into the shop, a little bell dinging above them.

"Is there someone here? Oh hello!" A little old woman says as she comes from behind the counter from a room in surprise.

"The first customers in a while. Come in dearies, how can I help you?" The old woman asks as she looks at the little queen and the dark man in awe. People don't usually stop at the little woman's shop because she is old, but its clear Sephony did not care in the slightest.

"Hello! It's my first time out to the market, anything you have will be nice. Everything is all so pretty." Sephony shyly tells the woman as she looks around at all the shiny jewelry hanging around.

"Well I think I have just the thing for you, I just finished it. I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." The old woman mutters as she scurries away to the back.

"Hades, everything is so beautiful. Do you have things like these in your home?" She asks curiously and he nods.

"I am meant to talk to you about that. Where I live is a little different to where you lived my love. I am not a normal man, my love I am a God." He tells her to which she turns to him curiously.

"Really? Which one are you, Mama said she's the Goddess of the seasons." Sephony tells him to which he nods, as he already knew that.

"I am the God of the Underworld, also known as King Hades. You are my Queen." He tells her to which she giggles.

"I like that. So does this mean I can stay with you forever?" She asks and he chuckles.

"For as long as you want my queen." He tells her as she blushes again at his nicknames.

"So where is your house?" She asks and he looks at her with a mischief gleam in his eyes.

"Castle my love, not house. I live in the Underworld. Someone will transfer us there later, once our time here has run out." Hades explains as Sephony nods. At this time the old woman comes out having heard everything. The old woman knew of the gods and goddess's but never did imagine she would see one in the flesh. The old woman fell joy at being able to treat a Gods Queen. She had picked the most beautiful necklace in the shop for Sephony.

"Oh here you go dear. Go ahead turn around, let me out it on you." The woman mutters as the little girl giggles at the old woman's tone. Sephony turns around to face Hades as the old woman puts the necklace on her. The cold silver touching her skin making her shiver as the old woman pulls away. Sephony turns around to see the old woman smiling at her with kind eyes.

"Beautiful." She tells the little Queen who blushes at the kind woman.

"How much is it?" Hades asks as he looks at his beautiful mate with awe.

"Nothing for you my Queen." The old woman tells the girl as Hades looks confused at the woman.

"How'd you know?" He asks and the woman winks.

"A lady never tells her secrets. Now off you go, it's getting dark." She mutters to the two, shooing them out the little shop as she looks outside.

"Thank you?" Sephony starts but then realizes she never got the old woman's name.

"Dartha, goodbye Sephony." Dartha says as she closes her shop door and leaves the couple in a daze. Sephony giggles at the old woman's manner and Hades tries to think how the old woman knew his mate's name. Shaking it off, he takes his queen's hand and leads her back to the carriage in silence.

{Not the edited version or the finished product. }

Hades {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now