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{WARNING! This Chapter contains content that may be disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. Blood, Death, and other things will be in this chapter so if you can not handle it, please do not read this.}

Sephony stood in the middle of the room with Eyra and Dani. Cerby by her side made her feel safe and also Pain who was just a few cells away. Hades and Blade went to go try and get Liam and Titan and her mother. It seems that Eyra and Dani had another trick up their sleeves. Now not only did she have to worry about getting her friends out safe, but also her mother. The pressure was immense. Eyra had a smirk on her face, and Dani had a look of confusion and some sort of what looked like pain. Eyra looks to him with a smirk as if she was going to ask a question when she sees Dani wince.

"What's wrong?" She asks and he puts a hand to his heart and grunts in pain.

"Nothing, I'll be right back." He says as he runs off. Eyra looks to him with a look of concern before she shakes her head and looks to her with a glare.

"Don't try anything, or your friends die." She says and Sephony nods her head.

"Of course." She says as she pats Cerby's head as he looks to Eyra with hungry eyes as he licks his lips. Eyra looks to him with a look of disgust as she points to a pillow in the corner that had been thrown off the small couch.

"Make him go over there, I want no interruptions." Eyra says as she gives Sephony one last glare before she starts to walk down the hall a bit, but stops as if she remembered something. Sephony sits down on the couch as Cerby goes to the pillow in the corner and lays his head on it.

"I'll be right back so don't do anything stupid." She says as she walks off and down the hall. When she's out of sight Sephony jumps up and goes to the glass window wall thing and looks through it towards her friends. As if on cue Hades and Blade open the exit of the cage vault with irritated faces. Sephony catches sight of the two guards that were guarding the door on the ground with busted faces. Sephony winces but sighs out in relief. They were going to be safe. Her head perks up as she hears noise coming from the hall and she turns her gaze to see Eyra pulling Pain out of the cell she was hiding in by her hair. Behind her was a dead Dani with a slit throat, from a blade, but when Sephony looks on she knows that Pain didn't kill him. Eyra drags Pain towards Sephony and Pain screams at her to let go of her. A feeling of dread goes through her as she sees this. Then she remembers that only Hades and Blade were at the entrance, Misery was no where in sight. She goes panicked when Eyra throws Pain on the ground with a growl as she takes out a blade that is covered in blood. It was the same knife that had killed Dani. Pain was coughing in Pain as she tries to steady herself. Sephony goes into full panic mode as she realizes that Pain had been caught, and she had no idea if Hades or the rest of the group was okay. She starts to panic even more when Eyra grabs Pain by her hair again and puts the knife to Pain's neck. A figure moving in the corner catches Sephony's attention and she realizes that it's Cerby. She almost sighs in relief when she sees this because she lets out a sigh of relief. Eyra looks to Sephony with a glare.

"So you brought this to protect you? How sad, the little queen has to take protection from a little child, and a dog! You are much more worthless than I thought you were, and you were supposed to kill me? Now that's hard to believe. Pain looks to Sephony with a look in her eyes that says everything will be fine. Pain grins as she pushes her neck closer to the knife and winks at Sephony.

"Might want to close your eyes Seph, it's going to get a little bloody." Pain warns and before Sephony can react Pain turns her head to one side with her neck pushed as hard as she can to the knife and the she jerks her head to the other side, efficiently slicing her throat and spluttering blood everywhere. Eyra's hands are quickly covered in it and she drops the knife quickly in shock. Cerby takes this time to attack, as he jumps on her and attaches to her neck. Eyra screams out in pain as Cerberus rips out her jugular, efficiently killing her. Sephony stands there in shock as she realizes that Pain has died, as have Eyra and Dani, and she just stood there. Her lips tremble as she takes in the sight of blood all around her, on the floor and on Cerby, who is licking his lips to get the blood off his mouth. Sephony takes a step forward to walk around the bodies when a figure runs through the hall but stops at Dani's dead body.

"Whoa." Misery mutters as he takes in the sight of the dead Royal Beta. Eyra had killed him, and she had died. Pain had killed herself to give Cerberus time to kill Eyra. Sephony sheds a tear at this. She couldn't believe that Pain was gone, and Misery was going to be so sad once he found out. Misery turns to look towards Sephony but the sight takes him off guard. His eyes rack over his dead sister and a dead Eyra and he looks on in shock.

"What happened? Seph?" He asks with confused eyes as he looks at Eyra and Pain, blood surrounding them.

"They're dead." Sephony says.

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