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Sephony looks to Hades with wide eyes as she takes in his serious look and the shiny tiara in front of her.

"Well it's kind of hard to say no when you have a shiny tiara in my view." She says with a cheeky smile as she fidgets from the situation she had been put in. She wanted this so badly, yes she did, but the only words that would spew out of her mouth was comedic things from her alter ego who spoke for her when she was frozen. Hades laughs and puts the tiara on the desk carelessly and turns to his mate with a big grin.

"So, will you?" He asks with a small smile as he takes in his mates face and she breathes in a breath of air as she tries to calm herself down. Hades brushes a hand over her shoulder with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Take as long as you need to answer my love." He tells her and she nods as she closes her eyes for a split second. Hades could practically feel the anxiety rolling of of her and her inner battle at getting an answer to come out. Finally she nods with a starting grin as her eyes fill with light.

"Yes, Hades, I'll gladly be your Queen." She says breathily and he pumps a fist in the air.

"She said yes!" He laughs out as he picks Sephony up in his arms and spins her around and Sephony giggles in response.

"Your acting like you just asked me to marry you and I said yes." She says between her giggles and Hades puts her down and shrugs cheekily.

"Well that's what kind of just happened." He says simply and Sephony gasps.

"What! Tell me you didn't." She says in a shocked voice and Hades laughs at her.

"No, you accepted to be my Queen, and the people's Queen, but the marriage comes much later, well not too late." He says with a wink and Sephony hits his chest with a gasp.

"Hades!" She says with a blush and he shrugs.

"What it's the truth, sooner or later a ring is gonna be on that finger Missy, hopefully sooner rather than later." He says with a laugh as he grabs her hand and drags her out of his office and down the halls. Hades walks just outside of the throne room and turns to her with an embarrassed smile as he scratches his head with his eyes turned downwards.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, as your first official act of Queen." He starts and Sephony crosses her arms on her chest, with a small smile as she realizes what he's making her do.

"You'll be helping me do meetings today." He says and she laughs.

"Already making me do work I see." She teases and he goes red.

"No I"m no- okay I am." He says once he sees her face and he becomes more bashful as he looks to her with the same look but with pleading eyes.

"Please love, I have to go through this every week and I want you to learn what a Queen does beside her King. It would help you learn about the people you rule over." He convinces and Sephony sighs with a small smile.

"Fine, but Cerberus has to be there." She says with a chuckle at the thought of Cerby sitting there with his puppy glare as he looks to her.

"Done, Cerberus!" Hades calls out and the sound of footsteps hitting the ground in a run sounds out from the empty hallway. Cerby comes into sight very fast as he runs towards them with a puppy grin. Sephony laughs as she bends down to pet him as he stops at her feet.

(For anyone wondering what Cerby looks like.)

"Cerby boy, you ready to go do work?" Sephony asks him and he just barks at her and she giggles

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"Cerby boy, you ready to go do work?" Sephony asks him and he just barks at her and she giggles.

"I guess that's a yes." Hades says as he opens the door.

A couple hours go by at just listening to hearings go on and listening to people talking about more guards and protection around the castle. Sephony sighs in boredom and looks to Cerberus with a pout.

"And he goes through this every week?" She whispers to him and he gives her a nod. Hades and Sephony sit at the front of the room in their throne chairs and everyone else sitting around them at the table and talking to each other about things that either need to be fixed or added, and Hades or her accepts before they go onto another topic, every once and a while someone will disagree with their choice and cause a disruption but it always got solved. The current topic their talking about catches Sephony's ears with confusion.

"We've discovered a border breach a couple of days ago in the Werewolf Kingdom, it was dealt with quickly but the rogue caught didn't tell them anything." A person says as they look to Hades for an answer.

"Kill him. Next." He says and Sephony freezes. She interrupts the next guy who starts talking.

"No, I don't think so." She says with an arched eyebrow. Hades turns to her with an confused look as he tries to figure why she wouldn't want the rogue dead.

"The rogue crossed the border line of the Werewolf Kingdom?" She asks the man who nods his head in shock at her speaking to him.

"And he said nothing." She says with a thoughtful look and the man nods again in conformation.

"Did anyone torture him?" She asks with golden eyes as her wolf makes an appearance with a cautious presence.

"No my Queen." The man stutters out and Sephony turns to Hades with a questioning look.

"Do whatever you want love, it's in your hands." Hades says curiously, he waned to see what she would do. She did not disappoint.

"Torture him, get information, if he doesn't talk tell him I will make a personal appearance and I won't be as kind." She and her wolf say as her wolf takes over her a little bit, but still lets her have control.

"Yes, my Queen." He says as he sits down and the next person speaks.

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