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Sephony sighs as she looks to the man in front of her.

"Why do you have so much stuff to do in the day, it honestly is so tiring!" She groans out as she plops onto Hades couch in his office. Hades laughs at her and shrugs his shoulders.

"It's what you've got to do if you want to run a Kingdom love." He tells her and she groans again. They had done about three hours worth of meetings today, checked the borders around the castle, watched the warriors and guards train, Hades occasionally yelling to them to pick up the pace, and had done stacks upon stacks of paperwork of other things as well. Because Sephony was to take over the Werewolf Kingdom, she had her own paperwork to do and she was already done with it.

"Just listen to this, a girl want to move into the pack grounds permanently, because she believes no other pack is more worthy of her!" She exclaims as she flings the paper across the room to him in an annoyed fashion.

"Yes, so you have to decide if your going to approve or decline or let her stay temporarily." Hades explains and it just makes Sephony groan again.

"Decline." She says as Hades gives her the paper back and she sighs again.

"Can we take a break? My feet are starting to become numb from sitting to long." She complains with wide eyes as she tries to sway him into letting her go somewhere for a bit.

"Fine, but so help me to the gods if you complain one more time when we get back, I'm not helping you." He says seriously as he gets up out of his office chair and stretches.

"I promise." She says happily as she bounds towards the door. Hades rolling his eyes and following after her.


"Talk!" The male wolf growls towards the rouge in the bounded chair who just spits at him. He wipes the spit from his forehead and smirks maliciously.

"The Werewolf Queen who is also Hades wife, said if you don't start talking, she will make a presence and she won't be as nice as us." He growls out as the rouge rolls his eyes.

"Why don't you send her then, if your so eager." He says with a small smirk as he closes his eyes and ignores the wolves yelling at him and hitting him.

"Send her the message, tell her she has to make him talk." The man growls out as he slams the cage door of the rouge in rage. The wolves around him bow their heads in submission as they back away from the angered Alpha Wolf.

"Yes Alpha." They respond in sync as they scurry off.

"Dreaded wolves." He growls out as he walks out of the dungeons with a scowl. He starts to walk towards the pack house.

"Hey! Alpha, what's up?" His Beta asks and the Alpha roll his eyes at him.

"Don't even get me started Liam." He says in an annoyed voice and his Beta just laughs at his expense.

"Well since I can't get you started, your mothers here to see you." He says as he watches his Alpha groan in response.

"Not now." He says as he catches sight of his mother standing their with her arms crossed and a glare on her face.

"You are so dead." His Beta says and he nods his head.

"I am so dead." He repeats as he walks up to his angry mother with a small smile.

"Hey Ma." He says as he watches his Beta scurry off in another direction and he internally shouts at him.


"Don't hey Ma me boy, Blade Ashton Blue, you better have a good excuse for not calling me or your going to be in big trouble mister!" She growls out as she grabs his arm and shoves him inside. Soon he's interrupted into a hug as his mother hold onto him tightly.

"There was a rouge problem that I had to deal with, and because of this the future Queen of the Werewolf Kingdom and her mate Hades might or might not be coming over tomorrow to talk to him, and they might stay for dinner." He coaxes his mother with cooking to get her to let go of him and it works.

"Tomorrow, for dinner, boy why didn't you mention this sooner!" She groans out as she slaps him on the side of the head and rushes towards the kitchen.

"Because I just found out." He mumbles as he starts to walk away.

"No back talking!" She shouts to him and he grumbles.


Sephony and Hades had just finished their break and were walking into Hades office when at that time Hades phone started to ring. Because Sephony was closer to his desk than he was she picked up the phone for him and put it to her ear.

"Queen Sephony speaking, how may I help you?" She asks cheekily as Hades rolls his eyes at the title she used. He sits in his office chair with curious eyes as he tries to pick up on the voice behind the phone.

"Yes your majesty, it seems that the Werewolf Kingdom have a problem with getting the rouge to talk, they said to send you." A meek voice says in response and Sephony rolls her eyes.

"Okay, well tell them we'll be there soon, Hades when do you think we can go to the Werewolf Kingdom?" She asks as she holds the phone to her chest.

"Tonight, we'd get there by morning if we brought Pain and Misery along." He explains and she tilts her head in confusion.

"Can't we just teleport like you did with me?" She asks and he shakes his head.

"No, only Zeus can help us with that and it's only for emergencies." He explains as he points to the phone.

"Tell him we'll be there tomorrow by noon." He says with a pointed look and Sephony rolls her eyes. She puts the phone back to her ear and tell the man what Hades told her.

"We'll be there by noon tomorrow, were bringing guests, make sure you inform your Alpha of our arrival time." She tells him and they say their goodbyes and hangup.

"Inform him of our arrival?" Hades asks curiously and Sephony chuckles.

"It's rude in the werewolf world not to greet another high ranking wolf onto your territory." Sephony explains as she goes to her spot of papers and plops down.

"And where did you learn that?" He asks as he starts to work on his papers too.

"My father."

Hades {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now