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Sephony side steps out of the way and Aphrodite face plants into the ground right next to her. Aphrodite growls as she gets back up and dusts the dirt off of her.

"Aphrodite." Hades growls to her and Sephony laughs.

"It's okay Hades, I can take her." Sephony responds as she side steps Aphrodite again when she lunged at her.

"Is that the best you got?" She teases the Goddess and Aphrodite's eyes start glowing.

"I'm going to enjoy this." Aphrodite mumbles to the girl who just rolls her eyes.

"Why of course you are little princess." She teases again and then Aphrodite lunges for her again. Sephony kick her feet out from underneath her as she grabs her head by her hair.

"Not so pretty now, princess." She says as she pulls her up by her hair. Aphrodite cries and tries to punch her stomach with her open hands, but Sephony stops her by catching her hand midair.

"Now, now, you've got better." She growls out as she pushes Aphrodite off of her and slaps her in the face. Aphrodite catches herself and holds her cheek.

"You little brat!" She cries as she punches Sephony in the chest, knocking the wind out of her and hitting her back. Sephony groans out as she holds her chest.

"That hurt!" She cries as she stands back up with a glare upon her little face.

"What are you going to do about it mixed blood? What did I make the little human cry? Well too bad." Aphrodite says as she goes to hit her again, but is stopped by herself once she sees there's no one there to hit.

"What the?" She questions but is answered once a kick to her back lets her know where Sephony went. Sephony's eyes are glowing gold as she growls out a fierce and powerful growl that makes some of the people in the room bow their heads to it.

"I may be a mixed blood, but I'm no human." She spits as she walks up to her with a fierce glare. Aphrodite gasps as she thinks she's broken a rib or two and winces at the feeling of her body healing itself. Sephony grabs her by her head and pulls her up to her feet again.

"I'm the Queen." She says as she punches the back of Aphrodite's head, knocking her out cold.

Everyone is bathed in shocked silence as they watch their Queen beat Aphrodite, and how short it took to do it. Hades looks down to Aphrodite then to Sephony in awe as he walks towards her. Sephony snaps out of whatever trance she was in and looks around the room with a blush.

"So, is anyone next?" She asks and they all take a step back and shudder. Sephony can almost laugh at their faces as she hold down a giggle. Hades walks into the ring and takes her hand.

"Come on love, let's get your face checked out." He says as he looks at the new bruise forming on her face with a wince.

"What?" She questions as she touches her cheek with a wince as she feels the new bruise.

"Come one love, this way." He tells her as he drags her along and towards the medical wing and staff area. Hades walks in and the maids and servants bow as the couple passes them. Hades and Sephony ignore them, already used to it, and walk into the medical room.

"I need a nurse for the Queen." One of the doctors mutter as he catches sight of the couple coming into the office.

"Doctor Titan, hurry up!" Hades growls as he sits his queen on the medical table. The doctor rolls his eyes as he urges the nurse in quickly.

"So, what do we have today Hades?" The young lad asked as he ignores his friend's growl at him.

"She's hurt." He growls out as he looks towards his mate with assessing eyes.

"And she's also right here. Hello Doctor Titan, I'm Sephony, this loon's mate." She replies as she hold out her hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you, my queen." Titan says with a bow of his head as he shakes her hand with a grin.

"So, how'd this happen?" Doctor Titan asks and Sephony giggles tiredly, after her fight with Aphrodite her energy went away.

"Aphrodite punched me during our spar." Sephony says as she watches Hades walk over to her and wrap her in his arms. She leans her back against his chest as she catches the grin from Titan as he looks at the two. Titan touches her bruise and this time she doesn't wince, it has already started the healing process.

"You should be fully healed in a few hours." Titan says as he writes in a little notepad about the details of her injury. Sephony nods as the nurse pulls her away.

"A few hours? But she's half human, shouldn't it take longer?" Hades asked whilst looking confused as he watches the bruise slowly heal before him.

"Human? Who told you that?" The doctor asks as he looks at Sephony with assessing eyes.

"Her mother, and my brother. What, is there something wrong?" He asks as he watches the nurse from across the room chat with his queen.

"Hades, your mate is a mixed blood, you know this yes?" He questions first before he tells him what his mate is.

"Yes, of course I know that, a mix between Goddess and human, her mother was a Goddess and her father was a mere human." Hades says as he remembers what Zeus told him.

"Goddess yes, but human no. She has a bit of human in her from father, but other than that, she's not human." Titan says as he looks at Hades face with a small smile as his eyes widen from the information.

"Then what is she?" He asks as he looks at his eyes for any hint of a lie.

"Hades, she's the Werewolf Queen." He tells him, as Hades gets plunged into the cold darkness, with only the thought of to get back to his little queen.

Hades {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now