Chapter 1

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Danielle's Point of View.

I am not the typical teenager girl. I don't have a boyfriend, I don't go out every night and get drunk. I don't even have a proper best friend, who lives in the same country as me. Basically I think my life is pretty messed up. But I love it, and I think that everyone should love their life the way it is. I mean, we are the ones who make it that way. I, do, however have a friend, though, I don't know if I would call her my best friend. Maybe I would, but what if she doesn't think that way of me? Would be kind of awkward, don't you think? I mean, wouldn't you find it awkward and uncomfortable if someone you were just friends with, called you their best friend? 
Yes, so as I was trying to help you get a grip of my life, I mentioned that I don't have a boyfriend. I mean you probably would think that, 'many girls don't have boyfriends.'' Okay, I have never had a boyfriend. I am nineteen years old, and I have never been kissed. Huh, life's funny sometimes. Except that instead of laughing at it's amazing ways of working, I cry at it.
I ramble too much, anyway. I am currently on a plane to England. I am visiting my friend Fiona, who lives in England. Yes, this is the friend that I mentioned earlier. We've been friends for like seven years, and we know everything about each other. At least, I think so. I'm pretty sure she knows everything about me. 
Her and I are huge fans of the X Factor. I don't know what makes me so excited, but I watch it ever year. This year, we decided to go see it live! I was so excited, I had already picked favourite person from the auditions.
I was seated by the window, I wasn't a huge fan of flying. The image of being lifted up in the air in a metal box wasn't the best image in the world. We were over land, which meant we were getting close to London. 
I live in Ireland, so the flight wasn't that long, thankfully. 
We landed, I'll skip this part as it isn't exactly exciting. I'm sure you all know how it is to get out of the plane. I hope.

I walked into the waiting and immediately spotted Fiona. She wasn't hard to miss. Her elegant body stood out from the crowd. No wonder she had a boyfriend and all of that happy stuff you get when you're a seventeen year old girl. She ran up to me, wearing blue skinny jeans and black boots, making her legs seem longer than they should be. I broke into a grin, it had been far too long since we had seen each other. 
'Ella'!'' Fiona exclaimed putting her arms around me. We hugged for a while before releasing each other and grinning.
''You should stick to calling me Danielle, you know how much I hate the name Ella'' I said as we began walking towards the exist.
''I know, that's why I call you that, Ella' Fiona laughed and I couldn't help but role my eyes at her. 
;;You will never guess who actually followed me on Twitter this morning'' Fiona began to blabber in her English accent, I mean I loved her and I thought I was a blabber mouth but she never shut up. 
''Who?'' I asked trying to sound as excited as I could. We had left the airport and were now heading towards the taxi. I only had bought two bags, but I didn't really need much else. I was only staying in London for  a few weeks.
''JACK WALTON!'' Fiona screamed as we approached the taxi. The taxi driver jumped at the sound of Fiona's voice and I couldn't help but laugh. Poor man, having to deal with us for the next twenty minutes. He helped me put my bags into the boot and we got in.
''Wow! Really?'' I said when we were inside.
''Thank you, your sarcasm is what I live for.'' 
''Ok, ok, sorry, that's lovely. I'm sure his life has been changed.'' 
Fiona rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. 
Jack Walton was the guy Fiona has been obsessed with for the last week. He is a contestant in X Factor and Fiona is absolutely in love with this dude. 
'You could have been a bit more excited'' She said, turning to look at me. I smiled an apologetic smile. 
''I'm sorry, that's great, really is'' 
''I'm sure if Ben followed you, you'd go crazy'' 
Ben. Oh my gosh. Yes, he too was part of the x Factor clan, but he was worth being obsessed about. He has the most perfect looking face in the world. Thinking about him made me want to jump up and down with joy. 
''See'' Fiona's voice brought me back to reality. ''You're already smiling'' She pointed out, I hadn't even realized it.
So yes, the reason Fee and I were going to go see x factor live was because of them. It was one of those, have to happen, things. Unmissable. 

''Are you sure you wouldn't rather stay at my place?'' Fee asked for the hundredth time. I was staying at a hotel because I felt like I was being a burden on her family if I stayed at her house.
''I am sure, honestly, plus you are more than welcome to stay here for the night''
''I can't, mum wants me home, but you should come to dinner.'' 
''It's eight, I would much rather go to sleep.'' I said as a yawn escaped my lips.
''No offence taken'' Fee said sarcastically and I couldn't help but laugh.
''I'll be at your house tomorrow morning, we can get ready together, and after the x factor I will come to yours, deal?'' I said, hoping she would agree. A huge grin spread across her face.
''Yes!'' She jumped up and hugged me. I hugged her back and said goodbye. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, and I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait to see Ben live. I had the most ridiculous, school girl crush on him ever. It wasn't even healthy. 

I had unpacked all of my stuff and was lying in my bed. Exploring the world of Twitter, more specifically, Ben's twitter. I probably shouldn't be but a girl needs to see what her crush was up to. Eventually I fell asleep, but after I had spent a good two hours looking at pictures of him and saving them and dreaming of him and I being together... Like I said, I wasn't the typical normal teenage girl. 

What Shouldn't Have Been.(X Factor FanFic) Book1Where stories live. Discover now