Fiona's Point Of View.

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I knocked on her door, adrenaline cursing through my veins. I was dating Jack Walton. Jack Walton was my boyfriend. I almost screamed with joy as I waited impatiently for Dani to open the door. 

''DANIELLE'' I called and after a moment she opened the door. Her cheeks were flushed and she had this weird glow. 

''Fiona?' She seemed confused.

''I'm just going to come out and say this.'' I said and walked past her into the hotel room. 

''Did you just wake up?'' I asked as I saw her damp hair, and unmade bed. 

''Um'' She looked at the ground her face turning red.

''What happened?'' I asked.

''No, you were going to tell me something.'' She said meeting my eyes.

''Ok. Jack and I are dating.'' I said. actually jumping up and down on the spot.

Dani's mouth almost touched the ground. She was staring at me wide eyed. A smile was forming on her lips. 

''Seriously?'' She asked. I could only nod enthusiastically. 

''Wow, how when where did this happen?'' She asked. 

 I told her all about what happened with Jack. I couldn't stop the amazing feeling of butterflies invading my stomach. It felt so right. I knew that I had moved on from Liam so quickly, but I needed it. I needed to be with Jack.

''He walked out of the coffee shop and kissed me in the middle of a street full of people! Do you even understand this?'' I said, unable to sit still.

''I am so happy things worked out for you' Dani said hugging me. There was something different about her. I couldn't quite understand what. 

''Are you okay though? '' I asked and we both pulled away from the hug. 

''I'm... amazing'' Dani said, breaking into a massive grin. 

''Why so?'' I asked. 

''I don't want to take the lime light from you''

''Oh, don't be silly' I said, already feeling excited for whatever she was going to say.

''Basically something happened last night.'' She began, her cheeks colouring.

''What?'' I asked, feeling way too excited. 

''Something.'' She cleared her throat and bit her lip.

''Basically, Jake came over and we had sex'' She said and shut her eyes. 

''OH MY GOSH.'' I screamed. I couldn't believe this.

''You made me talk about how Jack and I kissed for a good hour and you didn't tell me that!'' I said, still in a very loud voice. 

''I found your story very interesting.'' Dani said, unable to wipe the grin off her face.

''Oh stop lying, how was it, oh my gosh, Danielle we need to celebrate. Let's go out, come on. This is gold.'' I said, grabbing her by the arm and making her stand up. 

''I'm going out for dinner with Jake''

''Oh, could this get any better?''


''He's still taking you out for dinner, how romantic.'' I said, feeling way too excited about the fact that my best friend finally lost her virginity. 

''We can go out now, then you can go out with your Jake'' I said, hoping she would agree. I didn't ave anything else to do, Jack was in rehearsal and I wanted to celebrate this amazing moment. 

''I guess.'' 

''Be more excited this is perfect.'' I said.

For the next forty five minutes we got ourselves all dressed up and ready to go out for some lunch. It took us a long time because Dani spent at least thirty minutes telling me all about how Jake had come over and how it all ended up in the bed. 

''Where should we go?'' I asked once we had left the hotel.

''I don't know, Starbucks?'' Dani said.

''Really? Are you sure? You're always in there, don't you want to see more of what London has to offer?'' I asked. 

''Really. I like Starbucks, it's not far from here.'' 

''Alright, if you wish.'' I replied and we linked our arms and headed to Starbucks. 

Once we were there I discovered the reason to why she always went to Starbucks. I noticed Ben Haenow sitting in corner table drinking something out of his white cup and eating a muffin. 

''You're a terrible person.' I whispered into Dani's ear as we walked up to the till.

''What do you mean?'' She asked, pretending to me oblivious.

''Ben is here, you wanted to see Ben. You knew he was going to be here, because he is always here. Isn't this the same place you saw him twice already?'' 

Dani's cheeks changed colour as she tried to ignore me. She was speaking to the cashier, ordering her regular latte. 

''I don't know what you're talking about.'' She said and paid for mine and her drinks. 

''Why don't we go sit beside him'' I said and Dani's eyes widened. 


''Ben'' I called and he looked up. At first he seemed confused until he noticed Dani was standing behind me. He grinned and waved. He gestured for us to come over and I gladly did. Dani on the other hand seemed very awkward and took her time getting over here.

I decided to sit  on one side of the table and make myself at home, so Ben would have to scootch over and let Dani sit beside him. I felt like the evil queen. It was obvious Dani liked Ben. What a terrible person she was. She had just slept with Jake and was already probably planning her next move on Ben.

'Hey'' Ben grinned as Dani walked up to the table. She glared at me for not letting her sit beside me. 

''Here, I'll move up.'' Ben said and moved closer to the window. Dani hesitated before sitting down. This was going to such a great moment to watch. 

''How are you then?'' Ben asked.

''I'm good, you? '' Dani replied, her face the colour of a tomato.

''I'm great! It's amazing to see you again, we keep running into each other like this. What a lovely coincidence, right?'' Ben said. 

''Coincidence'' I said, wiggling my eyebrows at Dani who kept glaring at me. 

I'm sorry for not posting anything for two days. I have been really sick and was unable to to anything productive. I will make it up and post another chapter after this. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

What Shouldn't Have Been.(X Factor FanFic) Book1Where stories live. Discover now