Jack/Fiona's Point Of View

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Jack's Point Of View

I stared at my phone and wondered if I overreacted. I mean Fiona did say that he was her ex boyfriend. I didn't know what to do. I had been cheated on with my last girlfriend. I tried to no show it but deep down I was afraid of getting hurt again. So maybe putting some distance between Fiona and I was OK. Then again, it wasn't like anything was actually going on. We weren't even going out and I didn't know how she really felt about me. I picked up my phone and then set it back down on the table. If I called her again I could look really stupid. I didn't entirely lie about having to rehears tomorrow, but that was only for a few hours in the morning. The rest of the day was free. 

For a moment I wondered how the ex knew of my existence, and that her and I did kiss. It was weird, I didn't want to pry but I wanted to know the truth. I didn't want to be the reason that broke them up, even if I did really like Fee. I felt that it wasn't right for me to break up a relationship. 

I picked up my phone and unlocked it. Should I call her? I did want to see her, I wanted to spend time with her, get to know her. But I wanted to know the truth first. I wanted to know what she felt towards me.

I pressed on her name and put the phone to my ear. Was I doing the right thing by calling her? Would she even pick up?

After a few rings she picked up.

''Jack, listen'' She began.

''No, I'm sorry'' I said interrupting her.

''I had no right to react the way I had. I don't even know the full story.'' I said


'I want to see you'' I said, wondering if she was still there.

'I want to see you too...'' She replied, making my stomach feel all funny. 

''Tomorrow, at one at the same cafe shop. How does that sound?'' I asked, feeling more excited than I should have been. 

''That's fine'' She replied, not as enthusiastically as I hoped, but at least she agreed..

''Great, I'll see you then'' I said and after she said goodbye I hung up. 

Well, at least that much was done. Now I wondered what was going to come at me. All I knew for sure was that I had to prepare myself for anything. She could just as well tell me she couldn't be with me. Well, all I had to do now was wait until tomorrow. 

Fiona's Point Of View.

What was I going to tell Jack? That yes, I did have a boyfriend and technically I cheated on him when he kissed me. But Liam and I broke up, so there wasn't anything to hide. I could just tell him exactly what happened and I was going to break up with him anyway. Yes that was the plan. 

Around eleven I eventually fell asleep. I was extremely excited to see Jack. Maybe things could go somewhere. Maybe everything happened for a reason, and the fact that Liam tried to ruin Jack and I, meant that it was only going to make us stronger. I mean, not that anything was going on with him and I but either way. I felt like I couldn't live without him in my life. 

The next morning I was up at ten. Before I got out of bed, I reached for my phone and dialed Dani's number. It was her big day as well, so she was probably freaking out. Plus I had to tell her that Jack called me yesterday. 

After a few rings it went to voice mail. She was probably showering or drying her hair. I decided I would call her later. Now I had only a few hours to get ready and go meet up with Jack. Just thinking about seeing him made my stomach turn into jelly.

I left the house early, so I would have time to think everything over. Maybe even have a cup of hot chocolate to calm myself down before Jack arrived. But as I walked up to the coffee shop I saw Jack sitting at the same table as last time. He was early, twenty minutes early. Looks like him and I both had decided to turn up early and drink hot chocolate. 

I opened the door to the cafe and instantly Jack's eyes met mine. I felt something warm flood through the inside of my chest as I walked up to him. 

''Hey'' He said, standing up. I didn't dare walk any closer in case I accidentally threw myself at him. 

''Hi'' I smiled sitting down, and he did too. 

''You're early'' I said.

Jack laughed a little and looked down at his hands that were on the table. 

''You too'' He smiled and winked at me. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my throat.

For a moment there was silence. It wasn't awkward. Jack and I just stared at each other, no words were needed. I felt like everything that we felt or had to say was seen in our eyes. The beautiful moment was ruined when a waitress walked up to our table.

''Anything I could get you?'' She politely asked. 

''I'm fine thank you'' I replied, not really feeling the need to eat or drink. She then asked Jack if he wanted a refill of his hot chocolate and he said no. After eyeing Jack for a second too long the waitress left us alone. 

'I'm sorry about yesterday'' Jack said.

''It's fine honestly''

''I mean, I don't even need to know anything, if you say he is your ex then that's fine. I want... I want to be with you'' Jack said and I felt my cheeks heat up. My heart was hammering so hard against the inside of my ribcage I thought It was going to jump out and attack Jack. He wanted to be with me. I would happily get on the table and jump with joy. 

''Sorry, that seem-''

''Me too'' I interrupted Jack.

''What?'' Jack asked.

'I mean'' I swallowed, this was going to sound really weird, but I didn't care. ''I want to be with you too.'' 

The biggest grin spread across Jack's face and I couldn't help but smile back.

''Come'' Jack was suddenly on his feet. 

''Where?'' I asked.

''Out, for a walk or something, come on'' Jack said taking my hand and helping me up. I felt electricity shoot up my arm at the contact. 

Jack brought me out of the cafe and suddenly the cold hair felt great against my skin. At least it cooled me down. 

Jack was holding my hand in his and I couldn't help but glance up at him. There was a cheeky smile on his face which made my heart flutter.

''Where are we going?'' I asked and Jack looked down at me. He stopped and looked me in the eyes. The look on his face made me feel like anything he would say I would do. 

''Anywhere'' Jack said and pressed his warm lips against mine. I finally felt like I was at home. I brought my hands up to his neck and pulled myself closer to him. The kiss didn't last very long but I was sure I would pass out if it had.

''People'' I said, suddenly very aware of the fact that there were a lot of people walking down the street, and most of them were looking at us. Some were even taking pictures.

''I know'' Jack smiled, his face was still very close to mine. He wanted people to know. I almost cried with joy. 

''How nice of you'' I said and kissed him. 

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