Chapter 4

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Fiona's Point Of View.

''We are here, we are actually here'' I squealed, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice. Danielle and I were walking towards the entrance. Where a hundred other people were standing, waiting to get inside.
''Ben, though'' Ella said and couldn't stop smiling. I felt her. I was going to see Jack, and ever since yesterday I wasn't able to stop thinking about his hand on my mouth. If only it would have been his lips that were pressing into my mouth.
''You may enjoy yourself with Ben, but Jack is the real deal'' I said, feeling my stomach fill with butterflies. 
The line began to move and people started to enter the studio. One by one, the security people checked everyone's tickets. 
A young woman looked at our VIP passes and told us that we could go through this 'special' entry and lead us to the front. We actually had seats at the front! Could you believe it, we would be sitting near Simon and all of the other judges. I will be able to see Jack better. This weekend couldn't get any better. I still couldn't believe Jack gave us VIP tickets. He was so perfect. 
Once the arena was filled, Dermot O'Leary came out and announced that everyone should get into their places because the show would start soon. 

The show was amazing! The Judges came out, looking amazing. Dermot talked about the lines being opened and that we could vote. Jack was going to be on second. I was so excited I couln't help but cheer the loudest. Danielle laughed and cheered even more.
Jack came on and I actually screamed '' I love you Jack Walton' I'm pretty sure Simon laughed. 
Jack was amazing, like you wouldn't believe. He had the perfect voice. His face was perfect. His clothing was perfect, shame he wasn't naked. But I guess that could happen later. 
He played his guitar and I think that made him eve sexier. I could be wrong but at one point I was sure he even looked at me. I melted. I kept shaking and smiling and whispering how beautiful he was into Danielle's ear. I'm sure she got annoyed half way through it, but I couldn't help myself.
When Ben came on Dani acted the same way. She too screamed ''I love you Ben' and after Ben had sang Dermot even commented and said ''It looks like there is a lot of love happening here in the audience.''
The show was perfect. Everyone sang perfectly, like I couldn't believe I was here. My face ached from cheering and my hands were stiff from clapping. I couldn't even grasp the fact that I was actually a VIP and was going to, possibly meet Jack. 
The show ended with everyone coming out on the stage. Jack was near where I was sitting, and again I saw him looking my way. Our eyes met and the corner of his mouth twitched. Had he seen me? Had he remembered me? It couldn't be possible, but then again, I never thought I would have ran into him yesterday.
Then Simon gave a speech thanking everyone for coming and supporting the acts. 
''We have a few VIP personnel here so follow Linda'' he pointed towards the young lady who brought us in tonight '' who will lead you to backstage''
I almost fainted. This was actually happening. I was going to see him, again. Dani's face had gone white, she probably was freaking out. 
''I don't think I can do this'' She said as we stood up. Only a few people had VIP passes. We started following Linda who brought us backstage.
''No, you have to .'' I said and grabbed her hand for my own support.
We went behind the stage, and Linda told us to wait. After a while a man came out and told us to follow him. So much following, the pressure and excitement was building up. He brought us into a room where there were a few sofas and a table of goodies. Oh wow, we were going to get treated like celebrities.
There was me, two other girls and two boys. We all kind of just stood or sat there in awkward silence. I could tell everyone was excited. I just hoped that the other girls, or even the boys weren't going to get all excited to see Jack, because I came here for him.
After a moment the door, that the man closed before leaving us alone, opened and Jake Quickenden, one of the contestants, walked in, followed by all the other contestants.
My eyes immediately searched for Jack, and then I saw him.

What Shouldn't Have Been.(X Factor FanFic) Book1Where stories live. Discover now