Chapter 209

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"As expected, this world you create is marvelous . I'll try to create something of my own in the future," one of four youths sparring said .

"I'll look forward to it!" a second youth said as he created three huge fireballs . Each one was sent towards a youth, but it didn't hit them as they could dodge .

The four youths were Ed, Eric, Griffin, and Hayato . The three of them trained for two months to get used to their new cultivation state . Two months had passed since the Bloody war . These four were training inside a dimension created by Ed . The dimension was the biggest he ever created and was used to train . On top of him and the other three, his companions, Emilia, Ellie, and Alicia were training in different spots as well . Each and every one of them had a cultivation of Immortal Establishment level one or higher .

Their attacks cracked the earth and shook the skies . The air vibrated every time their QI left their bodies . They were moving at incredible speeds while fighting, creating sonic booms behind them . If a normal human were to stand in this dimension, his flesh would be torn off and his bones would be ground into dust from the severity of the surroundings .

"Eat this you bastards!" Eric shouted as he activated his strongest skill . He combined Earth, Fire, Lightning, and Wind magic . The result was a pulsating volcanic thunder tornado that was the size of a small village .

Griffin swung his swords very quickly and created dozens of small tornadoes with QI waves flying inside of them . Hayato used Light and Darkness magic to create a tornado as well . Instead of canceling each other, the two elements fused together to create a tornado that consumed everything in its way .

Ed used his three swords to create a tornado of flying slashes . The four tornadoes clashed with each other, creating an explosion . The explosion traveled through the ground, causing the rocks to be blown away . No one would think of approaching such a place, but the four of them crossed swords in the heart of the explosions .

The state of Immortal Establishment, not only increased one's QI reserves but also gave them incomparable vitality . They could live for hundreds of years, and their bodies could sustain incredible damage, but still perform like normal .

After hours of sparring, the combatants finally stopped and met with the others . Ed de-activated his dimension and everyone went to take a shower and eat .

"Henlo there miss Elder!" Ed teased Becky as they met in a corridor . Becky was not wearing her maid clothes, but instead a black dress with a red jacket . She looked like a high class noble .

"Please don't call me that Master Ed . I'm still not used to it . " Becky blushed and lowered her head .

"You're still an Elder, so you should start acting like one . Be it your cultivation or your intellect, you won't lose to anyone . Don't embarrass those that left us..." Ed told her with a stern yet caring voice . She looked at him and saw a smile that filled her with confidence .

Due to losing two Elders during the Bloody war, Ed, Eric, and Arthur decided on two candidates . The two were Sebas and Griffin . But, Sebas decided to stay as a normal butler even though he was a Heavenly Establishment cultivator . To make up for it, Ed nominated Becky . Becky tried to decline but he didn't allow her . His persistence overwhelmed her until she broke down and accepted .

Ed spent the two months after the war training and crafting materials . He made pills that helped a person cultivate faster and gave them to Eric and Griffin as they were the closest to the disciples . Many disciples died during the war, so Glory sect started recruiting members . The Elders oversaw the procedures, which were still on-going since they barely started announcing the recruitment .

"So, you're really leaving tomorrow Ed?" On the dinner table, Elizabeth asked .

"Yes . I have a lot to take care of . "

"What is that you're going to do again?" Eric asked as he didn't know . He never bothered to ask Ed before as he trusted his moves, but his curiosity won today .

"Stuff..." Ed looked at Eric with a sly smile as he teased him .

"Make sure you won't disappear for another year this time," Eric teased him back .

"Oh yeah, I'm taking Bella and Emilia with me . " As Ed spoke, Elizabeth glared at him . He acted like he was busy eating, and didn't dare to look her in the eye .

"And why are you taking my little girl with you...?" Elizabeth asked with a serious threatening tone .

"Eh Ah! It's because she's gotten stronger . She'll need to control her new powers or she'll end up hurting herself . " Ed explained his reasoning as he was afraid Elizabeth might try to choke him out .

Elizabeth sighed and said, "I'll trust you...But make sure you keep her safe . "

"Don't worry she'll love it . Won't you, Bella?" Ed asked Bella who remained quiet for the whole duration of the dinner . She nodded in what seemed like hundreds of times a second . Bella was more than excited as she was about to travel the world .

"Plus, Emilia is going, so she won't let anything happen to her," Ed further enhanced his argument . Ed was trying to fulfill his promise with Emilia of having her involved in all his future plans .

The next day came quickly and the three prepared to leave Avalon . Eric approached Ed and asked him, "So why are you really leaving?"

"The man I fought during the war, the Sword sect master left me his sect before he died . Unlike the usual scum, he was a true warrior with principles . I don't know how come he joined the Blood sect, but I will fulfill his dying wish of taking care of his sect . " Eric nodded his head as Ed explained . He didn't doubt for a second the integrity of Alexander as Ed had praised him so much .

"I also need to pick up a friend on my way to the other continents . I've made him wait for a long time already..."

"And the last thing I want to do is to meet our grandfather!"

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