Chapter 220

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The morning light shone on the walls of Avalon . In front of its doors, two large armies departed in two different directions . At the forefront of one army was Hayato, the prince of Ryuu kingdom . His mission was to conquer the Oni kingdom . Behind him were almost 40 . 000 soldiers, compromised of his kingdom's people, as well as the slaves that remained from the last war . These slaves were sent to the kingdoms that joined Avalon in standing against Blood sect .

However, they were not being forced into slavery . Instead, they were bound by a contract of five years . In these five years, they were going to do the bidding of the kingdom that took them, after which they would be released .

On top of these soldiers, two sect Elders from Glory sect joined Hayato . These two being Griffin and Bard . The three highest cultivators of the army would be the central force that would strike the enemy first .

The other army had Ellie as its leader . It was only obvious as she knew the kingdom best, and would be able to come up with a suitable plan to bring it down . Similar to Hayato's army, the soldiers amounted to 40 . 000 with both Avalon soldiers and slaves . Two Elders joined Ellie, Audun, and Becky, as well as Eric .

The march towards the two kingdoms was rather quiet . The galloping of the horses and the breathing of the soldiers was the only thing that was heard . They had a single mindset in their minds, to win . The soldiers had a high morale thanks to winning the last war, while the slaves didn't want to die before returning to their families .

They were all thinking about how this war would end much faster compared to the other one . The Oni and Beast kingdom both lost many soldiers due to allying with Blood sect . As such, they would be severely weakened and wouldn't be able to handle another war .

Both Ellie, as well as the leading figures of the army, summarized what the soldiers were thinking . Yet, they didn't say anything to remedy such flawed thinking . They simply allowed the soldiers to indulge in their naïve thinking . At least, until they reach their destination, they weren't going to say anything .

Night befell the land, and the soldiers went to rest . Some of them unable to sleep, as the terror of war, was deeply ingrained in their brains . Even though they believed they would win, the harsh images of mutilated bodies didn't leave their brains .

Inside a tent, four figures stood in front of a large map .

"The beast kingdom is comprised of five cities, with four of them surrounding the capital . The least guarded one of them is the southeastern one . In order to attack it, we will have to take a detour and walk all the way to the south, ignoring the north-eastern city, as well as the capital . But, I don't think such a large army will go unnoticed, so we might get spotted . "

Ellie explained as showed those present all the information by map . All of them fell into deep silence as they thought . They knew that if they targeted the capital, they would get surrounded by the military of the four cities . But in case they take over a city secretly, they would have the element of surprise, as the other cities wouldn't be able to react before the capital is taken down . However, if they take too long to take over a city, their plan would be toast .

"I'm certain that the Beastmen are being extra vigilant . They know retribution is coming, as they chose to side with Blood sect . *Sigh* Where is Ed when you need him..." Eric remembered how Ed had left just the day before . He thought about how convenient his Space magic was .

"I suggest we head straight for the capital . " Audun proposed the opposite of what they were trying to avoid .

"How come?" Ellie didn't want to agree nor deny his proposal . She was all ears now, as she couldn't decide on a plan on her own .

"If we target one of the cities, there is nothing that guarantees the reaction of the other ones . They could send people to investigate what happened, or they could send all of their militaries to the capital in order to protect it . In that case, we would have wasted time on a useless city . " Audun explained as he was a veteran of war . His opinion weighed heavily in the matter .

"Judging by the map, the reinforcements would need at most one day to reach the capital . That gives us exactly that much time to take down the king . "

Audun proposed an outrageous plan . The capital was surrounded by walls in every direction . The army would need to scale the walls, open the doors, and then take out the king . All in under a day .

"I see . Anyone else has a better a plan?" Ellie chose to listen to any other opinion before taking her decision . Seeing no one speaking she said, "Then we will go with this plan . Tell the soldiers that resting will have to wait until tomorrow . We're walking throughout the night!" Ellie took her decision while walking out of her tent and speaking to the guards there . They, in turn, went to let the army know .

The soldiers whose sleep was disturbed dared not to question why . They only gathered their stuff and started to walk in the direction of the Beastmen kingdom . After walking for the whole night, the reached a dense thicket by dawn, where Ellie decided to have a rest at .

"We will continue to walk during the night . Now, we can rest . " Ellie told everyone before retreating back to her own tent to rest . As she was laying on the bed, she looked at her right fist, which she used to slug Ed in the face, as she smiled . She clenched her hand as a determined look appeared on her face .

The day passed by and the sun started setting . The group of soldiers stood up and started to walk in the direction of the capital . They were in the middle of the northern cities, a position Ellie chose due to the low watch over it . The army moved in total silence, and no light was used to show the way . People relied on their eyes to maneuver around .

"We fight at dawn, so make sure you are ready!" Ellie shouted as she raised the speed of her army . They needed to be as quick as they were quiet .

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