Chapter 247

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White . Nothing, but a pure white light filled the area . The reaches of such a light reached even the extremities of the continent . Some people prayed for safety, while others ran into safety as soon as they sensed the change in the atmosphere . The residents of the continent couldn't catch a good night's sleep ever since the giant serpent showed up . And, now, their peaceful mornings were invaded by the white light .

The light didn't seem to be stopping . Ed's entire KI was put into that attack, and even he didn't know how long it would take for it to stop . He had lost all of his senses inside the white world that he had created . Was he still floating in the air, or did he already hit the ground? Only time would tell him .

Suddenly, the world of white was penetrated by a green line . The dragon lived! The dragon lost most of its scales, and its red blood filled all of its body . The second horn on its head was shattered, while the first one had no trace left . The dragon opened its mouth in an attempt to talk, but no voice could come out . Still, Ed could understand the dragon's intention . It was angry . It was close to death . It didn't want to die . Thus, it attacked even at its last breath .

Ed found himself lying on his back, at the top of the mountain . Nothing obstructed the way between him and the dragon, and Emilia wasn't going to get there in time . The two main parties of the battle were left to their own devices .

Ed stared at the dragon as it closed up on him . Apparently, it used up most of its QI in order to stay alive . It couldn't even use its laser breath anymore . It needed to rely on its most primitive weapons in order to kill Ed . Its talons and fangs .

Suddenly, with less than fifty meters separating Ed and the dragon, something changed within the weaker party . Ed, whose dark eyes lost their shine and turned into hollow pitch black pits, stood up . 'He' grabbed Shusui in his hand and leapt through the air . In an instant, 'He' had already cut the dragon up . Then, 'He' started to fall back toward the mountain .

As the dead dragon and the human body hit the ground, the two dark pupils regained a bit of light as Ed muttered two words 'Thank you . ' The boisterous mountain turned quiet in an instant, and after an hour or so, words were finally spoken . It was a notification from the system .

Acquired Gacha Ticketx10 .

Acquired 1 . 000 . 000 . 000 Exp .

Name: Edward Avalon .

Level: 71 . (105 . 045 . 956/700 . 000 . 000) [Immortal Establishment level 3]


HP: 2170/ 2170 .

MP: 1534/1534 .

STR: 885 .

AGL: 847 .

INT: 856 .

DEF: 849 .

STA: 935 .

Skills: Three-sword style, Etiquette, Haggling, Strategy, KI control, Driving, Calligraphy, Programming .

Abilities: Mangekyo-Sharingan, Spectral Shadow Steps, Wind magic, Fire magic, Space magic, Voice Disguise, Shunpo, Nen, Berserk, Water magic, Haki, Telekinesis, Regeneration, Parallel Thinking .

Monsters: Raikou, Suika, Gobuta, Goburou, Garu, Siegfried, Agumon, Merry, Mehen .

Evaluation: Good .

"So, I need to absorb the soul of the dragon now, right?"

[Yeah . You're already late, so you should hurry it up, otherwise, the remnants of the soul will be gone . ]

Ed stood in front of the dragon's body and put his hand on the unmoving head . He closed his eyes and sat with his knees crossed, as he sent his KI inside of the dragon's body, looking for its soul . Millions of KI threads invaded the green scaled dragon, and before long there was a reaction .

An extremely hot entity was found inside of the dragon's body . The entity kept burning away all of Ed's KI threads, but the more it burned, the more that tried to drag it back . The KI threads kept coiling around it until they overwhelmed the entity . The threads were able to drag it back faster than it could burn them .

The entity was removed from the dragon's body, and it immediately had an effect . The body turned pale, and the remaining scales started to fall off like dust being scrubbed from a window . The dragon's body was useless .

The green fiery entity entered Ed's body, and he could feel his whole body burn from the inside . In fact, even his companions could feel the heat coming out of his pores . Emilia decided to help by creating ice cubes around him, but they melted as soon as they were ten centimeters away from Ed .

The entity tried to reject Ed, but he didn't allow it . It was down to a fight of willpower, and Ed, by using Haki, was more than its match . Inside of a black area inside of Ed's body, a black flame, similar to the entity, dragged the latter towards it . The entity kept struggling but soon realized that its situation was hopeless . Thus, it gave up .

The black flame kept twisting the entity around it until it turned into an eastern green-scaled dragon flame . Ed was successful . He managed to get a dragon spirit Avatar . Now, he was a step ahead in power .

"So, it seems to be a success," Ed said, as he scratched his head and looked at his companions, with a goofy smile on his face .

"If it wasn't a success, I'd be looking for a new master to serve," Mehen jokingly said as he slithered up to his favorite resting spot, Ed's shoulders .

"It's been an awful fight, but we gained a lot of things . For now, let's go back to get some more information about Blood sect's master!" Ed said as he stood up, but as soon as he did, he felt nauseous, and his feet couldn't support him .

'What's wrong with me?' Ed asked the system as he supported himself on the ground with his hands .

[You've exerted your body too much . You'll need three more hours to be able to move on your two feet . And no, you can't fly either . This is what you get for using Berserk skill consecutively, you idiot!]

Ed could only smile as he stared the sunset above the clouds .

"Uhm, maybe it's not so bad to enjoy the view for a little longer...three hours longer..." Ed said with closed eyes and a smile . His comrades, of course, facepalmed .

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