Chapter 278

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Ryuunosuke flew into the sky and started to approach the three that were about to clash . His hands glowed in white light and thousands of ropes emerged out of them . The ropes raced towards the demon-like entity and tried to bind it, but black flames burned them instantly . The entity didn't even move as it commanded the flames . Ryuunosuke didn't lose focus, as he kept focusing and producing more ropes .

Erykytos had cut into Vortigern's way and punched him as hard as he could, sending him pummeling into the ground . The entity noticed Ed who was lying on the ground and extended one hand forward . Ed felt all freedom of his body dissipate instantly . He was stuck in a limp state, unable to move . Dread and fear took over him, as he saw the entity raise its sword high . It swung down and sent a black wave that swallowed the light surrounding it . The sun disappeared from the sky as it cowered in front of the mighty attack .

Ryuunosuke, however, didn't .

He descended down and, with hands full of white glow, struck the darkness that was about to kill Ed . It was sent into the sky, where it turned into nothing but a memory of fright in Ed's mind . The latter felt freedom return to his body . He contacted his system in order to inquire about the details of the monstrous entity, but only got one answer . You're not strong enough .

Ed bit down on his lips and struggled to rise up . He wasn't about to lose everything he held dear to someone stronger than him . At the very least, he could sacrifice himself in order to save them . The pain that assaulted him was no more than an afterthought by now . His eyes shone in red as intricate patterns appeared on them . He flung a dimension around them, keeping only himself, Ryuunosuke, and his grandfather against the blood sect master and the monster .

"If you're not going to run away, then you must help, is that how it is?" Ryuunosuke muttered as he knocked off the entity's attacks one after the other . "Keep it distracted somehow while I try to get rid of it, young one . "

Ed summoned thousands of weapons, as much as his Telekinesis allowed him to control . Spears, swords, glaives, all different abilities, and grades . He sent them packing towards the entity and the blood sect master, and the two of them were not disturbed by the least . Somehow, the entity was focused on Ed, as it attacked him in the midst of the torrent of swords that targeted it . Ed managed to dodge by utilizing his Space magic .

Vortigern locked Erykytos in combat and the two's clashes damaged Ed internally . His Ki wasn't strong enough to fend the two of them off .

The entity flew towards them, and it swung its sword down . Vortigern turned around and swung his glaive back . He managed to knock it away while dodging Erykytos' blow .

Ed felt suffocating as he convinced himself to approach . He cleared his mind and teleported right behind the entity, his sword circling both of them . It noticed him and swung sideways with both of its hands . Ed didn't dodge and instead stacked hundreds of weapons between them, all while he stared daggers at the entity's head . However, his defenses were mere play for the entity, as its sword cut through like paper, and smashed his head from the side .

Ed fell to the ground like a discarded piece of plastic . Fast, yet not too fast . A smirk on his face .

He protected himself from death thanks to his Haki and Nen . Of course, that didn't mean he was saved from damage, as he had a gash as big as his face . He was out of commission . However, he managed to leave a parting gift to the entity . He used his Amaterasu right before he was attacked, and although he didn't manage to set it on the head, he managed to burn its dominant arm .

He watched, satisfied, as the entity had no choice but to sever its own arm .

Ryuunosuke found no better time to intervene as he appeared behind the entity . His ropes surrounded it in an instant and formed a gigantic cocoon . Vortigern and Erykytos noticed it and rushed towards the cocoon as well, however, Erykytos managed to knock the former one last time into the ground, right next to Ed .

He shifted his sight towards his grandson as soon as he rose from the ground and smiled reassuringly . "What we've done in the past, is part of it, and you shouldn't dwell on it, my dearest boy," Vortigern said as walked towards Ed and ruffled his hair . "Your choices will matter, and not ours . You might not rule the kingdom, but your choices will weigh more than any king from now on . I hope that you will choose well, better than we did, at least . Goodbye, my dear boy . Take care of the world for me, hohoho . "

As just as he finished speaking, Vortigern flew towards the cocoon where Erykytos had entered . It wasn't too fast a speed, but Ed didn't manage to spell out, "Don't go!" before Vortigern was already inside the cocoon .

Ed's eyes burned with tears while throat clamped up . His Regeneration was not working due to his insufficient Ki, yet he still tried to fly and catch up with his grandfather . However, he couldn't even crawl let alone walk or fly .

I didn't even get to talk to you, he thought . I wanted to live more with my family, he desired .

Ed noticed Ryuunosuke's small figure rushing towards him like an arrow . The same type of ropes that bound the entity and his oldest friend, and enemy, surrounded him and Ed, who felt the warmth of the light . He could still see from inside of the small cocoon that surrounded him .

Dark light appeared from inside of the big cocoon and made it swell up in size . An instant later, Ed closed his eyes as an intense light exploded into the dimension he had created . The warmth he felt turned into burning heat as the explosion that came from the bigger cocoon couldn't be held off; not all of it .

Ed opened his eyes wide and forcefully . He gazed at the midst of the explosion and noticed nothing appeared inside of it . He checked his Map and noticed how only he and Ryuunosuke were inside of his dimension . He didn't want to believe it, but he heard his system's chime .

Acquired 15 . 000 . 000 . 000 Exp .

Acquited Gacha ticketx50 .

He had lost another one of his family members that day .

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