Chapter 219

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Ed visited his mother and had a little chat with her . She was rather surprised by their sudden visit, but she was happy nonetheless . He informed her that he would be leaving before nightfall, as he didn't want to waste too much time, seeing how a war will happen once again . After leaving Bella with Elizabeth, he made his way towards Emilia's location, Ellie's room . There, he stopped right before he opened the door .

'I've seen enough shows to know where this is going . But, should I go with it?!! This might be a chance that will never happen again! Should I act like the dense main characters, and go through with it?!' A dilemma presented itself in front of Ed . To knock or not to knock? That was his question .

Stuck in his thoughts, he failed to notice Mehen reaching out for the doorknob, and moving it . The door started to slide slowly, and Ed, upon noticing it, imagined a bright light coming from the inside of the room . Not knowing what to do, he simply stood there motionless . Once the light(by Ed's imagination) disappeared, he saw the two girls sitting on a bed and chatting .

'Of course, everything is normal...' Ed gave up on his fantasies and entered the room while waving . He started to talk before the two of them said anything .

"We'll be leaving before the night . You can do whatever you want until then," Ed said while looking at Emilia . He then turned towards Ellie and said, "How are you feeling?"

Ellie, without saying anything, showed a thumb up and a bright smile, showcasing her two long canine teeth . Ed felt relieved to see that she was okay, but couldn't help and feel that she wanted to say something . Of course, he wasn't dumb enough to pressure her, so he started some small talk until she decided to say it herself .

"Ed . I would like for you to fight me . I don't want it to be a spar, but an actual fight," Ellie said as her pupils turned into slits, showing that she was serious . Ed stood by, and nodded his head while saying, "I don't mind . "

Emilia didn't say anything and only stood up as Ed created a dimension for them . She knew that Ellie asked for the fight in order to boost her self-confidence . Ed agreed because he noticed the same thing .

Ed created a wasteland for them with even ground . He wanted the fight to be as straightforward as possible without anyone getting injured because of uneven terrain . The wind picked up speed as the two of them stood in front of each other, each one of them preparing his weapons . Mehen slithered away from Ed and increased in size while heading towards Emilia . Next, to her, he nudged her while nodding with his head, indicating that she should get on .

"Thank you," said Emilia as she knew what he had planned . Mehen returned to his full size and stretched towards the sky . He asked Emilia to get on so that the two can fight to their hearts' content without being worried about injuring anyone . Of course, Emilia had no trouble looking at them from so far away, as her eyesight could reach over hundreds of meters .

"We didn't have a serious fight since the academy, huh?" Ed said as he got into a kendo like-stance, with his katana raised in front of his eyes, pointing towards Ellie .

"It won't end like last time!" Ellie shouted as she got into a stance as well . Her left hand was in front of her, while the right one was on standby by her waist .

"Then, unlike last time, I'll make the first move . " Ed rushed towards Ellie, covering the distance between the two of them instantly, and raised his katana above his head . As he swung down, Ellie used her left hand, covered by the gauntlet, to block his attack . Before the katana could pressure her, she changed its direction to the left, while preparing a punch with her right hand . However, before she could connect it, Ed disappeared .

Ellie's ears started to twitch and turn around, trying to look for Ed's position . Soon, Ed's figure appeared in front of her and her ears managed to catch the sound of his clothes being ruffled by the wind . Ellie rolled to the front as Ed swung his sword . Yet, when she turned around, he was no longer behind her . Again, she looked for Ed using her ears . The two of them continued to fight this way for a little while before they finally clashed .

Ellie used her 'Meteor Impact' while Ed imbued his katana with KI . The gauntlet and katana connected, resulting in an explosion, blowing away all the ground underneath, and around them . The rocks flew in all directions, some of them hitting Mehen, who felt nothing from them thanks to his scales . Before the explosion could recede, Ed and Ellie, who were blown away, connected once again .

"Woah!" Ed was surprised to feel himself being dragged towards Ellie . He had been focusing on her hands and forgot that she had an extra part that no other human had . It was her tail . Ellie managed to catch Ed by the ankle using her tail and drag him towards her . She used her right leg to kick his arms up, leaving his torso and face unprotected . And, before Ed could react, she used her right hand, gauntlet flaring by all the QI it was receiving and drove it right into his face .

An explosion, even bigger than the one from before, penetrated deep into the ground . The two figures appeared back outside of the crater that was resulted . Ed had a small line of blood flowing out of his mouth . He managed to protect himself from fatal damage by using Ryuu on his face . But, he was still injured . Ellie's attack was simply that strong .

"Okay, stop!" Ellie declared while putting her hands in front of her . "I shall take this as my win, I'm ending the fight here! I don't care if you took it easy on me this time, or if you were actually serious, I managed to injure the Bloody Hero! I am Supreme, Muhahahahha!" Ellie laughed out loud, leaving Ed with a wry smile on his face . Emilia descended and enjoyed a laugh with Ellie, while pointing at Ed and saying, "The monster is injured!"

Ed was glad . This way he knew that Ellie would not lose in the upcoming war . He knew that she could, nay, he knew that she would definitely save her kingdom!

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