Chapter 235

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Ed, Alexander's son and daughter, the twins . All of them stopped and looked at Merry with eyes that almost popped out of their socket .

'Come to think of it, I never taught her how to break such news to others...Again, it's my fault...' Ed thought to himself as he hung his head down in shame .

"What do you mean...? Am I going to lose my mother, just as I lost my father?" Helena's hand started to shake as they approached her face to cover it . She fought hard against the tears, yet she couldn't stop them . Alexander's son, still confused, stood there dumbfounded . An angel in front of him announced that his mother would never wake up . He couldn't make or the tails of the situation .

"Merry, why will she never wake up?" Ed decided to ask Merry about the reason for her words, in order to assess the situation .

"You see, I looked through her mind . It's not that she can't wake up, but more like she doesn't want to wake up . The loss of her husband and the fear of losing her son caused her to willingly enter a coma . Unless she comes to terms with what happened, she will never wake up . "

Merry's explanation caused some hope to spark in the hearts of Helena and her brother . It was then that Helena noticed her weakened brother standing in front of her, causing her tears to spill out again .

"You big dummy..."

"Sorry for worrying you . Sir Edward, I hope that you can help out mother . " Helena's brother walked a few steps away from Ed, limping on one of his legs, and bowed towards him . His request was not simple, yet he asked so sincerely that no one could have denied it .

"I was planning to do that . By the way, I didn't manage to catch your name . "

"Asem, son of Alexander," Asem stated, seemingly proud of his name and origin .

"I see . Then, I need both of you and Helena to stand by Merry," Ed stated as he walked next to Merry as well . "Merry, can you transmit the thoughts of the two of them? I'm certain that is she knows her children are safe, she might get better . "

"Hmm, I've never tried something like that before, but I guess it's doable!" Merry fluttered her wings, causing two feathers to emerge out of them . The feathers were controlled by her Nen, and they flew over to the foreheads of Helena and Asem .

"I'd like you to be quiet since I need to concentrate," Merry said as she put one finger on the forehead of the sleeping mother .

Ed activated his Gyo, and he could see two threads of light carrying the thoughts of Helena and Asem . Merry seemed to be successful in transmitting these thoughts, as everyone could notice the face that was like a statue, move a little .

"It's not enough . She needs closure; these two are not enough..." Merry states as she looked towards Ed, telling him with her eyes that he needed to step in .

"I see...Then connect me to everyone here . "

"Everyone? You sure? You really sure?" Merry made sure to ask Ed twice

"Yes, I'm sure . "

"Well, here goes nothing . " Merry made three more feathers emerge, as they connected with the foreheads of Ed and the twins .

Ed started to think about his fight with Alexander . As the most enjoyable fight of his life, he could remember the scenes vividly . From his skirmish with Alexander before taking care of the other three commanders, to the short-lived finale . The two men standing in front of each other as they delivered their strongest attacks caused the hearts of those that saw it to beat hard .

The respect the two of them shared and the face of Alexander that his family never got to see . At that moment, Helena and Asem felt jealousy towards Ed . Finally, Alexander's last request caused them all to tear up . The sleeping mother's eyes had tears spilling out as well, as she slowly opened them .




"What's going on?"

"They say Master Alexander returned, he didn't die!"

"That's not it, you idiot, there's a new sect master . Apparently, he's still a kid . "

"Whatever, we were asked to come, so we're here . The black wolf from earlier scared me to death . He suddenly appeared in front of me and asked me not to go outside . "

"Yeah, he appeared in front of me as well . Apparently, some more members of Poison sect appeared again . "

The citizens of the city started to murmur as they gathered in front of the sect . There, the largest plaza that could hold the 4000 or so villagers existed . They were packed there, waiting for the show to start .

Then, as if answering their expectations, the eight Elders that met Ed started to descend one by one . Then, two more figures flew down from the sky as well . It was Asem and his mother, Barsine . All ten of them stood on top of a platform made out of wood . It was sloppy, but the presence of the ten of them overshadowed it completely .

"It's Lady Barsine!"

"Master Asem is healed as well!"

"They look so weak..."

The citizens had mixed emotions . Some were happy to see the family of Alexander, but others teared up after seeing in that weak state . Another figure appeared abruptly in front of the ten that were already there . It was Ed, but since only a few noticed him walking with the guard earlier that day, they didn't react .

Ed withdrew the sect master's insignia, which everyone recognized . They turned around looking at each other while muttering . Ed manipulated the insignia with his Telekinesis and hanged it in the air for everyone to see .

"My name is Edward Avalon," Ed's voice spread all over the plaza, not missing any ear . "I'm the new sect master..." he confirmed the doubts of some of the citizens while enlightening others . "You've suffered, both because of me, and because of my absence..." Ed's words were not understood by everyone, but those that understood it frowned as they glared at him .

"However, from now on, no one will dare to mess with our glorious sect . the group of babbling buffoons that barged in this morning are no more . Anyone else that dares to say something else about our sect will suffer from the same fate . I'm the master of the sect now, and I can promise you that you will know no similar heartache that you suffered from this past couple of months . But first, we need to do something about your weakened bodies . "

Ed pointed his hands a couple of times and made people look in those directions . His companions arrived from the distance, bringing with them the prey they had hunted .

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