Chapter 212

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Many monsters were attacking the ship . The most dangerous one was a Heavenly Establishment level 10 shark . This shark could control its QI and concentrate it on its teeth . These teeth would be able to pierce through diamonds as if they were crackers, and thanks to them, the ship suffered a lot of damage .

The first Ed did, was locate the monsters that are underwater . Thousands of Telekinesis threads emerged out of his body and started to coil around the ship, both under and over water . Thanks to his upgrade from Heavenly to Immortal, the number of threads became thousands from hundreds, and they managed to become bulkier .

The threads formed a cocoon around the ship, protecting it from the monsters . It was akin to an energy field that was impenetrable . Not even the sharks could penetrate through it .

Since the field was made from Ed's Telekinesis, it was like a part of his body and anything that touched it was relayed to Ed's super brains . Thanks to his Parallel Thinking, he devised a three-layer plan . First, one of his brains would register the position of the monsters that attacked the field . The second one would open a portal using Space magic connecting Ed to the monsters . And the last one would send a KI wave .

"The first one is coming up, WarGreymon!" In less than an instant, Ed took care of a monster . His execution was so fast, so quick, that his portal closed up before any water came to his side .

Like a bullet, a shark emerged out of the water . WarGreymon, who was flying, moved like a silver and golden bullet and slashed the shark into six parts . The next one was a shark, and then an octopus . More and more sea monsters lost their lives before they could register what was happening . Ed and WarGeymon's team play didn't allow them rest time .

The ship's defenders, accomplished cultivators, were shaking . They could see what true power was like . What true might could make possible . The ship's staff and residents could understand how the rumors about Ed's power came to be . And they also understood that they weren't rumors but it was a reality .

The ship remained undamaged after Ed's interference, and the monsters attacking were taken care of . Only one, that remained hidden for the whole duration, appeared . It was a gigantic anglerfish, whose mouth looked like the entrance to the abyss . It opened it wide and sucked the water, along with the ship .

"You're hungry, aren't you? Then, please allow this lowly human to satisfy your stomach!" Ed scanned the fish and could see that it was Immortal Establishment . He didn't care about the fact that such fish live in deep waters but only focused on terminating it .

Ed put his right hand up and started gathering KI above it . A small ball of KI started appearing and grew as it formed itself . It was of a golden color . The ball made a small tornado around and blew the hot wind to the vicinity . The ship started shaking due to its power, and the gallery watching Ed started screaming out of fear .

The KI ball continued to grow until it was bigger than the anglerfish's mouth . It was akin to a small sun .

"Eat this you oversized fishy!" Just as the ship was in front of the anglerfish's mouth, Ed threw the KI ball . Needless to say, it was too late for the fish to escape . The KI ball engulfed the bulk of the fish and incinerated it down to its last bone . The seawater around it boiled to the degree that it became water vapor instantly .

Any monster near the ship ran for its life, as it could see the strongest predator around was killed in an instant . Ed was quite happy as he managed to get two Gacha tickets out of this little hunt . The carcasses of sharks and other monsters he killed were stored in his Inventory . He returned to his room with Agumon without letting anyone ask him anything . He passed by Emilia's room and entered .

Emilia, Bella, and Suika were in the middle of playing a card game . Ed had made it on a whim and used it as a form of entertainment . For some reason, Suika was rather good at it and managed to win 90% of the time regardless of her opponent . Even Ed, the creator, was no match .

"Didn't you guys feel the vibrations?" Ed asked them .

"We did . " Such a harmonious perfectly synced answer made Ed's eyebrows twitch .

"Why didn't you come to check it out?"

"We knew you would check it out, so we left it to you . "

"...Enjoy your time..." With nothing to say, Ed left them with these words before he left . He returned to his room and spent his time either playing around with his KI or sleeping . The hours went by and the ship arrived on the shore of the Central Continent . Ed and his companions descended first, as no other passenger dared to do it before them .

"We're finally here!" Merry stretched her hands and legs while floating in the air . Ed's group caught the attention of many people on the side of the road . Yet, no one dared to stop them . Sieg's figure and eyes struck fear in their hearts, so much that they averted their eyes . Ed found it displeasing, as he knew it would hurt Sieg's feelings .

Still, they continued their journey . The group encountered the same Koma Inu like primates in the same area where Ed found them last time . Of course, it was a one-sided slaughter . After reaching the tower city, Ed headed straight to the entrance . Unlike last time, he didn't see many people around . Most of them were simply the residents of the city .

"The tower is closed until an issue is solved . " A man standing in front of the entrance told them . Ed felt that things had changed a lot during his absence . Usually, thugs and bandits would be scouting their prey by the entrance . Yet, only the guard was around .

"What issue?"

"A boss monster has gone berserk for over a year on the ninth floor . No one has been able to clear it and many people died . We're waiting until a capable cultivator can stop it . "

While the guard spoke, he failed to notice a grin forming on Ed's face .

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