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A/n I'm not dead!!!! New Book!!!


Qui gon jinn, Obi wan kenobi and Ahsoka Tano have spent the last year and a bit, searching for a planet that was believed to be nothing more than a myth. Castea, a planet of light, hidden away from the rest galaxy by one of the first kings. There search lead them believe that senator Padme Amidala was on the planet, along with the chosen one, Anakin skywalker. They found Castea and were in golfed by light when the Castean's were putting the shield up. When they awoke they saw that they were on the planet of Castea. They have hidden their ship in a near by cave, and are now heading to a large village, not far from where they landed.....

Qui gon walked along side Obi wan and Ahsoka, all 3 of them had been quiet since they stared to walk to the village. They were nervous. Ahsoka was more worry then nervous, she couldn't help but be. While Obi wan and Qui gon had told her she could blend in as a mutant, Ahsoka didn't think she could. "Ahsoka." She turned to Qui gon who gave her a reassuring look. "You'll be fine. were about enter the village, we hide our sabers." All 3 Jedi put sabers in their robes as they entered the village.

The village was alive with excitement. Music was playing, children were running around, Ahsoka looked into the sky and saw dragons above her fly over the village, protecting it in a way. "Ahsoka, come on." Obi wan motioned her to follow him and Qui gon though the village, tying not to draw attention to them selves. They made their way though the packed street of the village. During all this Ahsoka accidentally knocked into someone, panic ran though he mind as the person turned around. It was a woman who had long black hair with pink strips going though it, she had alien like green eyes and marking over her eyes and a diamond marking in the middle of her fore head.

"You going to say sorry?" The woman asked a bit annoyed.

"Right, right sorry my bad." Ahsoka said quickly tying her best to get out of there.

"It's alright, I'm blink."

"Dalai." Ahsoka say tying her best to come up with a fake name.

"Nice to meet you Dalai, sorry for being a bit mean, about you walking into me. I'm just tying to saver one of my only days off in a while."

"How come?"

"Well I teach at school for mutants, to help them control there powers and learning about other stuff like our planet and the galaxy. One of the other teachers there who's a good friend of mine asked if I could cover for her classes while she's on leave for a bit."

"Well I wish you luck on that."

"Thank you, and sorry again about snapping at you this place is always crowed after the light festival."

"Right, well I have to go now bye." Ahsoka quickly ran out of the conversation. She ran back to Obi wan and Qui gon, who were both not pleased.

"Really Ahsoka." Obi wan said in a disapproving tone.

"Well i did't mean to start a conversation with a person from a planet that no one in the galaxy knows about. How ever, I didn't get some information."

"Like what?" Qui gon raised an eyebrow as he ask Ahsoka what she found out.

"Well it turns they do teach about the whole galaxy, and something about a light festival which happened last night."

"That could explain the big flash of light that we saw before we woke up." Obi wan crossed his arms at the thought."

"Masters how about we find senator Amidala first, and them worry about the big light thing that engulfed us." Ashoka said as the 3 Jedi walked out of the village and on to an open field. "Ok so in my dreams I saw the senator in a lake house that looked very secluded. the question is how do we find it?"

"We focus of the senators presence, everybody has one, we just need to find hers." Qui gon closed his eyes along with Obi wan and Ahsoka as they tried to find Padme. "I got it follow me." The 3 Jedi started to walk along the field as they went to the senators house."


Hey all you lovey people I am back. Now this is the sequel to my other fanfiction The search for Castea, so if you haven't read that go ahead and check it out.

Castea's return(A star wars story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now