Chapter 3 - Pass of Caradhras

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I shivered as the harsh winds sent shards of ice to scrape against my cheeks. I was glad for my elven abilities, as i walked atop the snow, passing over it, rather than having to trudge through the snow. 

"Aggh!" My head whipped around to see Frodo rolling down the mountain, till Aragorn could stop him. I was about to continue, before the panic on Frodo's face stopped me. He had lost the Ring. I went to join the search, but before I could begin to look, I could see Boromir bend down to lift something out of the snow. He had found the Ring. Aragorn had also noticed.


The man looks towards the Ring, hanging by the chain mere centimetres from his face, as he examined it.

"It is a strange fate we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing... such a little thing." 

My hand crept towards the hilt of my sword. Aragorn tried again to take his attention from the Ring.

"Boromir! Give the Ring to Frodo."

He snapped out of his trance, and walked down to the hobbit, dropping the Ring carefully into Frodo's hand.

"As you wish. I care not." He ruffled Frodo's hair with a small smile on his face, which disappeared when he turned to see that I had been watching their interaction unfold. He hiked up past me.

I look down towards where Aragorn and Frodo still dwell, and notice that the former is only just releasing his grip on his sword. I wait for them to catch up, before continuing...

Unknown to us, a certain Wizard had heard of our travels, and was conjuring a plan to change our route.


We had been hiking for some time now, the uphill slope taking much out of the hobbits, and the condition of our path was only becoming worse as the blizzard began to beat down upon us. I had taken Pippin from Boromir, as he struggles to clear the snow from his path while holding two hobbits. I was trudging through to snow, as Legolas and Gandalf led us up the mountain pass. 

Atop of the snow, Legolas ran forward. 

"There is a fell voice on the air!"

"Its Saruman!" As Gandalf yelled back, I heard a rumble. Quickly looking up, I saw a wave of snow falling. Luckily, it had just missed us.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf, we must turn back!" I nodded in agreement with the ranger, gripping Pippin tighter in the fear of dropping the small hobbit.  

"No!" Gandalf rises from the snow, holding his staff in front of him, muttering quickly, in an attempt to calm the Mountain. 

It had no affect.

A bolt of lightning strikes the tip of Caradhras, sending another wave of snow. This time, however, the fellowship was not as lucky, and the snow dropped onto them.

It's cold, was my first thought. 

I can't breathe was my next. 

With one arm tight around Pippin, i pushed my arm up, digging us out of the icy tomb that surrounded us. As we broke through, i could see our companions surfacing. 

"We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!"

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" I only wished to be off the mountain, safe from the blizzard and cold.

"If we cannot pass over a mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria!"

I looked around the group, as they all tried to decide.

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