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Elrond looked longingly at the rogue elf-lady as she strolled through the garden. She had arrived after a long journey, her tale starting around her aid to the Elves in their battle against Sauron. She had travelled around Middle-Earth, fighting for the defenceless and good. He had offered her a place to stay after hearing of her valiant efforts to protect the lives of man, and all those in Middle-Earth.

In the short time that Elrond has known the woman, he had been enamoured in a way he hadn't thought possible since the passing of his wife. Of course he had only talked to Aloryssa a few times since her arrival, but nearly everything about her captivated him. 

As if she could sense him watching, she turned to look in his direction. He felt himself flush slightly, as a smile spread across her face. How was it that she could evoke such a reaction from him, the lord of Rivendell. 

He looked away, at the sound of footsteps, and saw his daughter enter the room. She had a small, knowing smile on her face. It was a strange delight to see her father act in such a way that she had not seen for an age, one that she could barely remember. It was an age she had missed. 

"Ada, I see you are otherwise occupied, I can return later to talk." She made to leave the room, but Elrond held up his hand, stopping her. 

"I am not busy at the moment, Iellig. Please, what worries you?"

Arwen approaches her father's desk, and looks out to the Elf that wonders through the garden.

"She has a brave soul, and I feel her heart is pure." Elrond hummed in agreement as a smile tugged at his lips. He had found none purer. 

"I see she has gained you affection..." This time, Arwen held her hand up to silence her father's protest, "I am relieved, it is about time that you have found someone to confide in. Besides, I feel as though I will come to enjoy her company in the future. You have my blessings, I hope you pursue you're happiness. And do not worry about the thoughts of others, it is only fair that you are loved by some one, as much as you love them. They will understand." 

Elrond took his daughters hands in his, "Guren glassui."

Arwen stretched higher to place a kiss on her father's head, before leaving him to his thoughts. 

-- -- -- -- -- -- 

It had been 3 weeks since his daughter had given her approval of the woman who had won her fathers affections. Elrond had worked on gaining Aloryssa's favour, but he could not see his attempted wooing having any affect. He was beginning to fear that she would soon wish to depart and begin her travelling again. 

He walked past the waterfall, its rushing waters soothing his nerves slightly. He mulled over the thought of his hearts desire. His thoughts straying to a multitude of possibilities, different futures that he wished to see become reality. So caught up, he nearly didn't hear the conversation occurring just beyond the small cover of tree's that separated pathways. 

"So, Lady Aloryssa, I see that my father has been trying to win you attention. Tell me, how is he fairing?" Elrond paused, and while  he normally abhorred the thought of listening to the conversation of others, he couldn't pull himself away. He leaned closer, listening intently.

"Well, uh, Lady Arwen, it's hardly appropriate for me to discuss this with you, his daughter..." It was a nervous and rushed answer. One that left the Lord of Rivendell disappointed. He heard his daughter chuckle in response.

The Lady of RivendellWhere stories live. Discover now