Chapter 4 - The Mines of Moria

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The fellowship travelled through the dark, climbing the steep steps, occasionally stopping as a hobbit tripped or stumbled. They were quiet, trying to remain silent in the chance that whatever killed the dwarves still dwelt here.

The Fellowship travelled in the darkness on talking to each other in small whispers.

"The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels, but Mithril." Gandalf said, tapping his staff gently against the walls, as they showed a web of silver lining the rocky walls of the mine. 

The company looked over the ledge, into the deep, never ending abyss that was Moria. Their faces a look of awe and amazement. 

"Bilbo had a shirt of Mithril rings that Thorin gave him."

"Ohh, that was a kingly gift!" Gimli nodded. Gandalf smiled.

"I never told him, but it's worth was greater than the value of the shire."

Aloryssa's POV

We had been travelling up the stairs for a couple days now, until we reached a crossroads in the path. Gandalf sits down.

"I have no memory of this place."

I sat down, leaning against a boulder, listening to Merry and Prippin fret. 

"Are we lost?" Asked Pippin.

"No." Replied Merry.

"I think we are."

"Shhhh!" it was Sam now, "Gandalf's thinking."



"I'm hungry."

I laughed lightly at the hobbit's obsession with food. 

In the dark, i can see Frodo walk over to Gandalf, appearing slightly startled. 

They talked quietly, I could only hear parts of their conversation.

"I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."

I felt a pang of sadness for the young hobbit, it was unfair for such a burden to be placed upon him. 

I am brought our of my musings by Gandalf rising.

"Ah! It's that way." Merry jumped up.

"He's remembered!"

"No," Gandalf replied, "but the air does not smell so foul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose."

Our company followed the Wizard as we continued the journey through the mine. We walked into a large hall. 

"Let me risk a little more light."

The light revealed massive pillars that stretched up to further than my eyes could see. The hobbits and Gimli looked on in shock.

"Behold the great realm and dwarf City of Dwarrowdelf." Sam looked in wonder.

"Now there's an eye opener and no mistake."

We walk through the massive hall navigating through the mine with only Gandalf's staff to light our way. As we are Walking, I see a feint glow of sunshine from a room nearby.


Gimi takes off, leaving us to jog after him as he runs into a chamber. 

When we reach the room, he is knelt over a tomb. 

"No! No!" His sobs carry throughout the room.

Gandalf approaches the tomb, and translates the runes.

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