Chapter 13 - A Longing Celebration

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Aloryssa's POV:

I stood near the fire as it crackled, bits of ash rising in red embers. Theoden stood before the people of Rohan.

"Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!" I raised my mug in time with the roar of celebration. I though of all the families that lost their husbands, sons and fathers. I thought of Haldir, who I only learned was dead after the battle. I was in an especially sombre mood. Everybody dispersed into their own activities.

I recognised Eowyn as she walked towards Aragorn, a chalice in her hands. She offers it to him staring into his eyes intently. He accepts it, taking a drink from. It before returning it, and walking away. King Theoden walks towards her, having seen their interaction.

"I am happy for you." The girl blushes as she looks up at her Uncle, "He is an honorable man"

She smiles up at him.

"You are both honorable men."

This King shook his head, appearing to look a little ashamed.

"It was not Theoden of Rohan who led our people to Victory." He sighed putting another smile on his face. "Don't listen to me. You are young, tonight is for you."

Eowyn watched as her Uncle moved away, concern etching her face, before she too walked off.

"It's the Dwarves that go swimming with little, hairy women!" I turned to the Dwarf, slightly disturbed. His beard was soaked with the ale he had been drinking as he gurgled in laughter.

I walked out of the hall, into the evening air. A cool light breeze picked up my hair, sifting thought it. I sighed, looking up at the nights sky, as the stars shimmed. Walking over to the stairs leading to the hall, I sat down on the steps, leaning back.

Silently, I fiddled with the ring on my finger, my heart aching. It had been a while since I had seen him in my dreams, and even longer since I last saw him in person.

I laid back against the steps, crossing my legs, and staring up at the night sky. I felt the vial attached to the chain on my neck roll. I picked up the vial, holding it up to the moon. Every time, I was too late to use it. What was the point of giving me something that I couldn't use to help others? I let it drop back onto my chest. I heard some cheering inside, as music played and the festivities continued.

It was peaceful out here. I could hear the horses and the crickets, the wind was gentle and pleasant, the only disturbance was a muted celebration from the hall behind be. I contemplated going back in, but quickly shut down that idea.

The hall door opened behind me. Looking, I saw Aragorn with two cups in his grasp.

"I managed to find some wine. since you don't like ale." I smiled at the Ranger as he sat down next to me. I muttered a quick 'thanks' and took the offered drink.

"How's it going in there?" He grinned.

"Gimli passed out after a drinking game."

I snorted, not surprised.

"He lost against Legolas." I raised my eyebrows, and Aragorn nodded. Humming, I went back to my drink.

The was a pause in our conversation.

"What were you thinking about?" Aragorn asked, head tilted towards me as we gaze up at the stars.

I let out a huff of air.

"Lots of things..." I closed my eyes for a moment, breathing in deeply. "Home mainly. But also this journey so far. We've lost Boromir and Haldir... and I couldn't even do anything to help them, I should have been there..."

Aragorn is silent... waiting for me to continue.

"And we still haven't heard any news of when or where Sauron will strike next! I just... I miss him, Aragorn. This is the longest I've been without him since we began courting."

He took my spare hand in his, squeezing it tightly.

"You couldn't have done anything for Boromir or Haldir. what matters is what you can do now... Honour their memory. News will come soon enough, we can only focus on the moment. If we fail now, later does not matter..." The ranger let out a sigh.

"Elrond would be proud of you. Really concerned, but proud."
I nodded, greatful for Aragorn's comfort.

I stood up, gesturing Aragorn to follow.

"We should get back to the celebrations."

I open the doors, and the sound of cheers and singing swarms us, as the light floods the entrance.

Merry and Pippin are dancing on the tables, their ale sloshing over the edge of their mugs. Behind the crowd, I walk up beside Gandalf, as the two hobbits finish their song. The Wizard is laughing and clapping at the hobbits.

"Any news of Frodo?" The wizard to continues to look forward, as another song starts, and the celebrations continue.

"No word..." He releases with a breath, "Nothing."

"We still have time."

Gandalf's head whips to look at Aragorn, as he continues.

"Every day Frodo moves closer to Mordor."

"Do we know that?"

Gently, The ranger responds.

"What does your heart tell you?"

A small look of hope graces Mithrandir's face, and for the first time tonight, Gandalf's raises his head and stands tall, feeling less weighed down by guilt.

"That Frodo is alive..." I smile at both of them, myself feeling more relieved.

"Yes - yes, he is alive."

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