Chapter 12 - Saruman's Tower

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Aloryssa's POV:

Bird's above us sing a merry tune. They dip and dive through the tree's paying no heed to the strange party trekking through a recently liberated Isengard. The change of pace was nice. I was still sore from the battle yesterday, but the joy of being alive was energy enough for me.

Gandalf leads us through the forest, though it seems more like a swamp, the water lapping and splashing against our horses legs as we walk along the path. As we travel through Isengard, Theoden's people are on their way to Rohan.

Soon enough, we reach a the edge of the tree's, and entered the remains of Isengard. Rocks and boulders of its remains peak out above the flooded lands. Our party moves thought the destruction, closer to the sounds of people talking.

It gets louder as we continue down the trail, until eventually we come across a wall, still intact. On top of that wall, were two hobbits, both familiar to us.

"I feel like I'm back at the Green Dragon after a hard day's work." Pippin said, while puffing smoke from his pipe, and taking a large gulp from his mug.
Merry looked at the other Hobbit, his face joyful and relaxed.

"Only, you've never done a hard day's work..." I laugh at the sight of the Hobbits, drawing their attention to us, just as Pippin was about to refute Merry's argument.

"Welcome, my Lord's, and my Lady," Merry said casting a wink to me, "to Isengard."

Gimli states at the Hobbits in pure disbelief, as he looks at their spread of food and drink.

"You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you, feasting and smoking!" Gimli's tone was that of jealousy, and his face showed the same expression. Merry leans forward, with a bright grin on his face as he takes another puff of smoke.

"We are sitting on a field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts." He smirks at Gimli, "The salted pork is particularly good."

I amlsot felt sorry for the Dwarf, as he practically salvitated at the though.

"Salted pork?"

I chuckled at the Hobbits, as Gandalf shook his head in exasperation.

"Were under orders, from Treebard, who's taken over management of Isengard."

Aragorn moves forward to take Pippin onto his horse, and I do the same for Merry, pulling on to ride behind me.

We continue on, towards Saruman's tower, as it stands in its original form, despite the destructive storm that had just passed through.

We come up to the tower, were a stray tree was situated. It was a peculiar tree... It almost looked as if it had a face.
"Burarum... Young master Gandalf." I only just held back a yelp as it started talking.

"I'm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone, I can master, but there's a Wizard to be managed here," the Ent points up at Saruman's tower, "Locked in his tower."

Gandalf is quiet for a moment, staring at the tower.

He nudges Shadowfax closer to the tower, still staring at the top of the tower. "Show yourself."

I follow after Mithrandir, and he looks back towards us with a warning.

"Be careful, even in defeat, Saruman is dangerous.

Gimli scoffed, tired of Gandalf's lack of action.

"Let's just have his head and be done with it!"

Gandalf shook his head, glancing back at the Dwarf for a split second,.

"No. We need him alive. We need him to talk."

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